Ch 24 Defeating a Legend Again

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The next couple of days went by and Atticus was still out cold. Alexis was still depressed that Atticus was still out but she knew he was a fighter. Jaden wanted to cheer Alexis up but he knew that soon Atticus will soon awaken. Then he realized that today was the day that he would face the pharaoh that was undefeated but he wouldn't be for very long. Yubel then appeared and said "Jaden if you want you could use your other deck instead of just using you Elemental Heroes. You could use Neos and your Evil Heroes or me because you have used your other heroes more often then before."

Jaden answered Yubel "I will use them one or two more times then we will go to a different deck and we will go from there ok. I love you Yubel." Yubel was touched and her fiendish heart melted hearing those words. She knew that Jaden loved her but he also loved Alexis as well so she wanted to do everything in her power to get them together and give advice about women. Jaden then decided that the best course of action was to go to class and then as night falls go to the lighthouse and defeat the pharaoh.

Alexis went to the lighthouse and saw that Zane was there thinking and being silent and he didn't noticed that Alexis was coming his way. Alexis said "hey Zane what are you doing out here this late at night?" Zane looked at Alexis and said "I just wanted to clear my head and focus on school. Not to mention that I lost my title to Jaden. Alexis smiled at the thought of Jaden and Zane saw this. Zane said "Alexis do you like Jaden?" Alexis looked at Zane and was shocked by the question.

Alexis said "Zane why do you ask such a question?" Zane said "Alexis we have known each other for a while but you have never been interested in boys. Your brother was always trying to get you a boyfriend but you always said no. So do you have a crush on Jaden?" Alexis said "yes, I like Jaden he is someone that always makes me smile when the day is dark. He makes me feel like a duelist and a woman. He understands me and he knew what to do and I am drawn to him and I will always feel this way when I am near him."

Zane said "I said did you like him, but I see now that you are in love with him. Alexis I know that you are confused and want to let your heart out to him but he is not ready for you. let your heart and his become closer together and bond with him before he falls for another girl. After all I have seen some of the girls looking at Jaden and I think that they are interested in him so you must strengthen your bond even if it is just for a minute."

Then the sky lit up and they saw a ship float from the sky and come towards the school. Then mummies attacked as the ship landed and then as they captured Alexis and Zane Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, Banner and Chazz came to rescue the two of them. Jaden and the gang got onto the boat and then the pharaoh introduced himself as the undefeated pharaoh Abidos that the gang had learned the day before. Jaden then challenged his to a duel and the pharaoh accepted.

Abidos draws. He then Normal Summons "Pharaonic Protector" (900/0) in Defense Position and Sets a card. Jaden draws. Abidos then activates his face-down "The First Sarcophagus". Now during each of Jaden's End Phases, Abidos must place a card from his hand or Deck into his Spell & Trap Card Zone in this order: "The Second Sarcophagus", "The Third Sarcophagus". If a Sarcophagus card is removed from the field, all Sarcophagus cards will be sent to the Graveyard. When Abidos has all three Sarcophagus cards on his field, he may send them all to the Graveyard to activate the last effect of "The First Sarcophagus".

Jaden then Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Avian" (1000/1000) in Attack Position. He then activates "H - Heated Heart" to increase the ATK of "Elemental Hero Avian" by 500 ("Avian": 1000 → 1500/1000) and grant "Avian" the ability to inflict piercing damage.

"Avian" attacks and destroys "Pharaonic Protector". "Avian" then inflicts piercing damage to Abidos (Abidos 4000 → 2500). During the End Phase, Abidos activates "The Second Sarcophagus" via the effect of "The First Sarcophagus". At the same time, the effect of "H - Heated Heart" expires ("Avian": 1500 → 1000/1000).

Abidos draws "Pot of Greed" and subsequently activates it to draw two cards. He then activates "Tribute to the Doomed" to discard "Pharaonic Protector" and destroy "Avian". Abidos then Normal Summons "Pharaoh's Servant" (900/0) in Attack Position. "Pharaoh's Servant" attacks directly (Jaden 4000 → 3100). He then Sets a card.

Jaden draws. He then activates "E - Emergency Call" to add "Elemental Hero Sparkman" to his hand. Jaden then Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Sparkman" (1600/1400) in Attack Position. He then activates "R - Righteous Justice" to destroy "The First Sarcophagus", but Abidos activates his face-down "Magic Jammer" to negate and destroy "R - Righteous Justice" by discarding one card[Notes 1]. "Sparkman" attacks and destroys "Pharaoh's Servant" (Abidos 2500 → 1800). Jaden then sets a card. During the End Phase, Abidos activates "The Third Sarcophagus" via the effect of "The First Sarcophagus".

Abidos draws. He then sends "The First Sarcophagus", "The Second Sarcophagus" and "The Third Sarcophagus" to the Graveyard in order to Special Summon "Spirit of the Pharaoh" (2500/2000) in Attack Position. Since "Spirit of the Pharaoh" was Special Summoned, its effect activates, allowing Abidos to Special Summon two "Pharaoh's Servants" (900/0 each) and two "Pharaonic Protectors" (900/0 each) from his Graveyard in Attack Position.

Jaden then activates his face-down "Invincible Hero" to give "Sparkman" immunity to destruction by battle this turn. Abidos then activates "Thousand Energy" to increase the ATK and DEF of all Level 2 or below Normal monsters on his side of the field by 1000 for this turn (both "Pharaoh's Servants": 900 → 1900/0 → 1000; both "Pharaonic Protectors": 900 → 1900/0 → 1000). At the end of the turn, every monster affected by "Thousand Energy" will be destroyed.

All five of Abidos' monsters attack "Sparkman". Due to the effect of "Invincible Hero", "Sparkman" is not destroyed by any of the attacks (Jaden 3100 → 2800 → 2500 → 2200 → 1900 → 1000). Abidos then activates "Soul Guide" to Tribute one of his "Pharaonic Protectors", gain Life Points equal to the ATK of "Pharaonic Protector" (Abidos 1800 → 3700), and add one more copy of "Pharaonic Protector" from his Deck to his hand. On Abidos's End Phase, the last effect of "Thousand Energy" activates, destroying Abidos' "Pharaonic Protector" and two "Pharaoh's Servants".

Jaden draws "Hero Flash!!". He then Normal Summons "Elemental Hero Clayman" (800/2000) in Attack Position. Jaden then activates "O - Oversoul" to Special Summon "Elemental Hero Avian" (1000/1000) from his Graveyard in Attack Position. Jaden then activates "Hero Flash!!" to Remove from play "H - Heated Heart", "E - Emergency Call", "R - Righteous Justice" and "O - Oversoul" from his Graveyard and Special Summon "Elemental Hero Burstinatrix" from his Deck (1200/800) in Attack Position as well as allow all of his Elemental Hero Normal Monsters to attack directly this turn. "Avian", "Burstinatrix", "Clayman", and "Sparkman" all attack directly (Abidos 3700 → 2700 → 1500 → 700 → 0).

Then Abidos then took his leave and then Jaden smiled at the fact that he had defeated Abidos for the second time. Yubel then appeared and said "Jaden what happens next after this battle I would like to know?" Jaden said "Titan comes back as a shadow rider and he takes on Alexis but I need to bring Atticus with me when we go back to the abandoned dorm. I feel like some things I have to keep the same and then I have to change some things and keep the same for others. But till that happens I will be doing the same till I want to change the past.

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