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Louis was three months pregnant. Shit.

He had only turned eighteen the month prior and he couldn't afford a baby. His boyfriend... His ex-boyfriend, he still had to remind himself, had just dumped him two weeks ago and already replaced him with another guy. His life already sucked before Michael dumped him. Before he got knocked up.

He grew up, jumping from town to town, going to all different schools all around England. He lived in so many places, he had lost track of them all. However, he gained some sort of normality. He had been living with his grandparents since he was fifteen when his mum went off with some dude.

His grandparents were extremely religious and took the translation of Christianity the wrong way. This wrong belief was that gays were evil and a whole boat load of other nonsense. They hated anyone that was different. It was infuriating to live with them and their one-way life view.

He knew for a fact that once his grandparents found out, they would kick him out. They were that homophobic and didn't even know that he was gay. They thought Michael was his friend, not his boyfriend. He only had one actual friend beside his ex and that was Liam Payne. He was the only person who didn't judge him. He didn't care that Louis was gay, never did.

He drove over to Liam's house when he came back from the clinic. He had the blood work results and his ultrasound photo folded up, confirming his greatest fears, safely tucked away in his pocket. The only thing Louis needed right now was the comfort of his best friend. He knocked on the door and Karen opened up the door, smiling brightly.

"Hi darling, come on in. Liam is upstairs in his room," Karen greeted.

She was the only positive woman role model in his life. She was warm, inviting, kind, and she didn't judge anyone until she met them. She liked to talk someone's ear off, but she would also listen to some talk for hours. Karen was the first person Louis came out to. He was afraid of Liam's reaction and wanted to tell someone else first. When he told her, all she did was smile. And whenever Louis came over, she'd always point Louis in the direction of Liam. She knew how close the boys were.

"Thank you," Louis said, his throat still thick from crying earlier.

He went up the stairs and knocked on Liam's door, rather than his normal busting into the room. He didn't feel like himself. Not when there was a little baby was growing inside of him. Liam opened the door and his eyebrows instantly furrowed. "Get your ass in here. What's wrong with you?"

Louis walked past Liam, sitting down on the bed and pulling out the two pieces of paper. He drew in a deep breath and said, "I'm pregnant."

"Pregnant?" Liam asked, closing the door.

"Yeah... I didn't even know..." Louis said, his eyes filling with tears again. He pulled his knees up to his chest. He felt like he was going to throw up. He was too young. How could he be a dad to a baby when he was still young and immature himself? He murmured, hot tears falling down his cheeks, "I don't know what to do."

"Does Michael know?" his best friend asked, sitting beside the pregnant boy and resting his hand on Louis' shoulder. He felt the respect and the support from his friend.

Louis shook his head and said, "No."

"Are you planning on telling him? He does has a right to know."

"He already has a new boyfriend. He was only with me to have sex with me... He wouldn't care about this baby... I shouldn't have been so stupid and I didn't know that I could even get pregnant. Liam, I don't know what I'll do. My grandparents are so homophobic. I'm going to be homeless with a baby. What am I going to do?"

Liam said, shaking his head, "If you're grandparents kick you out, you can stay here."

"What?" Louis asked, looking up at the younger boy. "No, I couldn't. That's...too much to ask for. I can get a job until I'm due... Get my own place."

"No. My mum loves you. You're welcome here." Liam was always accommodating, Louis was grateful for that.

"How do you know that? Huh?" Louis asked. "Your mum... I can't."

"Well, I'll talk to her and you go tell your grandparents," Liam said. "You're my best friend, Louis. I'll be with you every step of the way."

Louis went home that night and told his grandparents that he was gay and pregnant. They yelled and screamed at him and told him to get out of their house. Louis had never heard so many derogatory, cruel words verbally thrown his way in his life.

With a lump of his throat and tears in his eyes, Louis packed up his things, got in his car that he saved up for the previous summer. He drove home to Liam's and knocked on the door. He prayed that Liam's parents allowed him to have a place to stay. Even if it was for a few weeks, a few months. Anything.

Geoff, the more quiet type but was just as kind and welcoming as Karen, opened the door this time and said, "You're welcome to come in."

For the next six months, Louis stayed in Karen and Geoff's basement that was remodeled into a bedroom. They gave him no pressure or guilt for him living off of them. All they did was support him. He gave birth in the late evening on August 4th to Isabella May Tomlinson.

Louis had Liam and Karen at his side the whole entire birth. She was perfect, six pounds eight ounces. She had the perfect little nose, soft brown baby fine hairs, and cute little ears. He couldn't imagine his life without her.

Liam, Karen, and Geoff helped Louis with baby Isabella at every step of the way. When Louis finally went back to Uni, Karen watched Isa. When Louis went to find a job, Geoff gave him the spectacular recommendations. Louis had everything because of Karen and Geoff Payne.

He thought he had everything, until him.

A/N: here's the prologue to my new story! I hope you enjoyed it. It's going to be fun, emotional, and Larry filled

What do you think of the prologue? Please feel free to let me know what you think by leaving a comment below. I love reading through them!

See you all in the next one!
- SRWS xx

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