Chapter Eleven: Sever

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It had been one full month of ignoring Harry. Louis needed to move on, and the man who he had an one night stand with couldn't let him go. Louis was trying to focus on his daughter. He was trying to work things out with Michael.

Harry started coming up to his work and bringing Louis coffee. He'd bring him muffins and bagels, sometimes flowers. Louis' heart hurt because he did care for Harry, so much. But he couldn't handle the heartache that surrounded him. So, he told him to stop coming up and Harry listened. He then resorted to phone calls and texts.

And those calls and texts were getting on his nerves. He was attempting a relationship with Isabella's father. Louis felt like it was fake to at least give it a shot, like he gave Harry a shot when he was pregnant with their baby.

However, Harry was baggage that Louis wanted to store away, but refused.

It was a Tuesday morning when Louis got a call at his desk, "Princeton Insurance, this is Louis Tomlinson."

"You changed your number," Harry said through the line.

Louis sighed, closing his eyes. "Don't call me at work, Harry."

"Oh, is Michael there? I'm sorry," he said, sassily.

"No, he isn't. Thank you very much," Louis snapped at him. "You need to let go of all this and leave me alone."

"You're only doing this because we lost our baby."

"Shut. Up."

"No, you want to forget about me and our baby. You want to push away the hurt, like you've always done," Harry said, acidly.

"Harry, if you contact me again, I'll call the police and make sure you have to keep your distance from me. Everything that happened between us was a mistake. You know that. I only tried to be with you after I slept with you because I was pregnant. Guess what? I'm not pregnant anymore. Don't use what happened against me. You helped out after I lost the baby and I appreciate it, but I'm healed now. Michael is Isabella's father, you are not. Giving him a chance to be her father is his right, not your's."

"If he hurts you and Isabella because he's a fucking dick, don't come back to me. You're making a mistake. A huge fucking mistake, but you're too blind to see it. I'm done trying to show you."

"You're the worst thing to have happened to me, Harry Styles. I don't think I want to even hear your name again," Louis snapped out on a yell.

Harry yelled back, "Fuck off, Louis! I'm done with all of this bullshit with you."

"Fuck off," Louis growled out, then he slammed the phone back down on the console.

Louis looked around and the whole office's eyes were on him. Perrie was crying, shaking her head at Louis. She was still rooting for Harry and him to work things out and Louis had just destroyed it all. Tears were burning in his eyes, he got up and went into his managers office. Jordan looked and looked concerned.

Louis asked, "Can I go home? I think I'm coming down with something."

"Of course," Jordan said with a nod. "Feel better, Tomlinson."

Louis grabbed his stuff, not making eye contact with anyone, and rushed out of the office. As he reached the lobby, Harry and Zayn were outside of the daycare. Louis' heart soared with pain at the sight of Harry sobbing his eyes out and Zayn trying to console him.

Zayn looked up and made eye contact with Louis. His eyes glowed with rage. He yelled, "Are you down here to make it worse, you motherfucker?" Louis kept going for the door, dropping his eyes. "Yeah, run the fuck away like you always do. Fuck you, Louis! Fuck you!"

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