Chapter Eight: Storm

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The last three weeks with Louis has been beyond everything Harry could've ever asked for. Their day-to-day lives blended seamlessly together. Harry would follow Louis home after work, spend time with him, Isabella, and even Liam.

Harry was officially in love. He had tried to put the breaks on it, but he just couldn't. Louis was everything that he had ever wanted and he was carrying their child. That caused a softening to Harry's already soft heart. Harry appreciated his smile, his warm personality, his light that surrounded him. He was surrounded by Louis' light and he didn't want to ever be without it.

It was two weeks since Louis and Harry had dinner with Zayn and Perrie and Louis was going to meet Harry's mum and sister for an early dinner. They were visiting that weekend and they insisted on meeting the man that was taking up Harry's free time.

Louis was extremely hesitant at first, but when Harry reasoned that he would have to meet them eventually because of their baby, he gave in.

They were bringing Isabella as Liam was going on his fifth date with his coworker's friend. Louis confided in Harry that Liam was serial dater and he really didn't stick to a girl for more than a date or two. So, Louis felt like this girl could be The One for Liam.

Louis came out with a pressed black dress shirt and a clean pair of his khaki work pants, asking, "Is this okay?"

"You look beautiful," Harry complimented, giving Louis a kiss to his cheek.

"Do you mind running down to the corner shop and getting me some Tylenol? I have a back ache today and it won't go away," Louis said. "I ran out here."

"Is Tylenol okay to take with the baby?" Harry asked, grabbing his wallet from the counter and slipping on his shoes.

"Of course. My OB recommended it when I was pregnant with Isabella. She's fine," Louis said. "Tell me the balance and I'll pay you back when you get back."

"Nonsense," Harry said, smiling at Louis and giving him a kiss on the mouth quickly.

He jogged down to the shop and got a bottle of Tylenol along with a Coke. Louis had been craving lots of soda, Coke specifically, recently. Harry made sure he had it constantly.

When he returned about ten minutes later, Louis took the Tylenol with the Coke and they left to go to dinner. In the car, Isabella asked, "Who are we meeting?"

"It's my mum and sister," Harry answered, turning in his seat to look at the little girl. She was wearing a spring dress, it was a pretty turquoise color, with tights and a sweater as it was a warmer day in London.

"You have a sister?" Isabella asked. "I want a sister, Papa."

"Ask the Easter Bunny, my little chickpea." Louis was so good at avoiding his daughter's demands, it made Harry snicker in the passenger seat. Louis glanced his way and winked.

They arrived at the restaurant, which happened to be the same place that Harry took Louis on their first and only date. This was on purpose. Louis glanced over at him and squinted his eyes playfully, "Really, Harry?"

"This happens to be my mum's favorite place when she comes to London," Harry lied.

"Hm, sure it is," Louis smirked. They entered the restaurant and went to the table under their reservation. Harry noticed that Louis was getting fidgety and he was playing with Isabella's hair a lot, trying to perfect it.

"I think her hair is fine, love," Harry said, grabbing Louis' hand and placing it to his lips. Louis stopped what he was doing, glancing over at Harry and giving him a smile.

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