Chapter Seven: Chance

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Louis was nine weeks along. He forgot how tiring the first trimester of pregnancy was. He felt like working full time, parenting Isabella, and starting a relationship with Harry easily became the most tiring things ever.

He came home after an eight hour day to Liam and Isabella in the kitchen. Liam had picked her up from school, since she got out of class early and Liam works half days on Friday's. Louis walked up to them and started to yawn, he was exhausted and Liam looked at him suspiciously. He had yet to tell Liam about the baby. Only Harry knew as of now.

"Hi Papa!" Isabella cried out.

"Hi chickpea," yawned out Louis. "I'm gonna take a nap. Be good."

"Is everything alright, Lou?" Liam asked. "You've taken a nap everyday for two weeks."

"Just haven't been sleeping good. Harry's coming over in an hour, wake me when he gets here."

Louis and Harry spent most of their free time together since last week. They shared lunches again and Harry came over to Louis' flat an hour after work. Louis was enjoying that time with him, he was letting his hard heart soften to him.

"Again? Are you going to explain why he's suddenly back?"

"Later," nodded Louis. "When I'm not tired. Do you want to take a nap with me, chickpea?"

"We're making brownies, Papa," Isabella said, showing her flour covered hands.

"Alright," Louis laughed, kissing her forehead.

He went into his room and changed into his lounge clothes. He noticed that he was starting to put on a little weight already. Maybe it was just in his head, but his sweatpants were a bit tighter.

He fell asleep, his eyelids heavy. He dreamt of his future, Isabella, this new baby and even Harry. He dreamt a lot of Harry recently.

Louis woken up by a pair of lips against his hairline and a pair of arms coming around him. It was Harry. He didn't have to open his eyes to know that. His smell filled his senses and his warmth covered his skin.

"Hi," Louis mumbled out, scooting his body closer to Harry's.

"You're cuddly tonight," Harry spoke softly, squeezing softly.

"Hm... Only 'cause I'm sleepy."

Harry's laugh rumbled against Louis, "Sure."

"I'm hungry," Louis said as his stomach growled loudly.

"I can make something," offered Harry. "I'll go look in the fridge."

Harry kissed Louis' head again and got out of the bed, leaving the smaller boy feeling cold. He opened his eyes and watched as Harry left the bedroom.

Louis had to admit, he was slowly but surely falling in love with Harry. He was a sweet man, very caring and thoughtful. Figuring things out. That's what they were doing.

Louis got out his bed and stretched. It was a must needed nap. He shuffled out to the kitchen area and saw Harry looking in the fridge and Liam narrowing his suspiciously at him.

Louis spoke out, "Hey guys."

"Lou, what's going on?" Liam demanded. "Why is Harry back? Not that I don't approve, but you were so... determined that you weren't seeing him again."

Louis and Harry looked at each other. Louis looked down at his feet before making eye contact with his best friend and announcing to him, "I'm pregnant."

"What?" Liam asked, eyes filling with tears.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" Louis questioned. Why was Liam getting emotional?

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