Chapter Twelve: Walls

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Six Months Later...

Louis lived with regret for half a year. With the help of therapy, he realized that he was extremely selfish and inconsiderate. He knew he was a piece of shit, but the pain of his loss and the issues from his past was too much to handle at times. His walls shot up and his defenses went up. He reverted into himself, just like he had every time someone hurt him before.

He knew that there was no going back with Harry, as much as he'd like to. He realized that Harry was the literal perfect guy. Anyone would be lucky to score him, and Louis had. He took him for granted. Louis' heart ached when he really thinks about what he lost. He was in love with Harry, he could admit it now. He was in love with someone who, more chances than not, hated his guts.

Louis did what he did for the past seven years of his life before Harry Styles came into his life. He took it one day at a time. He found a new job, relatively quick. Isabella was adjusting well, as much as missed Harry. And Michael... Well, that ended as soon as it started.

When he realized that he had to be an actual parent if he wanted to be apart of Isabella's life, he bailed. He stated that he couldn't devote himself to her like she deserved and he sent Louis money every month to help out with her. It was a nice gesture, but Louis didn't want or need the money. So he opened up a account for Isabella and put the money there.

Perrie was still apart of Louis' life as well. They would meet up weekly, if they could. Andrew and Isabella would have playdates as they had tea. Perrie would try to talk to Louis about Harry, but he would stop her. As much as the wounds had healed, it still hurt to hear his name. All he knew of him was that he was back in school, doing what he was intending on putting off, as scheduled.

Andrew's eighth birthday was approaching. Normally, Louis wouldn't think too much about it. However, he agreed to go to the birthday party where Harry was obviously going to. It didn't strike him that he had done that until Andrew was telling Isabella that his Uncle Harry was planning a big surprise for him on one of their playdates.

His heart wretched at the sight of his daughter's eyes when she realized it was Harry. Those wide, blue eyes were full of excitement and tears.

As much as Isabella loved her Uncle Liam, she wanted to see Harry more than anything else. Louis didn't realize the bond they formed until she didn't have it. She was hurt. She lost someone that she had started to love. Louis wished he could help her, because he had grown up with that pain. But there was nothing he could.

Louis had even tried to reach out to Harry, in regards of Isabella. He had received a birthday present on Isabella's seventh birthday in August from Harry. It was a Visa gift card and a book set of the Harry Potter series, one that his daughter hadn't read yet but wanted to. She was so excited about it and thankful to Harry.

Louis had texted him a simple message, "Thank you for Isabella's gift. She's been wanting the books. She was close to tears. Thank you." But with no surprise, he had no reply.

It was Friday morning, two days before Andrew's birthday. Louis was doing his normal routine with his daughter, getting her ready for the day. Liam came into the kitchen and asked if he could speak to Louis privately. Louis agreed and gave Isabella her breakfast before exiting the kitchen.

He entered Liam's room and asked, "What's going on?"

"I... Cheryl's pregnant," Liam said. A smile broke out on his best mate's face and Louis felt so happy for him. They had only been together for about nine months, but Cheryl was a good match for Liam. Isabella immediately attached to her, much like as she had with Perrie, deeming her Auntie Cheryl.

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