Chapter 13: A Secret For a Secret.

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Chapter 13:


Maddie’s p.o.v:

  I jumped out of the truck watching as Taylor smirked at me. “Don’t forget my makeup in the truck or I’ll murder you.” I said giving Taylor a death glare. “Got it, need a gum?” She joked back. I laughed as I made my way into the Starbucks. I stood in the short line as I tried to decide what to get. “Next.” The cashier said. “Can I get a tall vanilla bean Frappuccino with a shot of mint?” I asked as I took out my wallet. “Yes, that’ll be 4.55.” He said. “Name for the cup?” I handed him a five dollar bill. “Maddie.” I said smiling. “I knew it! No wonder you are so hot. Are you Maddie Day?” He asked. I blushed slightly, “Yes, yes I am.” I said as he handed me the correct change, making sure that he touched my hand with his own. “Your drink will be ready over there.” He said directing his thumb to the right. I nodded as I put the change in my wallet walking to the right. “Vanilla Bean Frap for… Maddie?” A girl called out. “Oh that’s mine.” I said softly grabbing my drink. “Maddie over here!” I hear Louis’ voice call out. I turned to see him standing beside a booth waving me over. I ran a hand through my hair as I made my way over to his booth.

I sipped my frap as he began the small talk. "So how have you been?" He asked smiling at me. I looked up from the very interesting straw. "Should I lie and say I've been wonderful, to make you feel better?" I asked him my voice sad. "Mads, don't blame this on me." He said bringing his coffee in his hands and to his mouth. "If you don't remember, I tried to fix things. You pushed me away Lou." I said moving my eyes back down my straw. I felt his finger lift my chin up, forcing me to look into his eyes. "And it hurt me Mads, Just as much as it hurts you, and now you are going on a date with Harry?" He said looking me in the eyes. "Truth is Louis, there was no date." I started, "I just panicked, I mean look at you; you moved on so fast and me; well I'm still in love with you." The words coming out before I can stop them. "Don't be so quick to think love." He said removing his finger from my chin. I let out a soft sigh as I look back down at my straw. "And you, how are you?" I asked hearing him sigh as well. "I'm feeling like this is all rushed...That's why I came to see you, for some reason your presence always seems to calm me down." He said, "Boobear-" I started but instantly freezing, I look up to see him in shock. "I mean Louis... I should probably head home." I finish wanting to slap myself for calling him his nickname from when we were dating. "W-what did you call me?" He asked his voice tight. "Louis." I said too quickly. I caught his smirk as I looked down. "How are you getting home?" He asked. "I was going to w-" I start but he cuts me off. "I'll drive you." Louis said cutting me off. I smiled at him but waved off his offer. "That's nice of you but" I stop myself from saying you should get home to Eleanor. "I need some exersize." I finished saying as I got up from the booth. "You need exersize?" He laughed. I looked down at my slim figure. I am pretty skinny, I do have curves though. "Alright, but I do love walking." I said as we walked outside. It was starting to rain, not alot just a few drops. "C'mon love, the car is over there." He said leading me towards him car. "I'm walking!" I said as I ran away from him laughing. "It's gonna start pouring!" He shouted after me. I stopped running and began to walk. As the rain began to pick up I regretted not getting a ride from Louis. I reached into my purse to grab my phone. I grabbed my phone and tried to turn it on. "Fuck." I said when it would turn on. "Dead." I threw it back into my purse and began to walk in the now pouring rain. I heard a car' tires pull up behind me and stop. "Maddie get your ass in here now!" Louis called behind me. "Okay you persuaded me!" I called running to the passenger side of his red sports car. I pulled at the handle and it didn't open. "Louis!" I shouted. He put down the window and a smirk was on his face. "Say the magic word" He said holding back a laugh. I sighed as the rain poured down on me soaking my hair. "Please." I said through clenched teeth. "Hm, thats not the magic word." He said smirking. "Louis Tomlison I swear to fucking god!" I shouted yanking at the handle. He chuckled and then unlocked the door with a click. "Thank you." I said smiling. "Your hair looks a little wet." He said as I buckled up. I shook my head as I laughed. "Your such a pain." I said. He shrugged his shoulders and began to drive.

"I had fun tonight." Louis said as we pulled into the driveway. "Me too." I said softly. He stopped the car and got out to open my door for me. I smiled as I got out. "Thanks for driving me home." I said, I started to walk up the driveway when I stepped in a puddle of muddy rain water. "Aw Fuck!" I shouted as I hopped on one foot trying to shake off the water. I heard Louis's car door open. "Need some help?" He asked laughing. "Yes please." I said laughing shaking my head. In a matter of seconds I was swooped off my feet and into his arms. "Well not what I had in mind but this works." I said smirking. Louis eyes locked on mine as he got to the front door. He put me down softly his eyes still on mine. "Uhm, I- well- I'm gonna go now." I stuttered looking down at my soaked dress. He nodded as I turned around grabbing my key and unlocking the door. Just as I was about to open the door he pulled my arm turning me around. His arms went around my waist as he pulled me close. "Lou-" I started but he leaned towards me cutting me off with a kiss. A kiss filled with passion and love, a kiss that tells me everything he never had the chance to tell me. I found myself kissing him back with just as much passion if not more. The kiss lasted longer than any other kiss we have ever shared. As we pulled away I felt empty. He looked at me sadly slowly removing his arms from my waist. "Goodnight" He said softly as he caressed my cheek with his hand. I turned back around and walked into the house. As soon as I heard him pull out of the driveway. I slid down the door and just sit there. "Maddie?" Taylor called down from upstairs. "Y-yeah, I'm down here." I called back. I stood back up and looked at Taylor as she stood at the top of the stairs. "You are soaked!" She gasped. I chuckled remembering I was soaked from the rain.

I got out of the shower and slipped on my black spandex shorts and my red popover hoodie. I towel dried my long dark brown hair, newly dyed from last week. I pulled my hair into a high bun and pulled a headband over my head. I washed my face and went downstairs to get something to eat. "Tay, want some mac&cheese" I called from the kitchen as I stood on my tippy toes to grab a box. "Sure peasant!" She yelled from the couch. I grabbed the box and twirled around dancing to grab the pot filling it with water. "I believe it's time for me to be famous and out of place." I sang as I waited for the water to boil. "And I believe it's time for me to move forward. When I break through" I sang dragging out the last word. "So next time I'll make you proud to see me over-" I was cut off by the water boiling over and hitting the burner makinga hissing sound. I lifted up the pot by the handle and turned down the stove to medium heat and then put the pot back on, I added the noodles and set a timer for nine minutes. "So you gonna tell me what happened with you and Louis?" Taylor asked interrupting my dance and sing sesh. "I might." I said looking at the ceiling. "Spill the details or I'll spill you." She said smirking. "Alright alright!" I raised my hands in surrender. She sat on the floor like a three year old waiting for a bed time story. "We talked, I may have told him I still have feelings for him, I walked home well tried he picked me up when I was soaked." I laughed shaking my head. "He joked around with me in the car, just like old times." I said smiling. "And then!" She said dragging out the last word as she clapped her hands together in anticipation. "I stepped in a puddle, he carried me to the doorstep." I couldn't stop the idiotic smile that was on my face permently. "Then he kissed me" I blurt out. Taylor jumped up and screamed. "Oh my god are you serious!" I watched her jump around. "Yeah, but he's still with Eleanor." I said sadly. "Oh yeah." She said remembering the minor detail. I guess it's just a secret now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2014 ⏰

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