Sorry (Bully! Craig Tucker x Depressed! Bullied! Reader)

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Your point of view
You were sitting in class thinking about the months past since you moved to South Park, Colorado. You had been chewed up and spit out by most of the people there. There were two types of people at South Park as far as you knew, those who watched people get bullied, and those who did the bullying.
Then there was the worst bully you had ever met, Craig Tucker. That asshole beat you up and ridiculed you over the slightest mistakes.
Last night you had cut your wrists and decided to wear a few of those rubber band bracelets over top, so no one would notice. Big mistake.
The bell rang signaling the end of class. " Hey, (Y/N)," Craig snickered. "What's this?" He grabbed one of the bracelets. " Huh," he innocently looked at you letting go and letting it snap back on your wrist.
You yelped with pain. This is the last straw! You thought. You stood up and ran out of the classroom, and out of the school as fast as your legs could carry you.
A shocked Craig watched you, but soon ran after you.

Craig's point of view
I didn't think that it would come to this. I didn't realize that I loved her. I thought she was stronger.

Your point of view
You ran to your house and up to your room. You cried as you pulled out the suicide note you wrote ages ago. It was time. You cried as you picked the gun up from the dresser.
Tap tap
Tap tap
You looked at the window to see none other than Craig honkey Tucker.
"What do you want!" You snarled.
"(Y/N)! Don't do it! I love you! Please don't-"
"Sorry, but I guess I'm not sorry Craig." You snapped before pulling the trigger and everything went black.

Craig's point of view
I still cry every night knowing I could have done something. I could have saved poor, (Y/N), but I had to be a dumbass didn't I.

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