Daydream (Butters Stotch x Reader)

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She was sitting with them again. It was lunch time and my crush (Y/N) (L/N) was sitting with Bebe Stevens, Wendy Testaburger, and Jenny Simons. Usually she sat with us because she was more of a tomboy than a girly girl/better friends with us than them. I really hope she'll come back and sit with us again soon.
"Hey, earth to Butters!" Eric yelled snapping his fingers in front of my face. This brought me out of my thoughts.
"Dude, what's gotten into you. You were just sitting there staring into space and didn't hear a word we said to you," Stan frowned.
"Dude, I think he likes someone,"Kyle commented.
I blushed scarlet,"N-no I don't."
I was blushing fifty shades of red and they were getting deeper and deeper and deeper.
"So, who is it Butters," Eric said casually.
"I don't want to tell you," I said looking like a tomato.
"How about-"
"He can keep that to himself if he wants to, fatass," Kyle interjected.
"Hey I'm not fat you stupid Jew!"
"Stop ridiculing my people you fat f***!"
And with that Kyle and Eric got into a fist fight in the middle of the cafeteria. Everyone crowded around to see the result of Kyle winning and Eric on the ground crying for his mother.
I just focused on (Y/N) at that moment. I was starting to notice all of the cute things about her like how her (H/C) hair sparkles in the light or how her (E/C) remind me of beautiful gemstones.
"Hey, Butters, you're staring," (Y/N) said blushing a light shade of pink. She was standing right in front of me now, "Butters?"
Just then I felt someone push me from behind. I fell forward causing my lips to crash into (Y/N)'s soft ones. I was kissing (Y/N) and she was kissing back! We continued like this until that stupid thing called oxygen forced us to stop.
"I love you, Butters."
"I love you too, (Y/N)," I said before pulling her in for another kiss. As we kissed we heard a voice behind us say," Well Cupid me, it looks like our work here is done."

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