Chapter 1

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My eyelids suddenly flutter open as I awake from my clouded state. Slowly, but surely, I take in the fluorescent light that started to fill the plane.

I shift my head to the right and notice the middle aged man next me sound asleep with his mouth hanging open. Clearly the idea of eating a mint after having spaghetti with garlic sauce never dawned upon him.

I held my breath as I reached over him to open the window shade.

The speaker of the plane made a crackling sound before the voice on the other end cleared.

Ladies and gentlemen this is your captain speaking. We will be landing in Los Angeles in approximately 20 minutes. Please shift your chair to the appropriate upright positions and close your food trays. Thank you for flying United Airlines.

I let out a small breath, a breath of relief.

Ever since I can remember i've always wanted to move to California. I've always hated home, well if you could even call it home. I grew up in south Florida with my mom and dad. Just me and them, I always wished I had a sibling or two to play with when growing up but I guess thats why Im so used to being alone. I went to a small private school and struggled keeping friends throughout high school. Those preppy snobs never really understood me, except my two best friends Kyle and Lexi. The only time I am truly happy, aside from being with them, is when I visit my family out here in California.

"Umm, excuse me, ma'am?"

I snap back into the real world within the blink of an eye. The once sleeping man next to me is now awake and is impatiently waiting for me to move my ass. I look around and notice the almost half of the plane has cleared.

"Oh sorry!"

I say with an apologetic smile. His face muscles suddenly relax as a sympathetic smile appears across his lips. I quickly gather my bags and and shuffle off the plane.

Finding my way to baggage claim doesn't take long. I find myself  surrounded by familiar faces from the flight, including one extra cute one who appears to be about my age, give or take a few years. He's about 6'1'', medium brown hair that sits messily on top of his head, light blue eyes, breath taking lips, but those eyes-- Shit! He just saw me staring at him. I smoothy shift my gaze to the conveyer belt, why is this damn thing taking so long. The tall figure in the corner of my eye begins to move closer to me, probably to tell me to 'take a picture, it will last longer.' I keep my vision focused on the belt.

"Hey I'm Aaron."

He says with an enticing smile, god those lips. I shift my body to be alined with his before taking in a sharp breath to respond.

"Hey I'm Scarlet."

I answer coolly while flashing a toothy smile.

"Scarlet, that's a pretty name."

I feel my smile grow bigger and my cheeks begin to warm. Calm down Scar, you've talked to plenty of guys before, chill. The warmth begins to fade, good.

"Thanks, my friends call me Scar."

He crosses his arms in front of his chest and nods his head.

"So, Scar, what are you doing here in this beautiful state of California?"

He says looking up and gesturing towards the sky.

"How do you know I don't live here?"

I say with a playful expression.

"Well by the looks of your watch you are approximately 3 hours ahead and if you lived here I'm sure that would have been changed long before even boarding the plane."

He responds effortlessly.

"Very observant of you."

I throwback with out breaking the eye contact.

"Well i'm and observant guy."

He leans in a bit closer.

"Are you now?"

I tease. I feel my cheeks beginning to get sore from holding a smile for so long.

"I am."

He says calmly.

The sound of the conveyer belt breaks our gaze. Of course my bag is the one of the first ones out. I reach down and haul my bag over that edge before placing it on the ground.

"Well I got to go my cousin is probably waiting for me."

I feel my smile fade, I really wish this didn't have to end.

"Well would it be okay if I got your number then?"

The smile returns.

"Yeah, yeah."

I reach for my bag and take out a black pen. He pulls up his right sleeve and steps in close. I write down my digits and look back up into his eyes.

"There it is!"

I can hear the confidence in my voice, geez i'm turning into my mother.

"Well hopefully i'll be seeing you soon."

God his smile..

"See ya."

I smile one more time before I turn to walk away. Wait… did he just wink!? Okay Scar, stay calm, just keep going, don't look back. As my vision makes it way towards the exit, wait, is that..--


She practically yells in a high pitch screech. She opens her arms wide to pull me in for a hug.


I missed her. I missed my aunt and uncle. I missed my family.

She lets me loose and hooks her arm around my neck as we out the exit.

"My bitch! How've you been? Here give me one of those bags."

She says reaching towards my carryon bag, freeing me from her grip.

"Thanks and same old, same old. Better now that I'm here."

I say with a smile, and I mean it, I really do love it here. We walk up to a red convertible 1960 impala.

"Damn cous! Did Uncle Dave actually buy you this?"

I hear the amusement in my voice. I really need to calm down but i'm just so happy to see her.

"Well being the daughter of a big time hollywood film director has its perks."

She says with a toothy grin. Damn, she's proud.

I can't help but laugh.

"I missed you."

I say with a smile.

"I missed you too girl."

She says playfully punching my arm.

~ Hi guys! This is my first fanfic so please rate, comment, follow! I know Harry hasn't been mentioned yet but I will be posting the second chapter very shortly so stay calm, he's coming! Alright, thanks!! ~

Rebel *Harry Styles FanFic*Where stories live. Discover now