Chapter 15

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I didnt even bother going to sleep. I couldnt get Harry out of my head. I look over at the clock on my nightstand. 9:38. I take out my phone and notice I have a new message.


Hey, I just wanted to apologize for not making it to your party last night. Hopefully i'll be seeing you soon. xx

A sudden flood of guilt rushes through my body. Im just so confused.. yet., Harry and I arent even dating so why should it matter? Hell, i'm young and I deserve to be stupid at times!

I stop thinking and let my fingers tap across the screen aimlessly.


Dinner tonight at my place? 7?

I press the send button and wait for his response. I feel the phone buzz in my hand and I read the tiny words.


I'll see you tonight, beautiful. xx

I feel a smile spread across my lips as I re-read the message. Beautiful. He called me beautiful. 

I quickly get dressed and rush out the apartment, making sure to leave a message on the counter for Jen. I jump in her car and drive down the street to the grocery store. I need to get supplies to make dinner tonight.

Im just about finishing up my shopping when I notice two skinny blondes staring at me and snickering. I quickly look down at my appearance for any flaws..not seeing any I look back up and see the two girls walking away..still laughing.

A familiar feeling of anxiety rushes through my body.. something I havent felt in years.

I quickly check out and rush back out to the car and drive home. I dash into the apartment complex with the bags of groceries in hand. I impaciently open the door and throw the grocery bags on the counter and rush to my room. I close and lock the door behind me. I plug in my phone and let my music burst through the loud speakers. I make my way to the bathroom and slowly close the door behind me. I kneel down at the toliet and lift the lid all the way up. I jam my fingers in the back of my thoart and begin the gag myself. I cough twice but continue to keep sticking my fingers in the back of my mouth until I being to perge. I dont stop until I taste my stomach acid on my tounge. I lean back as a mix of anxiety, guilt, and pleasure combined into one passes through me. I slowly stand up and walk over to the sink, sticking my mouth under the rushing cool water. I clean up the remains off my hands and brush my teeth. I turn off the sink and flush the toliet. I walk into my room and unplug my phone, I unlock the door and walk out to the living room and see Jen sitting on the couch. She notices me standing by my door and gives off a warm smile.

"Hey girl what's up?"

She says still smiling.

"Jen.. it's starting again."

Her smile suddenly fades as I turn around and walk back into my room.

Rebel *Harry Styles FanFic*Where stories live. Discover now