Chapter 18

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Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Come in."

I mumble softly.

The door creeps open and those beautiful brown eyes immediatly meet mine.


He walks in closing the door behind him and stands next to the nightstand.

"Mind if I sit?"

He questions raising one brow.

I scoot to the side and simply pat the space on the bed next to me.

He nods once and sits on the soft bedding.

"Im sorry Zayn.. I really wanted to get to know you tonight but then Niall and Harry came and it just got out of hand pretty quickly."

I confess while looking up into his concerned eyes.

"How about this.."

He begins while standing up and grabbing ahold of my hands and pulling me up along with him.

"Lets ditch the loose ends and go get some pizza."

He says with a smile spread across his lips. I couldn't help but smile myself.

"I'll get my bag."


A few short minutes later i'm ready to go and Zayn and I decide to 'sneak out'.

We walk into the hallway and hear loud laughs booming from the kitchen along with the scent of my sesame chicken filling the air.

I accidently bump into a raised table causing one of the picture frames to tumble.

Zayn and I couldnt help but laugh at my sudden clumsiness.


I hush sticking my pointer finger to my lips still laugh.

"We have to be quiet!"

I whisper right before we pass the kitchen doorway, swiftly speed walking to the door.

I quickly pull it open and rush out with Zayn following behind me.


I hear a voice call from the kitchen, but I briskly shut the door and dart down the long hallway with Zayn behind me.

"Come on lets take the stairs."

Zayn says and he pushes open the emergency exist.

We probably look like two idiots laughing endlessly as we stumble down the steps but I dont care. Right now all I care about is being with Zayn. He's able to find the light in each situation and make me love life. He's...he's one of the good ones.

We stumble out of the building, still laughing, while trying to catch our breaths.

"How do you do it?"

I question while a smile.

"Do what?"

He responds with a grin as we begin to walk towards the pizza parlor.

"You just seem to always make everything... better."

I confess while briefly looking up into his eyes then back at the pavement.

"Like for instance.. at Jen and I first party I was being a total buzz killer and you made me feel better... oo! Then you saved me from Daniel like 30 minutes after that.. Then tonight.. I practicually stomped out of the kitchen to my bedroom and you made it all better... I don't understand you Zayn Malik."

I say confidently with a smile.

"You're easy to be around Scarlet, you're inviting and nice even if you don't want to be.. maybe thats why I was able to do all those things."

He says as I look up into his eyes which were already on me.

I quickly look away as a feel a blush creep onto my cheeks.

"Come on, were here."

I say and he takes my hand into his.


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