Chapter 21

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The next morning I get up around 11, I know its pretty late for me but I was up practically all night going over the pros and cons of Harry and Zayn.

I decide Harry was a hard character to read, he's unpredictable, selfish, and the kind of guy I would not want to bring home to mom and dad. But he's also protective and caring, not to mention he's completely gorgeous and has the most stunning smile. Then theres Zayn... he's kind and always makes everything better. But.. with him I dont feel that flame Harry ignites in me. He's the kind of guy I would see more of as a best friend or brother figure.

I let out an irratated groan from my gaint mind fuck.

Suddenly Jen burst through my door with a way to excited grin on her face.

"Uhhh yes?"

I ask leaning up from my bed.

"I just got off the phone with Niall!"

She says with a giant smile while jumping on to my bed.


I say slightly irratated.

"Sooo tonight you, me, Niall, and Harry are going out! Some club down by the pier!"

"I dont know Jen..."

I begin but and quickly silenced by Jen finger meeting my lips.

"No! You're going! Niall was on the phone with Harry for an hour until he finally convinced him to come. This will fix your Harry problem! Last night was your test run with Zayn, tonight you can figure out if you have anything going on with Harry. You can finally pick one!"

Shes way to perky right now, but I wont deny that it is a pretty good idea.

"Okay.. I'll go."

I begin while Jen's face suddenly lights up with excitement.

"But I dont want you saying I can finally pick one, Zayn and Harry also have a choice in the matter."

I say with a smile.


She mumbles, slightly embarassed but still happy.

"What time are we meeting them?"

I question, changing the subject.

"Were meeting them at the club at 10."

"Okay..sounds good!"

I say with a reassuring smile.

"Now leave me be, I want to get a nap in before tonight."

I snap while playfully shooing her out of the room.

"Loveee youuuuuu!"

I says while closing the door.

"Love you too!"

I shout before falling back in to bed and drifting into a deep sleep.


I woke up about 4 hours later feeling completely refreshed. I think i'm finally caught up from my lack of sleep the two nights prior. I glance over my pillow at the clock, 3:38. I jump out of bed and throw on some shorts and a tee. I grab some running shoes from the closet and walk into the living room. I put on my shoes and yell to Jen that I'd be back in 30 minutes. I grab my ipod before heading out the door.


I walk out the complex and get a decide to get a good stretch in before heading out. I stretch my arms up in the air and lean left then right. I lean forward the downwards to touch my toes.

I suddenly hear some deep chuckles behind me and instinctently snap my body up.

"Please, don't stop on my account."

An infamous british accent speaks up as I turn to face a familiar set of curls.


I whisper as my eyes scan the figure before me.

He was wearing a white v neck and black skinny jeans. He had black ray bans covering those beautiful green eyes and a cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"What are you doing here?"

I stupidly ask.

"Aside from the fact that I live here.."

He begins as he takes his sunglasses off.

"I was just on my way out to meet up with some old friends."

He says while leaning up against the wall of our apartment building.


I state with a smirk while crossing my arms infront of my chest.

"Your intuition is baffling."

He states while mimicing my stance of crossing his arms infront of his chest with a smirk spread across his lips.

This is concieted Harry, the kind of Harry this makes me want to punch him straight in his face. Any other person would make a joke of his statement, but he chooses to try and hold the upper hand. Almost as if he's trying to be one step ahead of me as we throw back and forth our snarky comments. The Harry from the pizza parlor and from the night we talked at his house is the Harry I like... the caring, simple Harry who doesn't act like a jerk. He's like two completely different people mixed into one.

I roll my eyes at his snarky comment.

"What? You don't like me spending time with your boyfriend?"

Harry asks as he pushes himself from the wall and takes a step towards me.

"He's not my boyfriend."

I retort as I uncross my arms.

"Oh he's not!"

He begins as he starts to slowly walk around me in circles, attempting to add a dramatic effect to this situation. God he's so annoying.

"So last night when you two sneak out without telling anyone,.. that was just you two being 'friends'."

He says adding quotations to friends. He stops walking and stands directly infront of me, leaving about 2 feet distance between us. He still has his arms crossed and that stupid smirk smeared across his stupid face.

"Your damn straight."

I state simply while crossing my arms again. I suddenly piece Harrys extra annoying attitude together in my head.

"But you didn't think that last night.. now did you?"

I say with a demonic grin.

Now I have the upper hand.

"And that's why you freaked out infront of everybody.. wasn't it? Admit Harry, you were jealous."

I say trying to act a calm as possible. I beat him at his own game.. and all I want to do is jump up and down in conquest.

But oddly enough he doesnt retort or deny any of what I state. He simply puts his ray bans back on along with that stupid smirk.

"I'll be seeing ya tonight Scarlet."

And with that he just walks off. Leaving me unsatisfied and confused.

Damn..he's good.

Rebel *Harry Styles FanFic*Where stories live. Discover now