Chapter 11

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The next morning I woke up peacefully, got a good yawn in then stayed relaxed in my bed.

What the hell happened yesterday?? I was up till one in the morning thinking about every detail of the date. Harry just seemed so different yesterday, so much nicer? If that is the word... I cant even describe what he was yesterday. I decided to get up and make my way into the kitchen. I pulled out a greek yogurt from the fridge and walked over the tv and plopped down on the couch. I mindlessly flipped through some channels before deciding to turn it off. Im not in the mood for television right now.

I made my way to Jens room and cracked the door open.

"Hey Jen? You awake?"

I whispered, slowly opening the door more and more.

"Yeah come on in!"

She was sitting at the vanity, getting ready for her day.

"So..what did you think of last night?"

I tried to ask casually while sitting on her bed.

"I was going to talk to you last night about it but you rushed to your room so quickly after you got home I thought i'd leave you alone! Did Harry do something?"

She asked turning towards me.

"No.. he was fine.. I guess."

"Scar, spill it."

I looked down and let out a sigh before looking back at Jen.

"I dont know Jen. He was nice and I had fun! Maybe I was just looking for him to do something wrong.."

"Back up, I need the whole story Scar."

So I told her. I told her the deal Harry and I made when he arrived at the restuarant, the way I notice the attention he gave me, the walk home, and my dramatic exist.

"Scar he seems like a nice guy! I noticed the way he'd stare and how he'd act with you! Maybe you were trying to find something wrong with him but I think you should give him a chance.. I mean Niall says he a great guy once you get to know him."

She says and I nod.

"I just dont know Jen.. on one hand he makes me mad and want to scream at the top of my lungs but on the other hand he makes me laugh and helps me cut loose and be myself. Maybe I need to get to know him better... or stay away."

I practically whispered the last part but Jen still heard and she quickly nodded, probably trying to foil some plan in her head.

"How about another party? We'll invite everyone from the last one plus Harry! You can get to know him and have fun with load of people there so if you need a quick escape you've got one!"

"I dont know Jen.."

I say mentally debating the idea. Maybe it would be a good idea.. then if I decide I need to stay away from Harry I can always go back to Zayn.. Oh god I sound like such a slut.

"Oh come on Scar! It would be fun!!"

Jen says with a huge grin before I let out a long sigh.

"Okay.. we can have the party but you have to clean up afterwards!"

I state as Jen squeals in excitement!

"Consider it done! Ahh I have to text everyone! Does tomorrow night work?"

She says looking back and forth between me and her phone.

"I dont know, ask Harry."

I say with a small grin.

God, I hope this is a good idea.

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