Chapter | 5

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5 | Fuckery

It's beginning to look a lot like fuck this. (see what i did there?) 😏😂

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I stuffed my hands into the pockets of my jacket when I walked into the library. Why was this room colder than outside?

I went up to the only computer available and signed in to check my courses. That girl has been heavy on my mind though.

Thanks to that weird fuck I'm able to go to school? But I feel like this is a setup...

"Hey, Jenae." A voice snaked into my ear and I jumped. I turned around to see Jae and she smiled at me, "What's up?"

I hesitated but I ended up telling her, "Me? Oh... I'm... I'm just looking at my schedule." Fuck... this is already awkward. "But I'm-" "-you wanna chill with me sometime?" She asked and I almost did a full 360 to make sure I heard her right. "What?"

Did she really just ask me that?

"You wanna get something to eat with me?" She asked and my mind went ballistic. Abort! Red Alert! 🚨 Abort!

"Huh?!" I accidentally shout and she looked amused as she let out a laugh, "You ain't eat yet right?-" "-Nah," I quickly said and I pulled a fast one, "I'm not hungry." Abort! Abort! 🚨 RUN!

I then quickly brushed past her and ran out the exit of the library. What the fuck... What the fuck was that?

"Yo! Jenae!" A voice shouts and I looked behind me to see Jessica and Essence walking up to me, "You saw Jae?"

"How did you know-" "-I told her where you was!" She said in excitement and I smacked her so hard her whole family could feel it, "Why would you do that?!"

"Why wouldn't I!?" She shouts back and I grit my teeth. "It's obvious she likes you!" Jessica implied and Essence raised a brow, "Oh? really?-" "-Shut up," Jessica quickly said and I looked at her in disgust, "Okay, you've definitely lost your mind."

"I know you saw her. What'd she say?" Jessica ignored my comment and I grunt. "She asked me out to eat."

"Damn! That fast? My dog bustin' moves outchea!" Jessica beamed and I mugged her, "The hell are you talking about?"

"Lemme guess. You ran away from her didn't you?" Jess asked and I didn't answer. "Dumbass!" She smacked my arm and I smacked her back, "You're the dumbass-!" "-No! You are! Don't you see she's trynna be the bigger person and get along-" "-Bigger person? My ass." I grunt.

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