Chapter | 9

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9 | Déjà Vu

Déjà Vu is the mind's way of letting you know that you're at the right
place at the right time.

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"Chasity Young?-" "-Here."

"Hillary White?-" "-Here."

"Jenae Torres?-" "-Yeah," I mumbled while opening up my laptop.

"Glad you could make it on time today," She grumbled and I paid her no mind.

"Jae? What would you like?" I heard Mrs. Keiser say and my head snapped up to the front of the classroom.

Jae walked in and closed the door behind her. "I apologize for interrupting-" She looked around for a second before heading up my aisle. "-Hold on a second. Your name isn't on my list hun," Professor Keiser said.

She slid off her bookbag before she looked at her. "I just switched into this classroom. Figured this class would be more fun." Mrs. Keiser looked taken aback before she smiled, "Oh yeah? It's nice to have you. See everyone! Even intelligent kids want to take my class."

I realized that she was standing right beside me and I quickly moved over so she could sit down. Oh, God. Why me...

She glanced at me and I kept my gaze ahead of me. Shit. Why am I so nervous!

When she looked away I peeked a glance at her. She had on a black shirt with a nice jacket over it. Her face was smooth and her hair looked freshly cut. Then she looked back and I adverted my gaze.

"Turn to page 12 in your books-" Mrs. Keiser announced. "-Jenae." Her voice snaked into my ear but I ignored it.

She then reached over and tapped my shoulder which forced me to look at her. She only waved, "Yo." I gave her a nod in response before looking back ahead. Why is she so nice?! What does she want?

"Class is dismissed. Study for your quiz," Mrs. Keiser announced.

"Jenae. How-" I grabbed my bag and left before Jae could finish her sentence.

I literally was the first one out the door right after Professor Keiser.

The next day after classes had ended she caught me while I was leaving and asked me that same question.

"You wanna grab something to eat with-" "-Nah. I have things to do," I told her and I thought she got the memo but she started following me.

I didn't bother to look back and when I couldn't take it anymore I shouted, "Yo! What exactly are-" I paused when I realized she wasn't behind me but she had actually turned a corner.

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