♂ Chapter 4 - P H A N T A S M

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♂ Zayden ♂

Today was just like any other regular day of school. Waking up at the same time, driving to school, smiling and nodding at everyone, attending the same boring classes and having Tanya's full attention.

Somehow, the last one was most painful. The girl did not get the hint and I couldn't tell her to piss off because I didn't want to hurt her. But she was a pain in the ass. The way she spoke to me in her annoying high-pitched voice, fluttered her eyelashes every minute and kept touching me was really annoying. The girl literally did not know the meaning of personal space since mine was nonexistent around her. Her smile could put a Cheshire cat to shame. I tried to avoid her as much as possible but she always found me.

All this was something that happened everyday. Yet today didn't feel like an ordinary day. There was this feeling deep inside me, that something important was going to happen. The last time I had a feeling like this was the day she told me that she was leaving.

Don't think about her Zee. You've managed to put her at the back of your mind. Don't revive those memories again. It'll be painful.

But this feeling was a little different because it made my stomach churn but not necessarily in a bad way. Almost like it was giving me a sign that something different was going to happen today.

As I entered school I heard Chase shouting my name. Chase had been my best bud for years now, since the start of middle school. He was a fun, easy-going guy who spoke his mind.

"Yo man. What's up? I rang you up yesterday. There was a party at Matt's place. Why didn't you come?"

"Didn't feel like partying." I said with a shrug.

From there our conversation drifted off to different things like football and the other guys.

"I'll see you for practise later man."


He grinned at me and left.

The entire day I managed to avoid Tanya. When I went to coach's office, there was a note addressed to me which said that practise had been cancelled and that he had an emergency.

The rest of the day was uneventful. During the last class, the weird feeling came back, only stronger this time. I ignored it and walked out of class.

I saw Chase and the other guys near my car and joined them there.

"Hey man. You've come at the right time. We were just telling Matt how much of a pussy he is."
Caleb said.

Matt made a low growling noise. "I'm not a pussy man. She's just a friend. I don't even know if she feels the same away. I can't just ask her out. What if I screw it up?"

"Just man up. Tell her how you feel and then chase her if you think she's worth it." I said.

"Oh Mr. Golden Boy has finally enlightened us with a small drop of knowledge out of his ocean of knowledge on women." Levi said.

I rolled my eyes and smiled.

"Oh please Levi. He hasn't even properly dated anyone in high school." Chase says looking at me.
"But maybe our boy is finally growing up. He might even date Tanya now." Chase adds and starts making kissing noises to which we all start laughing.

"Hey Zayden.." As if the little she devil sensed we were talking about her.

"Hey." I say casually.

The other guys are now looking at me and trying not to laugh but failing miserably. She comes and stands very close to me leaving no space at all. Why is she so against personal space?

She puts her hand on my arm and then kisses me on my cheek. I moved away slightly. Either she didn't notice or was a very good actor and pretended not to notice. This entire time I felt like someone had been staring at me. The person was behind me and I really wanted to turn around and see who it was.

"Zee.. do you wanna go back home with me? I have something for you. We could have a lot of fun together.. just you and me." She says seductively.

Oh geez, how do I escape this?

"Uhm, I can't. Got an important chore to do for dad."
Thankfully my phone starts ringing then. I pretend to read the caller's name.

"Oh it's my dad calling. I've got to go. See you around Tanya."

She looks disappointed and when I turn to leave I get disappointed because there's no one there, watching me.


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