♀ Chapter 15 - A L M O S T T W I N

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For the hundredth time I pick my phone to call Zee. And just like everytime before, I end the call before it even goes through. I feel like such a coward. I'm usually not like this. As you already know by now. But I just can't call him.

Why? Because this time I have to call him to cancel our date. I know it's the least of my problems I have now. But still, it's important.

Why? Why? Why? Why did this have to happen when everything was going good.

Yesterday, I spent the entire day walking along the Hudson river. I drove all the way to our estate along its banks. It has a very ancient and majestic feeling to it. But it's very quiet and calming for me. We have a house keeper and some other people there, who were very happy to see me. But they could tell I was upset and wanted space. So space was what I got. I spent the rest of my day there. It was very calming and just the thing I needed.

Back to the present. I have to call him. I didn't go to school today.

Don't be a coward Shanaya. Call him.

I hated when I felt like a coward. So I called him.

Ring ring.
Ring ring.

Pick up.

Actually don't pick up.

I was kind of hoping that he wouldn't pick up so I didn't have to directly talk to him. I could always leave a voice mail.

And that's what I did. After attempting to call him three more times of course. I didn't want him to feel like I was ditching him.

So when he wouldn't answer even then, it finally switched to voice mail.

"Hey, you've reached Zayden Miller's cell. So I'm currently unable to answer your call. Major bummer. Leave me a message after the beep. Beep. Haha. Just kidding. Here's the real beep.. " I heard the beep noise just a second after. Wow. That was properly coordinated and probably the most adorable thing ever. But maybe I'm just biased.

"Hey Zayden. This is Sasha. I'm so sorry but we've got to cancel our date for today. Major bummer. A slight family.. situation has come up and I can't make it. I'm sorry. So the date.. I'll take a rain check on it. So.. bye I guess. "

The entire message came across as weird and I sounded anxious but it'll work I guess. I hope he calls.

After having a light brunch, I head to the airport. Jason's flight should be here in half an hour, so I decide to just relax in a Starbucks. I'm so excited to see him. It's been only a few weeks since I last saw him, but even then.. he's literally my soulmate!

As I sat there, happily sipping my caffeine, I felt something fall on my shoulder.

I screamed.

It was an arachnid. For those of you mundanes who didn't pay attention in their biology class, an arachnid is basically a spider.

So now you know why I screamed and are a little more educated.

Back to the point, I had a spider on my shoulder and I screamed. This caused several things to happen at once:
1. An old lady in front of me got startled and poured hot coffee over her poor clueless husband.
2. A barrista knocked over an entire section of pastries.
3. A kid next to me, who probably wanted to join in on the fun, startes screaming too.
4. And my personal favourite, I poured my scorching cappuccino on a very familiar person behind me, who was also the source of the spider. A person who just lost the silly smile on his face because the coffee probably burned some sense into him.

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