♀ Chapter 10 - N I G H T O U T

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I was about to tell him to keep his yap shut when I heard someone outside screaming, "COPS."

Oh fuck, we're so screwed.

I peeked outside and sure enough I saw drunk tennagers running outside in a state of pure frenzy.
I turned around only to see Zayden sleeping peacefully oblivious to all the drama outside.

Seriously, he passed out in 2 minutes? Seriously? Boy he cannot handle getting drunk.

"Zayden, Zayden.." I try shaking him to wake him up. Instead of waking up he pulls my hand which makes me collapse next to him. "Zayden. Wake up." I shook him vigorously. I did not have time for all this. The cops could be outside right now for all I knew.I wasn't about to get arrested for the first time in my life just because this drunk idiot couldn't manage to keep himself awake for a few more minutes. Hell, I wasn't making Sam come and bail me out of the jail. Listening to another of my mom's lectures would be terrible and I probably wouldn't even be allowed to stay alone anymore. I had to wake him up.

"Zayden Miller" I screamed in his ear, "if you don't get up this second and if I get arrested because of you I will push you into Tartarus myself and make sure that there's no Annabeth in there to keep you company. So I suggest you wake up right now." Wow, I can scream.
*Mentally patting myself*

He awoke with a jolt. "God, woman, you're crazy."

"Oh good, you're awake. Finally." Just then I heard sirens outside. Shit.

"Zayden.. run." I pulled him along and we both ran out as fast as we could through the back door. Well I was the one doing the running, Zee on the other hand was doing a weird mix of dancing, jogging, stumbling and I kid you not..squealing. He was panting a lot. Guess alcohol really messes up with your system bad huh? Good thing I'm a little more tolerant.

A few streets, a string of curses (mainly from the other human with me) and a fee minutes of sloppy running later..

We slow down and start walking instead. We're on a brightly lit street now and a few people walked about (it's pretty late so most normal people would be at home watching TV or probably even sleeping).

We stand near a tree and catch our breath for a few seconds. All I need right now is a few minutes of peace and quiet. But apparently even that's too much to wish for.

"I think I'm going to be sick." He blurts out. "I think I'm going to puke."

"Yuck.. wtf?" I literally whisper yell. But seeing his pale face I do feel sorry for him. After all I am crushing on the guy (okay, okay beyond crushing on the guy, stop the eye rolling and snickers already).

"Are you okay?" I ask, my voice laced with concern.

He manages to nod.

"You know what? Let's just go home. I'll drop you at your place. Just tell me where you stay."

"I want a burger. Probably one from McDonald's." He says completely ignoring me.

"Oh right. How could I forget? MCDonalds stays open at freaking midnight for Zayden Miller." I say sarcastically.

" Midnight? What are you talking about? It's just nine." He says with shock.

Still drunk and in fantasy land I see..

"Oh who are you? Are you the new girl at school? What's your name? Oh wait, lemme guess.. is it Isabella? I'm sorry I didn't a chance to introduce myself, I'm Edward.. and you're Bella.." he looks at me expectantly like he's actually serious. He's seriously drunk.

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