Preference Three: First dates

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Dustin Henderson:
Dustin would bring you out for pizza on a first date and then bring you back to his place to hang out and eat chocolate pudding. And there may be some cuddling involved. . .

Mike Wheeler:
Mike would bring you on a long walk around the neighbourhood showing you all the places he likes to hangout and then he would bring you to go get some food at your favourite fast food joint.

Lucas Sinclair:
Lucas would bring you to the movies and then hang out with you at his house. He's pretty chill.

Will Byers:
Will would bring you on a picnic in the forest and show you castle Byers.

Eleven would bring you to the forest where you would eat the dozens of eggos she brought with her.

Johnathan Byers:
Jonathan would bring you on a car ride around Hawkings where you talk about anything and everything. He would also want to take some pictures of you.

Nancy Wheeler:
You would probably end up sneaking through Nancys window and "study"


I'm so sorry that this sucks I literally wrote this in like five minutes:(
I just realized how long it's been since I last posted.
The next imagine is a requested one.
Please request because I have so much free time on my hands and I would love to write more in this book.
Thanks for reading!


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