Request #10://NoahX Madelyn

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This imagine was written for TheaterNerd2015
Thanks for requesting!
Enjoy :)

I took a deep breath as I walked up the crowded front courtyard of the huge grey multilevel middle school.

I had to admit, I was scared. No, wait. . . I was terrified.

I had just moved to a new town a couple days ago. It seems like I had just gotten here and I was already being shipped off to school.
To make matters even worse, I didn't know anyone here.

An unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and a totally scared girl. Not a good mixture.

I walked past a bunch of different cliques, all unique in their own way. One was more of a goth group, another was more of a preppy group. Others looked like book worms while groups next to them were computer or science fiction fanatics.

"I wonder what group I'll end up in." I mumbled to myself as I quickened my pace to get inside while hanging my head low trying to avoid all the kids glances at me.
Of course when practically running with your head down unable to see anything you can probably already predict that something would go down.

And it did.

My arm full of binders and other various stationary that wouldn't fit in my backpack when flying as I hit an object causing whatever it was to groan.
I fell flat on my butt and slowly looked up at a boy in front of me who was also on his butt rubbing his side from the impact of being hit.

"I- I'm so sorry." I stuttered out while blushing in embarrassment.

"Uh- I- Its fine," the boy stuttered out awkwardly while looking into my eyes. I took a moment to take in his features. He seemed to be around my age by his looks. Soft Carmel hair and sweet looking brown eyes.
"I- I'm Noah by the way," he introduced himself while scrambling to his feet and giving me a hand up.

"I'm Madelyn." I replied with a shy smile as his soft warm hands lingered on mine for a few extra seconds.

"Oh wait you must be the new girl in my class, geez no wonder why to seemed so unfamiliar to me. Yet again this school is so big I barely know anyone other than the kids in my class." He rambled while we both bent down and began to pick up my stuff.
I reached over to grab some of my binders from him in which he turned his back and shook his head. "Let me take these at least to your locker for you, you've got enough on your hands already."

Noah guided me to the office where we got my locker combination and text books. Noah then guided me down the twisted and extremely crowded hallways. He told me how once i start to get a feel for the multilevel school, I'll feel less overwhelmed by the kids and hallways. For the time being he said speed walk me to all my classes, which I must say is an incredibly sweet gesture.

The loud bell rang sounding more like an alarm clock buzzer, signalling that classes would be starting in just under four minutes.
I grabbed my things that I would need for English and walked with Will down the halls.

"Hey Noah! Wait up!" A voice called from behind us. We both turned to see a dark skinned boy and a boy with long black hair.
(Let's just say that all the boys from the show go to the same school)

"Oh, who this?" The black haired boy asked.

"I'm guessing she's the new girl we heard about." A boy with no front teeth emerged from a crowd of people.

"I- I'm Madelyn." I replied with a smile.

"Hi Madelyn, I'm Finn and that Caleb and Gaten." The black haired boy introduced. I waved awkwardly at them as we continued our way down the long twisted hallways until we got to a classroom that all the boys walked into.
I peered my head in and sucked in a sharp breath as I saw how many kids there were in this class. It was a huge change from my once small class at my old school to this class of most likely over thirty kids.

"Are you okay Madelyn?" A quiet voice asked snapping me out of my daze. I turned my head quickly to see Noah with a light smile on his face.

"Yeah, uh, just a little overwhelmed I guess you could say." I sighed.

"Don't worry, it's actually not as bad at it looks, yeah there's a lot of kids but it's something you'll get used too." He smiled trying to make me feel better. He grabbed my hand interlace I grabbed our fingers as he lead me slowly into the classroom. "See, not too bad."
I smiled over at Noah as he brought me over to the desk next to his and told me to put my stuff down. The bell rang once more and the young teacher walked in the class with a smile.
She got me to introduce myself before telling me to choose someone to give me a tour of the school grounds in which I chose Noah.

"You know when I first got here I thought that it would be scary and weird but now I'm starting to feel more comfortable here." I smiled at Noah as we walked down the halls as he toured me around.

"Yeah and why is that?" He asked.

"Because I met you,"


Okay so first things first I'm sorry this wasn't up yesterday, I low key may or may not have fallen asleep while editing this at like 11:30 last night and then got really busy at school today so I didn't have the time until now.

I hope you enjoyed this.

Sorry for making you wait

Part 2? If so just pm me I'd be happy to make pat two of any imagines.

Please vote and comment and add feedback

Need someone to talk too or just want bored and want to talk just pm me! I love meeting new people!

Requests are still open but things are a tad slow for the moment.

Thanks for reading!


*gif and or photo will be added soon*

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