Preference One: ☏ How You Two Met☏

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How You Two Met

Dustin Henderson:

You and Dustin met at the grocery store while both of you were reaching for the last pack of chocolate puddings. He let you take them and being the nice person you are you got his number and invited him over to have one.

Mike Wheeler:

You two met each other by getting paired up as a group together. You were actually new to the school at the time and were kind of scared to meet new people but Mike made everything a whole lot better.

Lucas Sinclair

You two were longtime best friends since preschool and even though he would hang out with Dustin and Mike more and more you still consider him your best friend since he does make time just to hang out with you. Sometimes he'll even invite you over to play dungeons and dragons with his other friends.

Will Byers

You two met at school, you had noticed him around before and after getting put in the same class you finally went up and introduced yourself where you became good friends with him and his little gang.


You met Eleven through the boys. You were a part of the gang and weren't able to make it the night that the boys were going to search for Will. When you got the call about them finding a girl you snuck out and rushed over to see what all the commotion was about and sure enough they did find a girl. You and Eleven grew to be really good friends after that and it broke your heart when she disappeared after fighting off the 'Demogorgon'.

Jonathan Byers

The two of you met in a photography class at school. You guys would regularly call each other up and walk around the neighbourhoods and woods snapping pictures of cool plants and scenery. The rest is history.

Nancy Wheeler

You two have been friends for a while. You met in elementary and since then you Nancy and Barb have been the best of friends.


Sorry these preferences are sort of crappy, they're actually my first one's I've ever written!

I will do other characters upon request and so please request imagines (Which will be a lot better than this) and I hope to see you guys in the near future,


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