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I get food from my second job then head for home. I get home to see my mom and dad on the couch, watching tv while my siblings played on their electronics. I fix myself something to eat and sit down. I take out my phone and look at all of my saved photos. I have so many of Zak Bagans, host of Ghost Adventures, and lead investigator. I'm in love with this man! I'm going to meet him one day at paracon. He's so beautiful. I finish my food and continue to play on my phone. The kids were soon sent to bed. Ten o'clock I was sent to bed. I plugged my phone in and went up the stairs. Phones started aren't allowed upstairs. My parents are very strict. I'm not allowed to have a snap chat, go out with friends, have my phone upstairs, and I have a curfew. Sometimes I feel like my parents don't love me.

I wake up and go to fire training. I can't wait until I'm a firefighter. I'm going to help so many people. "Harley, your turn." Captain Riley tells me. I grab the roof ladder and climb up the ladder to the roof. Don't give up; keep going. Don't drop the ladder. I put the ladder on the roof and then pull it off and climb down. The rest of my brothers go then Captain Riley speaks. "Put your SCBA on. We are doing ten-minute drills." Great ten minute drills. This will be interesting. I go over and put my air tank on along with my breathing mask. I wait for my brothers. I'm the only girl here. "So, have you moved out yet?" Josh asks me. "No." I sigh. "I would have already." "I should." "Harley, it's not fair the way they are treating you." Tristan joins in. "I know." I look down at the ground. "Alright! This is a ten-minute drill. Walk, crawl, run. These three cones you do just that. The first cone to the second cone to the second you walk. The second to the third, you crawl and go around it till your at the second cone again, then you run back to the first cone. You will be doing this in full bunker gear. Try to consume your air slowly." He explains. Great! I ate a footling for lunch. I'm going to hurl after this. We all line up ready for this drill. "Harley, try to keep up." Josh plays with me. "Your the one who's going to need to keep up." I tell him. "Go!" Captain tells us. We all walk to the second cone, then crawl. I could barely see in front of me. I felt my head hit something. I must have run into one of my brothers. I keep going pushing myself to the max. I began to burn and hurt, wanting to give up. "Are you going to give up?" Captain yells. "Your brother is needing you, and you're going to give up because you're tired??" He encourages us. "Never." I say, and keep going. It must have been five minutes already. "Keep going!!" He yells at us. "Your brothers need you." I saw feet by my face. "Keep going, Harley. You can do it." I talk to myself. I push harder. My body aches, I'm sweaty and sticky, I can't see all the way, and I'm going to throw up. I pass some of my brothers and keep pressing on. "You giving up? Your brother is going to die if you give up. Do you want that?" He yells at someone lying on the ground. I make my way to them and pull their jacket. "Come on." I tell him. "You can do it." I drag him with me. He keeps going and following me. I can't go anymore. My body is too tired. "Stop!" Chief says. I stand up and look at him breathing heavily. "Follow me." He says. We follow him back to the barn. "Lay down and try to consume your oxygen slowly." We all spread out and lay down. I'm going to throw up. Don't cry. I lay on the ground, trying not to throw up in my mask. Now I know why they said only eat as much as your mask can hold. Oh god. I lay on the ground, slowly consuming my oxygen. I started hearing the beeps of low tanks around me. Chief comes over and looks at my gage. "Doing good." Twenty minutes pass, and it's just Cookie and me. My alarm starts going off. I slowly wait in pain as I run out of air. The mask then stuck to my face when I breathed in. I tear off my helmet and my mask. I'm going to puke. I tear off all of my gear and run to the grass. "You going to throw up?" Someone asks me. "Yes." I say, slouched over. I then threw up all my water. "Here, come here." Captain leads me to a chair. He pours water on the back of my neck and my arms. I lay back in the chair, trying not to think of getting sick. I then threw up more water and an onion. "Well." He shakes his head. "Dude, she's puking." I heard someone say. I look over to see the guys standing at the door watching me. I drink more water slowly this time. I then get up and go with my brothers. They all sat on the ground in front of the chief and captain. "You guys did alright. Unfortunately, alright is not going to cut it. When your brother is in that room trapped, are you going g to give enough effort that is alright? No, you're going to work your ass off. The only person who worked their ass off was Harley; she worked her ass off and helped one of her fallen brothers." He praises me I smile ear to ear. I'm so proud of myself. We then finish training and go back to the station. Time to wash the trucks. "Do you have a boyfriend yet?" Josh asked me. "No." "She still has Josiah." They laugh. No, he friend-zoned me. I was being nice and asked him to dinner, and he turned me down. I scrub the engine and then wait for them to spray water on it. We finish cleaning, and I hang out at the station, waiting for a call. Finally, we get one. I race up and go to the door. MVA, of course. I always attract car fires and car accidents. I race And put my gear on and get in the engine. We arrive at the scene. I get out and follow Chief to the crash. "Stick with me." He tells me. I stick by him and go to the car. "Extraction is needed." A medic tells chief. "Harley, go get the jaws of life." He tells me. I run back to the car and get the heavy tool. I plug it up and run back to the car. I hand him the tool, and the chief and captain pop the car door open like a bottle cap. They get the patient out and drive him to Maury regional. "Harley, sweep all the debris out of the road." Captain tells me. "Yes, sir." I get the big broom out and sweep the road. I finish up and go back over to the truck. We get in and roll back to the station. "Out of the whole class, your the one who is always down here." Caption says to me. "I love being down here." I admit. "She wants to get away from her parents." Chief says. "How do you know that?" "Harley, at the station, word gets around." "True." I then sit back on the couch and watch tv. I love my second family.

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