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I wake up and look at the rising sun. I race up and get ready for my day. I rush down the stairs and grab my phone and rush out off the house. I race down to school and sit in class waiting. I go to the website to see a message. "Good morning beautiful. I hope you have a great day message me when your awake." "Good morning, thank you very much. I hope you feel better and have a fantastic day as well." I message back. I sit in my class learning as much as I could. I finish up and go to lunch. I check my messages to see he replied. "Thank you dear. How Is your day going?" "It is going very well. I'm at lunch right now taking a break. How is yours?" "Sounds very nice. Well I just woke up, so far your making my day very good." He replies. "That's very nice :) I'm glad to hear that." "Thank you my dear. So what do you have planned today?" "School, work then more work." "That's not very fun." "No, but I have to do it." "Very true. Can you send me a picture of you so I know your real?" "Alright." I then take a picture of me and smile. I look at it satisfied and send it to him. "Now you have to send me one of you." "No can do." "Why not?" "I don't want you to see me yet." "Why?" "I want to see your character." "Oh okay." "You'll see me one day I promise." "Alright." "You are so beautiful 😍." He sends me. "Thank you very much." I send back. He thinks I'm beautiful. "I love your EMT outfit too." "Well thank you." "How is school?" "It was good. I'm glad I have a break." "I could never go to EMT school. So not my thing." "Well only certain people can handle it." "Agreed." "So what do you have planned today?" "Just hanging out at the house and hang with my buddies." "Do you have the day off?" I ask him. "I do." "That's good. So how are you feeling today?" "Much better thank you." "Very good, your welcome." I finish up my sub and head back to school. "And school is back in session." I text him. "Okay, pay attention, do good, message me when your done." He replied. "Thank you, I will." I drive back to school with a smile on my face. I get back to school and learn how to put a sling on a patient. I finish class and message Zak. "Hello." I text him. "Hello beautiful, how was class?" "It was good. I learned how to put a sling on a person." "Well if I ever break my arm I'll call you." "Sounds good." I text him. "Are you off to work now?" "I have an hour break so I'm going to have lunch with Hailey." "Again? You just ate. Who's Hailey?" "She's my sister. Well my best friend. I'm just getting a drink and maybe a cookie." "Oh okay. Have fun." "I will." I drive to meet up with Hailey I walk in to McDonald's and see her waiting for me. "Hey Bae." She smiles at me. "Hey girlie." I smile at her. "Ooo who is he?" She smiles at me. "What do you mean?" "I haven't seen you smile like that in months. Who is he?" "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me." She leans on the table. "Well a gypsy came and found me at work telling me to join a dating website so I could meet my future husband. Want to know his name?" "Yeah!" "Zachary Alexander Bagans." I smile at her. "Shut up! Your pulling my leg." "I'm not. She also drew me a picture of our wedding day. Take a look." I pull it out of my purse and show her. "Shut the hell up." She giggles. "Right!" I smile at her. "You can't tell a soul!" "I won't!! I can't believe it!" She bounces up and down. "We've been talking and he's really interested in me. He's under a fake name and doesn't be know I know who he actually is though." "Girl you're playing him." She laughs. "I know. I feel terrible about it. She told me to never tell him I met her and we discussed this." "Well what he doesn't know won't hurt him." She tells me. "Very true. It's nothing big." "See I'm rubbing off on you." "Great." I smile and shake my head. We were always trouble. We got sent to the principals office together all the time. I pull out my phone and see I had a message from him. "I'm so bored." "I'm sorry. Wish I could help." "You are helping. Tell me something no one knows about you." "Ummm hmm. Okay let me think." "Okay." "I'm adopted." I text him. "So what's the husband saying?" Hailey smiles at me. "Wanted to know something about me that no one knows about me." I tell her. "What did you say?" "I'm adopted." "Your adopted?" "Yeah my dad adopted me. He's not my biological father." I explain. "I never knew that." She smiles shocked. I then felt my phone buzz. "You're adopted?" He asked me. "Long story short my mom dated a guy he got her knocked up, he then gave me up and walked out on my mom then my dad met my mom and they got married he then adopted me." I text him as I read to Hailey. "Girl I still never knew that." "Well now you do." I smile nicely to her. I great up and buy myself a chocolate chip frappe. I love these things. I look at my phone to see Zak messaged me again. "Well that sucks. At least you got a father out of it. My dad was never in my life. He just walked out on us." "Im sorry." "It's alright sweetheart. Not your fault." "So tell me something no one knows about you." "I already told you." He replies. "Oh." I text him embarrassed. "What stupid shit did you do now?" Hailey laughs at me. I show her my messages. "You're a dumbass." Her laughs. "Tell him I said hi." She smiles. "No that's creepy. He's not supposed to know I know." I reason with her. "Okay, when is the wedding?" She asks me. "No idea she said two years after we've been together." "Ahh! Your getting married!!" She freaks out. "Shhh." I try to clam her down. The man at the trash can comes over to us. "Congratulations sweetheart." He smiles then walks away. I felt my face get blood red. Hailey and I smile at each other trying not to laugh. We finish up and then I drive to my house. Everyone gone! I love when I get the house to myself . "How was lunch with Hailey?" He asks me. "Loved it." I text back. "That's good." "So what are your plans the rest of the day?" I ask. "Just working." "That's fun. " "yeah, so let's get down to knowing each other better. Do you. Drink?" "Only when I'm with Hailey. I drink but don't get drunk." "At least you're honest. You know your under age right?" "I know. I shouldn't do it but I do." "It's okay I drank when I was your age too." "So you drink as well?" I ask. "Yes, do you smoke?" He asks. "No." I replied. Oh man please don't ask if I did. Please. "Good, neither do I. Have you had sex?" "I'm waiting until marriage." "Good for you. Why do you like older men?" "More responsible, have stable jobs, more attractive, don't want just one thing, broader shoulders, manlier, know what they want in life." "Ha, you do like them older." "I like men not boys." I text him. "I see that :) ." "So you like younger girls?" I ask him. "Well not really. I like people my age but I'll make an exception because I really like you so far." "Well thanks." "So when are you moving down to Vegas?" "After I finish training." "Oh yeah that's right, are you talking to anyone else on here or anywhere?" "Nope, just you. Are you?" I send. Please let me be the only girl. "Youre the only one. Like I said I don't like the others." "That's good." "Why?" "I like talking to you." I say trying not to sound to desperate. "Same ;) I must say you are extremely beautiful." "Aww thank you." "Alright well I have to go. Ill message you later." "Alright ." He wants me. I can't believe this. It's a dream come true. I'm going to be married to Zak Bagans.

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