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Harley has gave me her trust. There's some things she's uncomfortable with but she's tolerates me. Today I think it will be good for her if she meets Hailey. I make her breakfast then go in to her. "Baby girl wake up." I shake her lightly. "What Zachary?" She rolls over away from me. "I have breakfast."  "I'm not Hungry."  "Yes you are." "What did you make?" She rolls over looking at me. "Waffles."  "What are waffles?"   "You'll see now get up."  "Make me." She rolls over.  I get on the bed picking her up. "Zachary!!" She kicks around.  "I made you." I chuckle at her. "Your an ass." She tells me as she stopped struggling. I set her down at the table then go to the microwave grabbing her plate. I place it in front of her then grab my own food. I sat next to Harley and start eating. She got up and went into the bathroom. Harley finally came back out. "Alright dig in." I tell her then start eating my waffles. I look over at Harley to see her picking the whole thing up with her fork trying to eat it. "Baby, here put it down." I tell her softly. She puts it down then looks at me. " Watch me." I then cut a piece off. She nods then tries to cut hers like I did mine. She wasn't having the best of luck. "Can you just cut it up for me?" She sets her fork down. I take her plate then cut it up for her. "You still haven't told me about sex." She tells me. "Ha, do you really want to know?" I smile at her. "Yes."  "Okay, well sex is contact between two people. Hugging and kissing naked, biting and licking. Squeezing and touching. Basically I put my dick in your vagina."  "What?"  I then explain further. This is really awkward I really don't want to have this talk with my kid one day. She then nodded her head. "It's easier if I show you." I wink at her. "I don't know that sounds scary." "It's not,you like it." I smile at her.  "I do?"  "Yeah, I know what you like too. I love it when you call me daddy." I smile at her. "Daddy." She smiled. "Only in the bedroom babe." I smile at her. "Okay." She then eats her waffles. She finished up then looked at me. "You all done?" I ask her. "Yes." I then finish up and take our plats. I then go over to her and sit down. "So I want you to meet Hailey today."  "Who?"  "Your best friend, the one you saw in the video." I explain. "Oh okay." She nodded. "Are you ready to meet her?" "I think so." She shrugged. She seemed fine with it. "If you get scared know I'm here to help you." "Okay." She nodded her head. "Well we better get dressed." I tell her nicely. "Okay." We then go up stairs and get ready. She got dressed then went to the bathroom to do her makeup. I follow her in and start on my hair. Harley would take glances over at me every now and again. "What?" I smile happily. "I think your handsome." She smiled then comes over and hugs me. "I like you."  "I love you baby girl." I hug her back.  She lets go then gets on her toes and smashes her lips against mine. This is the first time since the accident she's kissed me or even we kissed. She had no clue on what she was doing but i don't mind. She then pulls back and smiles. "Well does that mean you like me now?" I smile. "Yes." she gives me a sexy smirk. She then goes over finishing her makeup. "Okay, so your going to meet Hailey and Aaron today." I tell her. "Who's Aaron?" she makes her face go all scrunched up in a confused manner. "Aaron is my best friend and he's Hailey's boyfriend." i explain the best i could. "Oh so he's your best friend?" she smiles at me. "Yes, two best friends dating two best friends." i chuckle. "that's funny." she smiles.  She then finished up and turned towards me. "Alright, lets go wait for them." i grab her hand and lead her downstairs. I turn the tv on for her. She loves tv, it just amazes her how many pictures come out of a long flat magical box. I turn to the travel channel and go in the kitchen. "Can we watch Scooby Doo?" she asks me.  "No, lets watch something educational. I want you to see whats outside of this house."  i grab her a water. "Okay." she sits back and watches it. I get out my phone and call Hailey. "Hello?" she answered. "Hey girl, ready when you are." I tell her. "okay, we are almost there." she tells me.  "Okay, Harley is totally cool with meeting you."  "How does she feel towards you?" "Great! She just kissed me." I smile happily into the phone. I'm truly excited that she kissed me. She still loves me and wants me. That makes me feel so good inside to know my baby girl wants me around still. "That's great news Zak!" she squeaks from excitement.  "Yeah, i'm pretty excited about it."  "I would be too! I'm so happy for you."  "Thanks."  i smile back. "Okay we are pulling into your neighborhood see you in a few."  "Alright bye." I hang up then go to Harley and sit next to her. "Hey baby girl." i wrap my arm around her. "Hi." she smiles at me. "Hailey and Aaron are almost here." I smile at her. "Okay." she continues to watch the tv. "Are you nervous?"  "Yeah." she sighs. "I don't like people Zak." she tells me. "You'll like them i promise." I try to comfort her. "Do you think they'll like me?" she looks up at the tv. "They love you Harley. You mean so much to them. If they didn't care about you Aaron wouldn't have flown all the way out here to see you." I explain. "He came out here to see me?" she looked at me shocked.  "He sure did." i smile at her. Just then the doorbell rang. I get up and answer it. "hey bro." Aaron smiles at me. "Hey." i smile at them. I look down at Hailey to see she held a basket for Harley. "Where is she?" Hailey walks in. "On the couch." i then turn around to see she was gone. "Harley?" I call her. I then her someone in the kitchen. I go over to see Harley then walked into the bathroom. She's hiding. she just went. I open the door to see her sitting on the floor. I sit next to her. "are you not ready?" I ask her.  "Zak they wont like me." she begins to cry. i pull her over into a hug. "Harley, they love you. You haven't even met them yet. Give them a chance. Trust me, they love you. Hailey brought you a gift."  "She brought me a present?" she wipes her tears looking up at me.  "Yes."  "She doesn't even know me. Why would she do that?"  "She knows you better than anyone else love. You just don't remember her." "Oh okay." she nods her head.  "Come on, they really want to see how your doing." I rub her back. "Don't leave me please."  "I wont." i smile at her. We then stand up then go out to them. "everything okay?" Hailey asks us. "Yes, she was just scared." I answer her. Harley hide behind me not looking at Hailey and Aaron. "Where is she?" Aaron asks. "shes behind me." I step to the side showing her Harley. Harley stood there scarred. 

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