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"That's it hand me your phone," Mom yells. I felt my heart drop into my chest. No, anything but my phone. I can't talk to Zak, and he'll think I'm not interested. We've been talking for a month now. My baby. I hand her my phone and cry. I'm not going to marry him. He's going to hate me. I run upstairs and cry. I'm not going to work or school. I'm not doing anything. "Harley, you have to go to school," Mom tells me. "I'm not going," I yell down the stairs. "You can't skip class. You'll fail and never be a firefighter." She says. She's right. I go down the stairs and grab my keys. "Can I please have my phone?" "No, now go to school." She tells me. I go to school, trying to pay attention. He's not going to be interested anymore.

It's been a week since I got my phone taken up. I'm pretty sure he hates me now. "Harley, you can have your phone back." My mom hands it to me. Yes! I get in my car and drive to school. I get to class early then go on my phone. I go to the website for my messages. Zak texted me like crazy. "Good morning, sweetheart 💖💖." "Hello?" "I'm sorry, are you mad at me? Please forgive me." "Baby, give me one more chance." Aw, my poor Zak. I then text him. "I'm so sorry, babe. My Mom took my phone because I had an attitude. I'm not mad. Please forgive me." I apologize to him. He's probably moved on already. "Baby girl, you scared me." He messed me back. "I'm so sorry, Zachary. It was my mom." "In going to get your phone just for us." "You don't have to do that. Don't spend money on me." "Nope, I'm doing it." "Please don't. You need to save your money." "No, I like you, and I want to start dating you. I'm not going to stop talking to you at ten every night. I want to talk to you all the time." "How are you going to get it to me?" I message back. "I can send it to Hailey's apartment." "I'll ask her." "I'm going to buy you a phone now. You like iPhone, right?" "Yes, baby, please don't get me a phone." "I'm doing it. Next time you go to Hailey's and have the phone, we can FaceTime, and I'll let you see me." "You're ready for that?" I message shocked. "I'm ready. I've seen your character, and I'm in love with it." "Aww, babe." "Soon, I'm going to come to visit you and give you the biggest hug." He messages me. "I love hugs." "I'm sure you do. Maybe I'll even kiss you 😉." "Yes!" "Will you kiss back?" He asks. "Of course." "Your willing to kiss a guy you've never seen before?" "I've seen your pictures on the website silly." "That's not me. That's my cousin. I just put his picture up." "Why wouldn't you do that?" I ask. I know why. He's the famous handsome Zak Bagans. "You'll see." "Ugh, I want to know." "You will soon, baby girl." "I love it when you call me that." "Well, get used to it, my little flame." "I love that too." I smile as I text him back. "See what I did there, lol." "Yes, baby, I see." "So, what are you up to baby girl?" "Waiting for class to start. You?" "Laying in bed talking to you." "You're the greatest." I text him. "Is that your way of telling me you love me?" "I don't know, what do you think?" "I think it is. I think you are the greatest too, babe." He replies. "I want to see you so bad." "Same baby. I think I'm going to record your face when you see me. I'll have Arron be there too." "Okay, lol. I'd like to see him too." "Does Arron have a girl?" "Yes, why?" "I was going to hook him and Hailey up." "Cute. Nope, he has a girl. Plus, he likes women his age." "Damn." "Yup yup." "Why are your plans today?" I ask him. "Getting you a phone and then hanging with Aaron." "How am I going to pay for a phone bill?" I ask him. "Your not I am. That means I can see who you text and what you text." "I'm good with that. It will just be you." "Better be just me." "You're my only one, baby 😘." "Same baby girl 😘. I think we will go far. " He replies. "You think so?" "I do." Awww, he loves me and wants a This relationship to go now. "When we are official we have to keep our relationship a secret." "Why?" "I don't want you to get hurt by others and nagged for dating me." "Are you ashamed of me?" "Of course, don't think like that. I want to show you to the world and take you around the world. I don't want people to use you to get to me." "Are you famous or something?" "Or something. I'm not famous." He lies to me. "Rich?" "Yeah." He texts back. "Then why are you working at target?" "You'll know soon." "Zachary, I don't like being lied to." I text him. "I know I hate lying to you, baby. I'm still testing you." "Okay. I don't like all these tests." "Well, you're passing, so don't worry about it." "Okay." "What's wrong, baby girl??" "I wish I knew you already. I feel like I fell in love with a lie." "I'm truly sorry, baby. Please don't be mad. You'll know soon, and you'll understand." "How soon?" "When you get the phone and are at Hailey's house. We will Skype instead of face time, and you'll see Arron and me." "You promise?" "Yes, I promise." "Good." "Have you seen the new episode of Ghost Adventures?" He asks me. "Yeah, that little girl really wanted to talk to the guys." "You said Zak is your favorite?" "I did." "Good, if you could date any celebrity who would it be?" He asks. "David Beckham." I mess with him. "Thanks a lot." "I'm playing with you lol it would be Zak, of course. My second choice would be the Rock, and then it would be David Beckham." "Glad to know. I'd date Megan Fox or Hale Berry." "Nice." "Yup, but I prefer you." "Thanks, babe. You too." The class then starts.

"Class is over I'm going to see Hailey now. Can I tell her about you?" I message him. "Yes, ask her if it's okay. I send the phone to her apartment. " "will do." I drive to subway and meet Hailey. "Hey, baby." Hailey smiles. "Hey, love bug." I smile at her. "People are going to start thinking we are a couple." I laugh. "Oh well. We are both straight as can be ." "So, you know how my mother took my phone?" I ask her. "Yeah, how are you and Zak?" She questions. "Here, read this." I hand her my phone. She reads all the messages then looks up tab me with a smile on her face. "Of course!" "Thanks Bae." "We need to work on your surprise face." She chuckles. "Yeah how's this?" I cover my mouth with my hand making my eyes go wide. "Nah, I think you should just smile and laugh." "Same." I then got a message from Zak. "Did she say yes? I have your phone. I'm setting it up now." "She said yes." I reply. "Cool what's your login to instagram?" "Why?" "I'm setting your phone up for you. Don't you trust me?" "Zak I can set it up." "Are you messaging boys on instgram?" He asks. "No." "then what are you scared of?" "Would you give me your passwords?" "That's different." "I can set it up." I tell him. "No, I want to do it." "Fine!" I give him my login. "Facebook?" "Really?" "Yes." I then give him that. I'm making a big mistake. "Do you have the same password for everything?" "Yes." "That's not a good idea." "I know." "Snapchat?" "I don't have snap chat on my phone. Mom doesn't allow it. So I haven't had it in months. If you see bad stuff sent to me not my fault." "Acting naughty miss Harley?" "Not anymore." "Better not." "I'm not I swear." "Good so what's the login?" I then give it to him. "Well I only see one dick pic." He texted me. "Are you serious?" "No,I'm messing with you. Lol." "Don't do that to me." "Sorry Bae. You don't have any messages." He apologized. "Did you already go through my other messages?" "Yeah, I trust you now." "Thanks." "I find it funny how you follow every single fan account of Ghost Adventures." "Ugh, sorry I like pics and I like them." "Don't be mad I think it's cute." "You probably think I'm some stalker chick." "No just a fan." "I see." He probably doesn't want to date a fan. "Are you mad at me?" "No why would I be mad?" "That I follow every account." "No, I'm not mad. You like what you like. Maybe there's a reason why you like what you like." He texts me. "What do you mean?" "You'll know soon." "I don't like all the secrets." I text back. "I'm sorry." "Well I'm going to work." "Please don't be mad." "I'm not mad. I'm just embarrassed." "Why are you embarrassed to be a ghost adventures fan? That's kinda insulting." "I'm not embarrassed to be a fan. Not at all. I'm embarrassed that you saw all my stuff. You probably think I'm some crazy obsessed stalker girl." "No baby. I don't. If you were writing fantasy stories about the crew then I would think your some obsessed stalker girl." "Well I'm not doing that." I tell him. "See you're not some stalker chick, just a lovely fangirl." "Thanks. Well, I'll talk to you tonight." "Have fun by talk to you later."

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