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I finish packing Harley's suitcase as she watched me from the floor. "Oh and this." She hands me a black tshirt. "Love I can't fit anything else in here." "Oh okay." She puts it down.  "Do we get to go outside?" She beams up at me asking questions. "Yes, but you have to stay with me."  "Okay." She bounces up and down from excitement. She was truly excited to get out of the house. I'm happy for her. I'm scared shitless about her during the investigation and her getting hurt but I have no other choice. Maybe she can sit at Nerve with Billy and Jay. I then move on to packing my suitcase. Harley runs over to my dresser drawer pulling out a bunch of my boxers. "Your going to need these." She throws them in the suitcase. "Thanks." I smile at her then go back to packing. She's Like a child, so innocent and sweet. She sat in the floor watching me pack my things. "Where are we going?" Harley asks me with a huge smile on her face. "Umm we are going to a prison." I tell her.  "To investigate?" She smiles. "Yes." I look at her expression. "Really? We are leaving the house and going to be on tv?" She smiled ear to ear. "Yes." "Yay!" She giggled happily. "When are we leaving? Can we leave now?"  "We are leaving tomorrow morning." I tell her with a grin. "Why can't we go now?"  "Because we have our tickets set to tomorrow." I tell her. "Okay." We then lunge around the house the remaining of the day. 

My alarm clock goes off. "Ughhh Zachary turn it off!" Harley puts the pillow on her head. I chuckle then turn it off. I take the pillow off of her head then smile. "We are leaving today." I get on top of her and kiss her neck. I felt her hands go on my back holding me closer. "We have to get ready." I breath softly on her neck. I felt her nails dig into me. "You like that?" I smile then kiss her neck again. I felt her hands slide down to my ass and grab me. "Your so cute." I smile at her. I then get up and go to the bathroom. I heard the door open and then close. I come out to see  Harley smiling at me. "Hey baby, time to get ready." I smile at her. "Okay." I then go over turning the shower on. "I don't want to take a shower." Harley sighs telling me. "You have to have to babe."  "But Zachary its to early." She whines and sits on the tub.  "Baby, your hair is greasy."  I tell her nicely. "Okay." She sighs then starts undressing. I take my pjs off and get in. Harley then goes in with me. "So are you excited to go and investigate?" I smile at her. "Yes." She smiles up at me. "It will get scary so you can stick with me or The rest of the crew." I tell her.  "Okay, who's crew?"  "My crew. Billy, Jay , Aaron, Nick, Hailey, and I will be there." I put shampoo in my hair.  "Zak?" Harley calls me. "What love?"  "Can I get drawings on me?"  "No." I tell her.  "Why?"  "I don't want you to have any. Your beautiful just the way you are."  "Okay." She sighs. I then go over to her and hug her then kiss her neck. "Your beautiful little mama. You don't need tattoos."  "Are we having sex?" She asks me. "No." I laugh at her. "But we are hugging and kissing naked."  "Your not ready for sex."  "I'm ready."  "No your not."  "Okay, your going to show me one day right?"  "You can watch a video of it on the plane." I tell her. "Okay." She then cleans herself. I finish up the wait for her to wash her hair. She's so beautiful. I just wish she didn't lose all of her memories. "What?" She looks at me. "Your just so beautiful." I come over to her and grab her butt. "Zak." She mumbles. "If we didn't have to leave if fuck you right now." "Do it." She tells me.  "Later love." I pull back and turn the water off. We get out and dry off then get ready. We finish up then go down stairs. "Make sure all the lights are off." I tell her. "He has a nice ass." She tells herself. "Haha thanks babe." I smile at her. She sometimes tells her thoughts out loud. It's fifty fifty with her. Sometimes she thinks in her head and sometimes she says it out loud. That's definitely going to get her in trouble one day. I turn all the lights off then go out to the car with Harley following behind me. "Alright, get in." I tell her. We hop in and I start the car. "Where are we going again?" "To New York prison." I tell her. "Did you grab my phone?"  "Yes, its in my pocket." She then reaches in my pocket and tries to get it. She then grabbed her phone pulling it out. "1985." I tell her the code. She then started at the screen for a minute not knowing what to do. "We practiced this babe. Start with the one. What does a one look like?"  She then pushed the one. "9." We then did the whole  pass code. Harley goes to her Snapchat and looks at The stories. Harley gained a lot of new followers since I did a video with her. She then takes a video of me driving. I turn to her and make a face. She then taps the screen to type. "Going on an adventure." She speaks to the phone and it types it. She then starts to play games on her phone. "Go to abc mouse." I tell her. "No, I don't want to learn right now."  "Sing me the  alphabet." I tell her. She then sings it. "Good babe." We then made it to the airport.  I park then get the bags. Harley was looking around at her new surroundings. "Love, here take your suitcase." i stop and tell her. She comes over taking her suitcase and we walk to the entrance. We then got in the busy airport. "Zak?" Harley then sticks closer to me. "Its okay babe. Just stay by me." I tell her nicely. We then go to our baggage check in. I check my bag in then turn to Harley. "Zak they are stealing your bag." Harley tells me upset. "They aren't stealing it babe. They are just going to put it on the plane for us. Now lets check your bag in." I put her bag up on the scale. "Do we get it back?"  "Yes." i tell her. the lady then takes the bag putting it on the belt. I then take her hand leading her to our gate. "There's so many people here."  "Stay close to me love." we made it to our terminal and sit down. Soon Aaron came over with Hailey. "HI!!" Harley yells at them. "Hello." Hailey chuckles at her. "sit by me." Harley moves her purse. Hailey then sat down by Harley while Aaron sat by me. "Are you excited?" Hailey asks her. "Yes!"  "Me too, we've been waiting so long to go on an investigation."  "Yeah, we are going to be on tv." Harley smiles. "She's obsessed with the tv. I cant get her away form it." I tell Hailey. "i can tell." soon Billy , Jay and Ashley come over. "Hey bro." Billy greets me. "Hey man." i shake his hand. "This is my girl Harley." I introduce her. "hi." Billy holds his hand out to her. "Shake his hand love." she then does so. I introduce her to the rest of the crew. "Now boarding to New York." the intercom says. "This is it babe. We are leaving." I take her hand. We stand in line ready to board. I give the lady our tickets then pick a seat. I let Harley have window and i sat middle. Billy then sat next to me while the rest of the crew sat next to us. I put Harley's buckle on then place mine on. The flight attendant went of the details and emergency procedures. Soon the plane started rolling. Harley grabbed my hand squeezing it tightly. We then took off. I look over at harley who was crying. "Awe baby." I squeezed her hand. "I don't like this." She cried as black tears ran down her face. "It's okay. You'll be alright."  "My ears popped." She continues to cry. "Baby it's okay to be okay." I try to comfort her. "I want out."  "Baby you can't. We are thousands of feet up look out the window." She then looked out of the window. She then stopped crying and wiped her tears. "Isn't it beautiful?" I smile at her. "Yeah." She continued to look out the window. "So she lost all her memories?" Billy whispered.  "Yeah, she's like a scared child." I whisper back. "Zak your one hell of a man raising her again." Billy tells me. "Thanks bro." I smile at him. "Zak I don't like the window." Harley tells me. "Do you want to switch?"  "Yes." We get up and switch seats. "Are you going to show me now?"  "Sure." I Take her purse and pull out the iPad. I plug in the headphones and pull up a video. I set down her tray and place it on it. She then begins watching. "What the fuck is she watching?" Billy says as he looks at the screen. "She's learning what sex is man." I laugh at him. "Oh my god." He laughs. "Nice porn." Aaron laughs as he leans over looking. "Harley's watching porn??" Hailey laughs loudly. "Shhh." I tell her. I look at the woman behind Hailey's seat making a disgusted face. "She lost her memories and I'm explaining what sex is." I tell her. She then nodded her head. She watched the full episode. She then leans over to me. "I think I wet my pants." She whispered. I then begin laughing at her. "No, you didn't. Your horney. Your excited love." "Oh."  "So how long have you two been together?" Billy asks me.  "Baby do you remember?" I smile at her and take her hand. "Halloween of last year." She smiled. "Very good." I smile. "Harley?" Hailey calls her. "What?"  "You still excited?"  "Yeah."  "Lets clean you up." Hailey gets up. Harley gets up and followers her. Maybe I should have waited until we got to the hotel. Oh well to late now. Soon harley comes back and placed something in her purse. "You good?" I ask her. "Yes." I then look on her purse to see she put her panties in there. Hahaha oh god she must have really liked the video. "So lunch after we go to the hotel?" Billy ask. "Fuck yeah." Hailey smiles. "Yeah." I agree. "Food?" Harley smiles at me. "Yes."  "Yay." She giggles. "She's so cute." Billy smiled. "She's fucking adorable." I smile at him. "Please fasten your seatbelts. We will be descending."  I buckle up and harley does the same. "What's descending mean?" Harley looks at me.  "Landing, going down."  "GOING DOWN??!!" She then freaks out. "No no we are landing everything is fine don't worry." I try to calm her down.  "We are going to crash." She begins to cry again. "Harley, baby we aren't going to crash. Everything is fine. I promise you we will be okay." I take her hand in mine. I saw we makeup start to run black streaks down her cheeks. "Harley we aren't going to crash." Billy tries to help. "Babe, we are going to be okay." Hailey helps to. "Sweetheart we made it we are here." Aaron tells her. "We are crashing down I can feel it." Harley freaks grabbing armrests. "Sweetheart, we have to come down slowly so we can get off. You don't want to be on here forever do you?" The lady behind Aaron tells her calmly. "No." Harley wipes her eyes. I then felt the plane shake and touch down. "It's okay, it's okay." I grab her hand. "We are here! We made it." Hailey tries to distract her. "Yeah we are in New York now." Billy helps.  "We are here?" Harley rubs her eyes. "Yes love." I rub her hand. "Okay." She breaths in and out trying to calm down. "Zak your doing a great job with her." Aaron tells me. "Thanks bro. We are still learning." I smile at him. Soon we get off the plane and walk in the tunnel. "God bless you. You must really love this girl to help her like you are." The lady who sat behind Aaron smiles at me. "Well thank you very much. Yes I love her and I'm not going to let this break us apart."  "Your such a great man."  "Thank you." We then go to baggage claim. "Look for your bag babe." I tell her. Hers should be easy to spot it's a nice big turquoise suitcase. We grab it then mine and get in our rental car and drive to the hotel. Okay note to self Harley is terrified of flying. What a trip. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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