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"Zak?" I heard Hailey call me. I get out of bed and go to her. "Where is she?" She freaks out.  "She's sleeping right now." I tell her. "I have to see her." She then goes upstairs into our bedroom. She sees her on there bed  and covers her mouth shocked. "Harley." She says with a crack in her voice. She goes over to her bed brushing her hair to the side. Harley stirs and open she her eyes. "Hey love. How do you feel?" Hailey asks her softly. Harley looked at Hailey scared and startled. "Terrible, ZACHARY?!!"she calls me panicking.  "Zachary!!" She continued to call me. "I'm right here sweetie." I sit on the bed next to her. "Who is she?" Harley asks me.  "Harley, it's me, Hailey." She cries. "I'm your sister your best friend. Please remember." She sobs. Harley looked at me confused and frightened. "She's your best friend. She's scared for you love." I explain softly to her. "I'm sorry, please don't cry." Harley tells her and rubs her back. "Please remember us." Hailey cries. "I'll try,Zak?" Harley calls for help. "Hailey itbwill be okay. She'll remember you. Just try to earn her friendship back." I tell Hailey softly. "Okay." She then walks out of the room. I go after her to calm her down. "She doesn't remember us." She cries tears of sadness. "Come here." I open my arms out to her. She takes my hug immediately and cries into my chest. "She's going to forget all of us." She sobs. It was hard to understand what she was saying. "I know, we have to stay calm and help her though this. She still loves us though. She wants us to never forget that." I comfort her. "I need to call Aaron." She pulls back. I go back in with Harley. "Is she okay?" She asks me. "Not really."  I answer her and sit on the bed with her. 

"I feel bad." She sighs heavily.  "I know."   "Aaron? Harley's hurt!" Hailey cries. "She has progressing amnesia. She forgot me and doesn't know who I am." She then tells him the whole story. "Yeah, he's here." She then walks in handing me the phone. I put it on speaker then answer. "Hello?"  "What happened? Is Harley okay? I couldn't understand Hailey she's freaking out." He says. I then tell him the whole story up to this point. "Did you call the cops?" He asks. "No, Harley refused it."  "Dude, I'm packing now."  He tells me as things rustle around in the background. I then hand the phone to Hailey. Hailey then talks to Aaron for awhile then hands up. "Hailey, did Harley tell you about a gypsy?" I ask.  "What do you know?" She asks me shocked then looked at Harley. "What do you know?"   "Just that she was the one who told Harley to create the account and showed her my profile saying were going to get married."   "She didn't know it was you. She believed in your pictures you had put up." She tells me.  "Okay." I nod my head.  "Harley would never play you or anyone." She continued to defend Harley. "That's what I thought." I take her hand. She's too sweet for that. Plus if she did know it was me I wouldn't care. I love this woman. "Harley have you eaten?" Hailey asks her. 


"She did this morning but that's it."  "I'll go eat her subway." She then walks out. I lay back with Harley holding her close to me. Our time is short. "When's your birthday?" I ask. 

"April 14."

"When's our anniversary?" 


"How old are you?"

"19." She answers.

"Hess your favorite color?" 

"Turquoise and yellow." She answered. 

"Very good." 

"I don't want to forget you." She looks up at me. "I don't want that either. I'm scared you won't love me anymore." I admit my true fears. "Just be the Zachary I fell in love with. We are going I have to her patient."  "I know, I just wish this didn't have to happen." I admit completely heartbroken. "I have an idea." She gets up and tries to get off of the high bed. "What are you doing?" I ask. "I'm going to write a letter to me." I help her off the bed to the dark wooden desk that smelled of mahogany. I give her a bunch of paper and pencils. "Can I wrote alone? I don't want you to read them yet."  "Sure." I sit on the floor as she writes. She writes for thirty minutes then Hailey comes in with her Subway. "Hey lovely. I have your favorite sandwich."  "Zak?" Harley looks at me. "That's Hailey, your best friend." I explain to her. "Oh."  "What are you doing?" She comes over to her and looks. "I'm writing letters to myself." Harley goes back to writing. "Are you that Lonley? Are you gointo but yourself flowers too?" Hailey chuckles.  "Ha." I laugh. Harley looked at me confused. "She's joking." I tell her. She nodded gen went back to writing. "I have lunch bitch, come on." Hailey smiles.  "What did you just call me!?!" Harley gets up and swings at Hailey. I pull her back and step in front of her. "Harley listen to me." I make her look at me. "She was playing around. You call each other that all the time." I explain. "I don't like her." She whispered. "No, you do. Just give her a chance." I ty to calm her down. "Okay." She then looks over at Hailey who stood there shocked "in sorry." Harley apologized. "Don't worry about it." She smiles then walks out. Harley then fell to the floor. "Harley!?! Are you okay?" I pick her up. "She lost more memories." Hailey tells me. Harley then looks at Hailey then smiles. "Hello."  "Hi love." Hailey smiles back. "Harley are you okay?"   "I'm fine, I want to bring my letters before I forget." She gets up and brings them with her. We go out going down the stairs. Harley goes to the kitchen table while Hailey and I go to The kitchen. "At least she forgIt she hates me." Hailey whispered to me. "Yeah, I cant believe she was going to fight you." I whisper back.  "That's Harley for you." She hands me a foot long. "That's yours."  "You got me a sandwich?" I smile at her.  "Yeah." "Well thank you."  She then hands another foot long. "This is baby girls." I the new give Harley her sandwich and kiss her cheek. Harley had written two pages already. "Time to eat. You can write later." I smile at her.  "Okay." She then unwraps her sandwich.  "This is huge!"  "You'll ea all of it don't worry." I chuckle. Then then takes a bite making her eyes go wide. "I love this!" She says with her mouthful.  "It's your favorite." I smile sitting next to her. I then start eating my sandwich. "When's your birthday?" I ask her. She looked at me puzzled. "Ummm."  "April 14th. Who's your boyfriend?"  "You are." She smiles.  "When's my birthday?"  "April 5th." She smiles. "How old are you?"  "39." She answered. "No you."  "39."  "No, your nineteen. When's our anniversary?"  "Halloween." She smiled at me. "Very good, where did we meet?"  "Online."  "Very good. What are you training for?"  "Firefighter." She answered.  "Exclent." We then finish our food and Harley goes back to writing. "What are you writing love?" Hailey asks her.  "Letters."  "Do I get one?" Hailey smiles. "Yeah." She smiles then grabs a new sheet of paper and starts writing. She then gives orb ot Hailey. "Dear Hailey, you are very beautiful an a great friend. I'm so glad I have you. I love the sandwich you gave me. I love you." Hailey reads it. "Aww love." She smiles at Harley. "Thanks for the sandwich." I laugh at her. That's so cute. I wonder if my letters are going to be that cute. She then went back to writing. She adds a third page and hands he papers to me. "Put those in an envelope. UPu cna only tea them when I forget you."  tells me. "Okay." I walk into the office and put them in a large yellow envelope labeling it "Zak." I then go out to see Harley videoing herself. "Hey it's me. So I have progressing amnesia. I'm slowly losing my memories one day when I wake up I won't remember a single thing. I already forgot my best friend." She looks over at Hailey. Hailey then got in the video. "It's okay I still love you." She hugs Harley. "I'm just so scared when I forget Zak. I love him so much. I'm scared when I forget him I won't love him anymore." I the man come over to her and get in her video. "Don't worry everything will be okay." I kiss her cheek. I sit next to her still being in her video. "Don't worry everything will be okay. Trust Zak and Hailey." She says. "Yeah, we will take catenary of you." I tell the camera. Then kiss Harley on the cheek. "Kiss kiss." Hailey chants. I turn her head and kiss her. Her lips felt so right on mine. I pull back and smile. "You two are so cute." Hailey smiles at us. "Yeah, my future wife." I kiss her cheek again. Harley turns off the video then looks at me. "Thank you." We then clean up the and sit on the couch. "Aaron is on a plane now." Hailey tells me as she looks at her phone. We sit in the couch and watch tv. "Zak?" Harley calls me. "What love?"  "I'm tired." She yawns.  "Please don't go to sleep. Stay awake please." I beg her. "Okay." She yawns again. We watch more tv. I look down to see Harley sleeping on my lap. Great! "Zak let her sleep." Hailey tells me.  "Okay." I sigh.  "I have to go pick Aaron up from the airport. We will come back tomorrow." Hailey tells me.  "Alright drive safe."  "I will thanks." She the new leaves. I get up and put Harley to bed. 

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