Introducing Him

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I drive to Kroger, not wanting to go. I should call today. I go in and start my shift in the floral department. I water all the flowers and see some older woman in a long flowy black skirt, a black shirt with a black shall with beads on the end. She looked like a gypsy. She looked lost. "Can I help you?" I ask her, kindly. "Harley, dear. I was looking for you." She smiles at me. "You were looking for me?" I ask her. "Yes, sweet child." "I'm here. What can I help you with?" I tell her. kindly. "Your so kind, my dear. I'm here to help you." "Help me?" I question, confused. "I see the future, dear. I've been getting your future for several weeks now. Can we go somewhere to talk privately?" "Yes," I tell her. "Marry, I'm taking lunch," I tell her. I then go with the woman to the lunch area. "Harley Ann Johnson." She smiles at me as she sits at the table. "You have a tough life, my dear. I've been watching your future very closely. When you got beat up, I cried." She tells me. "I get beat up?" "Yes, I can't reveal that to you by whom." "I see." I nod my head. "I came here to introduce you to your husband." She smiles at me. "My husband?" "Well, not yet, you won't get married until you've been with each other for two years." "Alright. Where do I meet him?" "There's the catch. He lives in Las Vegas." "That is a problem. So what do I do?" "He's on a dating website called match. Would you like to know his name?" "Yes." I smile at her. "Zachary Alexander Bagans." She smiles at me.

"You're pulling my leg." I tell her. "No, dear. This is true. You're already in love with him. There's a reason for that. You two were meant to be." She tells me. "I have a drawing of you two I drew during one of my visions." She takes a piece of paper out of her black bag. She hands it to me. I look at it, shocked. That's Zak and me. It was our wedding day. I wore a beautiful wedding dress, and he wore a nice tux. We looked at each other with big happy smiles on our faces. We seemed to be in complete love. "He needs you, dear. He's struggling right now." I take out my phone and go to the website. I then quickly create an account. "Put your fire fighting pictures on as well. That's what sparked his interest." She tells me. I put a picture of me in my gear and a picture of me posing by the truck. I finish putting my photos and show her. "How's this?"
"Perfect." She smiles at me. I then add my interests and what I'm looking for. "Don't add what you're looking for." She tells me. I leave that one blank. I finish up and show her. "Perfect, dear." She smiles at me. "So, how do I find him?" "He's Under a different name and has false pictures. His name on there is Zak Josiah Alexander." "Cute." I smile and search for the name. I then found it and showed her. "That's him. Wait until you get home to message him. Don't lie to him, don't ask for money, don't mention you smoked, and please please don't tell him how awful your parents are." She asks of me. "Yes, ma'am." "Here's my number if you need advice. There will come a day when you have to choose between him and your parents." "Who will I choose?" "You'll make the right choice. Just give forgiveness to them for what they did." "Okay." I nod my head then put her number in my phone. "And never tell Zak we meet or even talked." "Okay." I nod my head in understanding. "Well, My job is done. Text him when you get home. Be nice and polite." Tells me. "I will." I smile at her. She gets up and walks away.

I'm going to marry Zak Bagans! We are going to get married. Maybe she was pulling my leg. Why would Zak want a young girl like me? I finish my lunch then go back to work, taking the picture with me. I finish my shift, then go home. This is it! Text him, Harley. I get out my phone and sit down at the table. "Hello." I messaged him. Hello!?! Who says hello any more? I saw he looked at the message then went to my profile. "Hello." He replied. Oh god, I think I'm going to faint. "How are you?" I text him. "I'm okay. You?" "Just okay? You should be doing fantastic. I'm just dandy." "Yeah, I'm okay. Not doing too well. I'm glad you're doing good." He replies. "I'm sorry to hear that. I wish you were doing better." "Thanks." "I'm Harley." "I'm Zak, and I love your name." "Nice to meet you, and thank you very much." "You too, so you're a firefighter?" "Well, I'm still in training, but that's the goal." "That's very badass. I've never met a woman firefighter." "Well, now, you know me. Yeah, I'm the only girl at my station." "True. I bet that's exciting for you. Being around all the guys." "I guess. Most of them are married."
"You like older guys?" He asks.
"I do," I reply.
"How old are you?"
"I'm eighteen. Nineteen in April." "April, what?" "Fourteenth." I reply. "Mines the fifth." "That's cool. :) ." "Yeah, I guess." "So what do you do for a living?" I ask him. "I work at target." He lies to me. "That's nice." "Yeah, what about you?" "I work at Kroger and I teach gymnastics." "That's cool. Are you flexible?" "Very." "Can you do the splits?" "I can. All three." "Three?" "Left,right, and middle." "That's cool." "Thanks." I reply. "So you have two jobs and you are training to be a firefighter?" "Correct." "Your a very hard working lady." "I like to think so." "I don't have very much to offer you. I live in a single wide trailer and have no money." "Money doesn't matter to me. I could careless." "I like you." "Thank you :)." "What does interest you in a man then?" "Someone who is real, doesn't lie, works hard, honest, doesn't want just one thing, has a job, family man, friendly,sweet, caring, intelligent." I list off. "Same!" "You want a family man too! Haha lol." "Ha no silly." He replies. "That's good. Because if you did I'd be wasting my time." "Well your not." "Good." "So where do you live. Not to be creepy or anything." "Momentarily I live in Tennessee. After my training I'm moving to Vegas." "Oh really? Why Las Vegas?" "Because firefighters get paid very well there. That's the second highest paid place. The first is California but I know what California has to offer. I want something new." "I see." "How about you?" I ask him. "I live in Vegas." "That's so funny." I type. I'm playing him. I feel so bad. "Yeah it is. So what kind of music do you listen to?" He asks me. "I listen to 90s, 80s,70s, KISS, Michael Jackson, and a bit of everything." "Really??" "Really :) ." "Same!" "That's so awesome!!" "Right! It's so cool that you listen to my music! What are your hobbies?" He replies so happy. "I love anything athletic or outdoors, I write,draw, sing,and try to dance." "That's really neat. Do you go fishing?" "I do. I haven't been in a while though. I go hunting a lot though." "Same! Well I don't go hunting." "That's cool." "So are you still living with your parents?" "Yes, just until I finish training." "When will that be?" "Well I graduate in April of next year." "I see. So are you in EMT school as well?" "Yes." "Good for you. A smart hard working lady." "I try :)." "It's January now so you have a year and three months." "And counting down." I play with him. "Random question, do you believe in ghosts and demons?" "I do, you might think I'm silly for believing in them but I do. I'll let you know a secret. That's my fear. I'm terrified of ghosts and demons." "Good. I understand why you'd be scared they are something that shouldn't be messed with." He replies. Yet he goes and investigates them. He also taunts them. "Do you watch Ghost Adventures?" He asks me. "When I get the chance to. I'm very busy answering barely watch tv." "I understand. Who's your favorite?" He questions me. "I like Zak the best. Aaron is a real ham though." "Good, same. Yeah he is." "Yeah, I really like that show." "Perfect, so what would you do if you met Zak or was able to talk to him?" "Well I wouldn't treat him any different than anybody else. I'd just be real nice and polite." "Really? You wouldn't freak out or tell everyone?" "No, I don't freak out. I wouldn't say anything if he didn't want me to. I'd respect his wishes. Plus I'd like to keep it to myself." "Your very different from all the girls I know." "I'm not like most girls." "I like that." "Thank you. You seem like a good guy." "I'd like to continue to talk to you if that's alright?" "It's alright with me. :) " "Good, so our age difference doesn't bother you?" "How old are you?" "39." "Not one bit :)" I reply with a smile. I'm talking to Zak Bagans. He's interested in me. "Good, it doesn't bother me either." "Perfect." I smile to myself. We are going to get married. I look at the picture she drew of us and smile. My future husband. I kinda wish she didn't say we were getting married. I want it to be a Surprise. Oh well at least I know I'm not wasting my time. "What color is your hair naturally?" He asks me. "Dirty blonde. That is my real hair in the photos." "That's good." "You?" "Brown but I die it black." "That's cool." "It's a pain though."he tells me. "I bet. Got to touch up those roots though lol." "Yup yup." "So i take it you watch Ghost Adventures?" I mess with him. "Yes, you don't even know lol." "Cute." I text him. "So you write?" he asks me. "Yes, i write stories and poems." "Good for you. Most of the people i know that write or read are very intelligent." "Same." "Do you work out?" he asks me. "Every Saturday and Monday." "Is that when you have fire training?" "Sure is." "Do you work out in a gym?" "I haven't gone to a gym since i tore my ACL. So to answer you question. No." "You tore your ACL? How did you do that?" "I use to play soccer in high school and i tore it the first of my sophomore season." "Awe that sucks." "Yeah, it was terrible." "So you fight fires with a bad knee?" "Yup." "Your a very tough woman." "Well thank you." "What do you have planned for the rest of the day?" "Sleeping, it is nine here." "Oh that's right. A big time difference." "Yup. wbu?" "I'm going to hang out with Aaron." "Your buddy?" "Yeah." "Hope you have fun and cheer up." "Thank you sweetheart." "Your welcome." I smile as I send the text. "Who's your favorite singer?" he asks me. "Kiss and Michael Jackson." i answer. "Same!!!" "We seem to have a lot in common. :) " "We do, to be honest you the first person I am even remotely interested in." he replies. "Why is that?" "You are just so nice and real. You are a very hard working woman and kind." "well thank you very much." "Anytime sweetie ;) ." aw he sent me a winkey face. We talk for an hour then i had to go to bed. "Well i have to go to bed now." "Okay sleep well. I'll message you tomorrow." he types me. "Alright, thank you. have fun with Aaron." "I will. good night." "good night." i then plug in my phone and go upstairs. Zak is interested in me! He wants to talk to me again. I get cleaned up then go to bed. I look at the picture of our wedding day and smile. I'm going to get married to the man of my dreams!

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