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Zak had been gone for A year now. He visits me someimes. I miss him so much. We have talked about getting married but thats way in the future. He gave me a promise ring. I wear it everyday. I get to my room and shut the door. I pull out Zak's phone and call him. It rings and rings then he finally picks up. "Hey baby girl." he smiles into the phone. "Hey Zachary." i smile back. "Hows my baby girl doing?" "im doing good. My parents took my other phone though. I think im going to get into trouble." "Do you still have our messages on it?" "no i erased those. I just have pictures of us then i have our messages from the dating website on my internet, i forgot to earse those." i tell him. "I think they should know about us babe. We've been dating for quite a while now." "they will kill me, last man i dated that was your age i lost everything." i explain. "HARLEY ANN JOHNSON!!" my dad yells then runs up the stairs. "Hold on." i tell Zak as i put the phone in my bra. My door slammed open revealing my father. "YOUR BACK ON DATING WEBSITES!?! HOW DARE YOU GO BACK ON THEM. AND YOUVE BEEN TALKING TO SOME 39 YEAR OLD MAN TELLING HIM I LOVE YOU AND SHIT." "I Do, i love him." i say calmly knowing Zak was listening. "You are a foolish hoe!" he yells at me. "No, i am not!" i yell back. "You honestly hink he loves you? He only wants one thing from you." he laughs rudley in my face. "Thats not true! He respects me and treats me right! He makes me happy everytime i see him." i stand up for him. "HOW ARE YOU SEEING HIM??" "HE comes and visits me." "YOUVE SNUCK OUT TO BE WITH HIM??" "i didnt neciseraly sneak out." "HOW DID YOU SEE HIM THEN??" "When i stayed at Hailey's or when i was at the station." i explain. "YOU DISHONEST PIECE OF SHIT! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE!" he storms away. I follow after him. "Dad cant you except this?" "NO! YOUR A SLUT AND A DISGUSS DATING MEN THAT COULD BE YOUR FATHER." "SO? Grandpa married someone moms age. Im doing the same thing. Theres no boundries for love." i state. "Thats a load of crap! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE AND LIVE YOUR OWN NASTY PERVERTED LIFE! YoU BETTER PACK NOW OR IM BURNING ALL OF IT." He yells at me. "DONT EVER SHOW YOUR UGLY FACE HERE AGAIN." I run up the stairs knocking my sister down on the way. "Ow." She says. "DID YOU JUST PUSH HER!?!" He runs up the stairs after me. "No, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT." I yell scared as I run into my room shutting the door. He's going to kill me.

"HOW DARE YOU LAY A HAND ON MY CHILD." He bursts down the door. He came over and pushed me. "Stop!" I yell at him and pushed back. He then slapped me. The sting on my face was painful. "Stop" I cry holding my face. "HOW DARE YOU TOUCH HER!" He shove down me once more. "STOP PUSHING ME!" I yell as tears run down my face. "Don't yell at me." He pushes harder making me topple over. "STOP PLEASE." I beg him. "GET YOUR COWARD ASS UP." He picks me up by the throat holding me against the wall. "I CANT BREATH." I tell him and hit his Face trying to get him off of me. He takes my head slamming it into the wall multiple times. He then holds me by my throat again. "I can take breath." I choke out as I try to pry his hand off of my neck. "HARLEY!" I heard Zak yell. "Travis stop." Mom tries to pull him off of me. "Zachary." I call for him. "STOP! STOP HURTING HER!" Zak yells. Dad let's go of my throats and I drop o the floor coughing and gasping for air. "WHERES THE PHONE HE GAVE YOU?" He holds me down tightly. "I don't have it." I try to get away. "Don't lie to me." He slaps me again missing my face hitting my nose. I felt the blood start to trickle down. "I said where is it?" "I don't know. I'm bleeding!" I spite the blood out of my mouth. "Help! Help me!" I cry for help. "Oh shut the fuck up." He starts punching me over and over. "AHHH." I scream a high pitched scream. Mom pulls him off of me. "You are no child of mine! I will never walk you down the isle." He tells me as he storms down the stairs. "Pack your things and get out." Mom shuts the door on me. Oh my head. I cry on the floor in absolute pain "HARLEY?!? BABY PLEASE!" I heard Zak yell. I take the phone out and hold it to my ear. "Help me." I cry to him. "Oh my god Harley! Get out now!" He tells me panicking. "I have been no where to go." I continue to cry. "Go to my house I bought out there. I'll send you the address. You go there and stay there." He tells me. "I hurt Zachary, I cant move." I sob. "I'll be there soon. Pack your stuff and leave now." "Okay." "I love you baby, I'll be there soon." "I love you."I say back. "Call me when you get there. I'm sending you the address now." "Alright." "Bye." He tells me.

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