Together At Last

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Zak and I have been dating for two months now

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Zak and I have been dating for two months now. He's the best thing that has ever happened to me. We talk late on the phone every night and talk all day. "Harley, we need to talk. Call me now!" He texts me upset. What's wrong with him. I go to the bathroom and close the door then call him. "Hello?" He answers. "Hey, baby. What's up?" I smile into the phone. "Don't you baby me! Who the hell is this person you keep texting on the phone telling them I love you and calling them baby and all those pet names!?! I told you I could see every text! I TRUSTED YOU, HARLEY!! I gave you a damn phone that was meant for us not for you to go behind my fucking back and text other guys!!! You are a liar! You told me you wanted someone faithful and honest. You're such a hypocrite!! I'm dropping you like I promised! What do you have to say for yourself?"  "I only text you and Hailey! I haven't talked to or hung around other boys! Don't accuse me of cheating!"  "I have the number of the person you've been texting!" "Check with Aaron!! I haven't been cheating, don't you dare drop me because of this! I have been nothing but faithful, don't you DARE call me a liar!!" I yell back into the phone. "Hey Aaron, what's Hailey's number?" He asks him, upset. "I swear to god if it doesn't match, we are over!" He tells me bitterly. "Here," Aaron says. "Harley, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." Zak apologized.  "Next time, just ask instead of yelling at me, trying to pick a fight," I tell him, still heated.  "I'm sorry, love. Please forgive me." "I do, but don't you DARE call me a liar and yell at me, or I'll be the one to drop you. You hear me?" I tell him. "Yes, ma'am. Please don't baby I love you. I was scared; I lost you."  "Think about it; Zak, do you honestly think I'll cheat on you?" "Well, I thought because of the distance, you might want someone closer."  "Not the case," I say, trying to calm down.  "I'll make it up to you. What are you about to do?"  "I'm going to spend the night at the station. I'm going to drive. I'll text you later." I hang up on him. I then drive to the station, trying to calm down.

He's out investigating right now probably hating himself for accusing me. It's Christmas in a week. I go to the station to spend two nights down there. I get there and plop down on the couch. "Hey Zachary." I text him.  "Hey baby girl. Are you st the station now?"  "Yes, I'm spending the night for two days." I reply.  "Send me your location,I want to see something."  "Ok." I send it to him without any questions. I then lay back and fall asleep. "Harley!" I am shaken awake.  "Fire?" I jump up. "Hahaha no. We have to wash the trucks." Brian pulls me out to the bay. "Why are the trucks still here then?" I look to see Zak standing between the two trucks with flowers in his hands. "ZACHARY!!" I run over to him and jump in his arms. He caught me and held me close. "Hi baby girl." He kisses my cheek. "You missed." I smile at him. He then smiles at me and leans in. I felt his warm breath on mine met by his soft warm lips. I kiss him back instantly. My heart was bound to beat out of my chest. "Aww so cute." I heard Aaron say from behind us. Zak pulls back and smiles. "I've been waiting so long to do that." He breaths."same." I smile as he puts me down. I hug him some more unable to let go. "Are you going to show us your station Miss Harley?" Zak smiles. "Yes." I smile at him then look at the roses in his hand. "These are for you." He hands me the red roses. "My favorite." I smile at him. "Does Hailey know you two are here?" I ask them.  "No, I was hoping you could text her and get her down here so I can surprise her." Aaron smiles.  "Sure I'll call her now." I smile. I pull out my phone and call Hailey.  "Hello?" she  answered. "Hey lovebug can meet me at the station? Its urgent." "what's wrong? Did Zak break with you? " "Almost. I need you down here please." I beg. "In on my way."she then hangs up. "There, your girl is on her way." I smile at Aaron. "Thank you." he smiles back."What are you two doing down here?" I smile at them. "We came down to an investigation of the fear factory." Zak smiles at me. "Fun." I smile up at him. "Plus I had to make it up to you." he places his hands on my waist pulling me closer to him. I stare into his beautiful blue green eyes. "I am truly sorry for calling you a liar and yelling at you. " he breaths softly. "its okay." I breath back. He leans down to me coming inches from my face. I tried to control my breathing the best i could. Zak could tell what he was doing to me. He  gave me a sexy smirk then kissed my cheek. "Really? Just kiss her before she faints." Aaron laughs. "I am not going to faint. " I tell him. "fine then I won't kiss you." Zak smiles as he pulls away. "fine." I play with him. I watch  as Hailey pulls  the parking lot. "that's her ." I tell the boys. "Hide." Zak tells Aaron. Aaron then runs to  the front of  tanker. Zak kiss my cheek then hides. "Harley? You  out here? " Hailey calls me. "I'm over here love." I tell her sounding down. I wipe my eyes as she comes over to me. "What happened?  Did   he break up with you?"  "almost. He thought I was cheating on him, and he called me all mad, yelling, and screaming at me. He didn't know it was your number i was texting." I hold my face. I felt her rub my back. "Don't worry about it. He was just scared he lost you. Remember you  are getting married." she tells me. "Yeah." I then look up to see Aaron sneaking up behind her. He waves his hand for me to keep going. "What if it doesn't happen?" I continue on. "then ill force him. He loves you Harley. If he didn't. Love you then he would have stopped talking to you months ago." she comforts me. "Your right." I sigh. Aaron then put his hands  her waist and kissed her neck. "Hey bear." he breaths.  "Aaron! ?!" she gasps then smiles at me. "Surprise."  I giggle happily. She turns around and kisses Aaron. I felt warm arms wrap around me and warm breath on my neck. "Zachary. " I smile. "I can't keep off of you." he breaths.  "How long are you two in town?" Hailey asks. "Two days." Aaron answered. "Are you guys staying in a hotel?"she asks. "Notyet. We haven't found one yet." Zak smiles.  "We should all stay at my place."she offers.  "Yes,Zachary please?" I beg him.  "sounds good to  me." he agrees. Just then the sound went off. I run over  my great and get dressed. "what is ?" I ask Josh. "MVA."  "of coarse. " I jump  in the rescue. " Can the boys  come?" I ask. "they better hurry. "  "Get your asses in ."  I tell  them. They hop in with  smiling ear to ear  . Hailey hopped in the Ambulance with Steve. Hailey is training  be a paramedic. I hand the boys head  sets. They put  it on and smile. "I feel so official." Zak smiles. "right! " Aaron agrees. "Alright,you can't  get in the way this is serious." "would you like us to stay the engine?" Zak asks. "yes." Josh says. "okay." they agree. "I'm so excited, I get  to see my baby in action." Zak smikes. "you're dating him?" Brian asks me. ."Yes."  "Do your parents know ?" "Nope, and I'm  telling them either."  "Good choice." we then arrive on scene.  I hop out looking at the wreck. "Go grab the sawza." Brian tells me. I run back to the truck and grab it. This is so heavy. I run it back to them so they can do the extrication. Hailey was over helping one of the paticents. "Harley,  start prying it open." I use my halogen and pry the door and seemed to open.  I let them cut then I would pry  some more. "Harley, break this glass." Hailey asks . The guys get the car door open. "Never mind." we then put the paticents on a spine board then onto a gurney. I sweep the road the big car parts. We finish up and  back into the engine. I take off  coat and sit  down. "great job girls." Zak smiles. "thank you." we smile back. Zak then hands me his phone. I look to see a picture of me working. I smile up at him. "Scroll through."  I then  so. So many of me. I then take a selfie. "Cute." he chuckles.  I hand it back to him with a huge grin. We finally make it back to the station.  Time to go to Hailey's!! I get  rest of my gear off then look back at Zak. He was talking to Aaron and Hailey. He looked over at me and winked. I smile at him then go over to them. Zak takes my hand in his. "You did so good out there." he smiles to me. "thank you." I beam up at him. "we are ready when you are." Zak smiles. "alright." I grab  gear. "Babe?"  "yes love?" Zak answered me  a smile in his voice. "Can you grab my purse from  table?" "Sure." we walk inside the day room. Zak grabbed it off the table then followed me out. "So are we going to the store first?" Zak asks Hailey.  "yes." she answered back. I dig my keys out and unlock  car. I open  the back hatch, placing my  gear inside. "Can I ride with you?" Zak smiles at me.  "of course." I get in plugging my phone to the auxiliary courd. I play my classic playlist. All of  my 80's,90's and 70's music. Zak got  in with a smile. "Hailey said go  Kroger."  "alright." I smile and pull out. "I love this song!" I  then start singing along. "I was made for lovin you baby you were made for lovin me." I sing loudly. Zak looked over at me with wide eyes and a smile. "I didn't know you can sing."  "surprise. " I chuckle. Zak and i sing  the whole way there. I find a spot and park. Hailey parked on my left while Aaron parked on my right. We go starting to shop. We then pass the naked drinks. "Harley,your not getting naked?" Hailey jokes with me. "Nah,don't feel like it today." I smile. "Im shocked! You  love getting naked." "oooh." Zak smirks raising his eyebrows up and down. "Not today." "she will tonight." Zak smiles.  "No." "you promised me." he says. "Harley?" Haile says shocked. "But you're a virgin," she whispered.  "You are?" Zak says shocked.  I hold my face embarrassed. "Yes." "Good for you." Aaron smiles at me. "I'm shocked." Zak smiles at me. "But you're so dirty." He whispered in my ear.  "I'll tell you later." I tell him. We shop then get To the alcohol section. "No need for the fake id." Hailey chuckles. "You two." Aaron shakes his head at us. "Pick what you want." Zak whispers. I smile up at him then look through. I pull some tequila and vodka. I then go to the freezer and pull daiquiris. "I said one." He chuckles. "I can put it back."  "No, keep it. I was going to get it anyways." Zak smiles. I smile then we get to the candy ilse. "Oh no." Zak chuckles.  "You two are going to buy the whole store." Aaron chuckles. "No." I laugh as I push the cart. "Harley why do you get to push the cart?" Hailey smiles at me. "Because I'm special." I smile.  "You're special alright." She laughs.  We finish up shopping and head to Hailey's. I can't believe it Zak is finally here with me and he is spending the two nights with me! "What's that big smile for beautiful?" Zak smiles at me. "Just you're down here and get to be with you."  "Aww that's so sweet." Zak smiles.  "So am I sleeping with you?" He ask me. "What do you mean?"  "Are we sharing the same room?"  "If you want. I can sleep on the couch if you want the bed alone."  "No baby. I want to sleep with you." He smiles and puts his hand on mine. "Okay." I smile back at him.  "And how come you never told me your a virgin? You talk so dirty on the phone."  "Because I'm embarrassed. Well I've done other stuff just not sex sex."  "I see, I take it your waiting for marriage?"  "Correct." I say as I pull in the driveway. "Good for you."  "Thanks ." I blush hiding my face. We get out and grab all of the groceries then go in. This is it I get to spend time with my man.

To be continued...

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