The Reveal

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I'm sleeping over at Hailey's tonight. Tonight is Halloween, and we are going to party after talking to the boys! Hailey told me the phone is in her place. "Good morning, baby!!" I text Zak. "Someone is excited." "I get to see you today!" "I know. Aaron is excited to see your reaction." "Just Aaron?" "No, I'm excited to see your reaction." "Okay 😊." "You at school?" He asks. "Yes, waiting for class to start," I reply. "Good." "I'm so excited!!!!" I reply. "I can say lol, haha. I thought you said you don't freak out." "I'm not freaking out. I'm just so happy I get to see you tonight." "I think you're going to freak out tonight." "I doubt it," I reply. I'll probably smile really big. I don't think I'd flip out. "So, are you working tonight?" "I am. I get off at nine tonight, though." "How long does it take to get to Hailey's ?" "I'd say about twenty minutes." "I'll call you at ten then. Gives you time to clean up." He answers. "Alrighty." The class then starts. I finish up and meet Hailey at Panchos. "Hola bb." She smiles at me. "Que passa?" I smile back at her. "Oh, nothing much, just my best friend gets to see her husband tonight." She smiles at me. "I'm so excited!" "Me too." She smiles widely. Hailey is the greatest friend I know. "So, what time is he calling?" "Ten." I smile as I eat some chips and salsa. "Very good." She smiles widely. She is truly happy for me. I just wish I could help her find a boyfriend. "What can I get you?" The waiter asks me. "Yo Quiero el bean burrito," I order. "¿tu hablas español?" (You speak Spanish?) he smiles at me. "Poquito." (Little bit). "Muy bein." He smiles and walks away. "Show off." Hailey teases me sticking her tongue out. "No, I'm not a show-off." I laugh. "Whatever Mrs. Bagans." She laughs at me. "That had a nice ring to it." I smile. "It better. It's your last name." She laughs loudly. We get our food and eat. "I just hope he likes me," I tell her as I eat my burrito. "Girl, don't worry about it. He loves you already." She reassured me. I go on my phone and check the messages from the dating website. "How's lunch?" "Good, we are at a Mexican restaurant 😊 Hailey says hi." "Fancy today, aren't we? Lol, hey Hailey." He replied. "Zak says, hey," I tell Hailey. "Here, let me see your phone." She asks, holding her hand out. I watch as she takes a picture of her flipping off the camera than typing. "What are you doing?" I laugh at her. She waits then hands me the phone. I look at what she did. She sent the picture to Zak and wrote. 'You hurt her ill fuck you up." She wrote to him. "I won't, I promise. You're a good friend Hailey." "I know." She wrote back. "Sorry about that, babe." I apologize to him. "Don't worry about it." We then finish up, so I drive to work. Six hours later I get to see my man. What if it's not Zak. What if I were talking to some stranger? What if he doesn't like me?? Calm down, Harley.

I get to see him!! I drive to Hailey's house and run in side. "I'm home!!" I yell at her. "Someone is excited!" She chuckles. I get out my phone and message Zak. "IM HOME!" "Okay lol chill out. Go take your shower and get cleaned up. I'll call you at ten." He messages me. "Are you mad?" "No." he replies to me. Something is bugging him. I take my shower singing my heart out. I get out and put my nice black fire shirt and jeans on. I fix my make up and come out. I look at the clock 9:30pm. Ugh thirty minutes. I get out my phone messaging Zak. "Hey baby." "Hey love, what's up?" "I'm all ready." "Is your hair still wet?" "Yes." "Go blow dry it." "I don't blow dry my hair." "Please. I want you looking like you do in the pics so Aaron doesn't think I'm lying." "Okay." I reply. "HAILEY!" I yell at her. "WHAT?" She yells back at me. "Can you blow dry my hair?" "Okay." She comes in and blow drys my hair. "So are you excited to see him?" "Yes, I am." I'm so excited it's not even funny. I've been waiting to see him for two months now it's finally happening. She finishes then touches up my makeup . "There all ready for your husband." "I hope so." I then look at the clock. Ten! "ITS TEN!!! WHERE IS THE PHONE??" I yell too excited. I can't believe it he's going to call. "It's on the counter. Calm your tits." She chuckles. I run over and pick it up. It had a ghost adventures case on it. It was the brand new iPhone. Man he spent a lot on me. I unlock it and play on it waiting for his call. I go to photos and see a bunch of selfies he took on it I see one of him with his shirt off standing in the mirror. He's so handsome! My phone then started vibrating and buzzing. "Hailey!! He's calling!!" I yell at her. "I'm coming, I'm coming." She then sits next to me on the couch. I answer it and see a black screen. "I think I broke it." I tell Hailey. "Look what you did. Way to screw up already." She teases me. "Should I hang up and call him?" "No, you'll look desperate." "I'm not desperate I just can't see or hear anything ." I explain kindly to her. "I'm getting food what do you want?" "Can we order a pizza?" I ask her. "You're buying." "I'm good with that. You call it in. I hate talking on the phone." "I'm surprised you even agreed to skype him. You hate video chats and talking on the phone." age chuckles. "I really like him. I'm willing to try something new." I then look in the camera and check my hair. I make silly faces playing around. "Nice faces lol hahah." A message popped up on the side. I cover my mouth shocked. "Shoot you can see me?" I ask. "Yes lol. We can hear you too." "Oh that's embarrassing. How come I can't see or hear you guys?" I say into the phone. "That's because I don't want you to." He messages. "How come?" "I'm waiting for Hailey. Aaron broke up with his girl and wants to see her." "Hailey is still single." I smile. "I know I'm trying to convince him." He texts. "Hailey get your ass over here!!" I yell at her playfully. "So cute lol." Zak messages. "I try." I smile. Hailey then sits next to me. "Alright you ready to see us?" He messages. "Yes." I smile widely. "You sure?" A low voice says. "You're killing me." I chuckle. Just then I saw them. Zak Bagans and Aaron Goodwin smiling at me. I smile to my ears and hold my face. "Hey beautiful." Zak smiles at me. "Hey Zachary." I smile back. "So am I what you expected ?" He smiles a beautiful white smile. "Not at all." I smile back. "AHHH HARLEY!!!" Hailey freaks out next to me. "Look you're dating Zak Bagans!" "Well we aren't dating yet. I haven't asked her to be my girl yet." Zak corrected her. "Whatever! I can see it now. You two getting married. I'm going to be the maid of honor of course. " She smiles. "Well thanks for letting me know." I mess with her. "Hailey, you're so cute ." Aaron chuckles. "She's single." Zak smiles at him. "I'll think about it bro." Arron whispered. "So now let me ask you this." Zak starts. "Harley will you be my girl?" "Yes." I smile calmly. "That's no fun I thought she would freak out." Aaron chuckles. "Me too." Zak smiles. "Do you want me to freak out?" I play with him. "Honestly yes." He smiles back. "Watch this haha." I laugh. Hailey turns to me and smiles. "Ahhhhhhhh!!" We scream together. "IM DATING ZAK BAGANS!!" I freak out for him. "I KNOW AHHHH." She freaks out with me. We then bounce up and down. I heard Zak and Aaron chuckling at us. "They are adorable." Zak whispered to Aaron. "Right." Aaron smiles back. "Seriously dude you should date Hailey. She's perfect for you." "You're right." He says. We finish then look at the boys. "Hey Hailey." Aaron smiles. "Hey Aaron." Hailey smiles back. "How are you doing beautiful?" He smiles at her. I watched as her cheeks got red. "I'm doing good how are you?" "I'll be doing better if I get your number." He flashes a beautiful white smile. "Well I can do that." She smiles back then gives him her number. "Well thank you beautiful." He flirts with her. Zak and I just smiled at each other as they talked. "How about I Skype you so we can let these two love birds talk." He smiles at Hailey . "Sounds good." She then grabs her phone and goes in her room. "Mission accomplished." Zak smiles at me. "I'm so happy for her." I smile at him. God he's so beautiful I can't stand it. "I'm excited for us." I smile at him. "Hooked up on Halloween. What an easy anniversary to remember." Zak smiles at me. "Right!" I agree with him. "I just can't get over how strong and beautiful you are." He gives me a sexy crooked grin. "Aww thank you handsome." I blush. "I can't wait to actually see you. I'm thinking of flying up there soon." "Really?" I smile ear to ear. "Really, I have to see my baby girl." "I'd like that." I play with my hair. "So what are you about to do?" "Hailey and I are going to have ourselfs a nice party." "Are you drinking?" "Maybe." "I'm don't really care honestly. You can drink if you want but please don't get drunk and drive." "I won't. I don't get drunk." "Everybody gets drunk babe." "I know that. I'm saying I don't drink to get drunk." I go in the kitchen and make myself a drink. "So what are you and Aaron going to do tonight?" "Same thing you two are doing." He smiles. "Don't get drunk now Mr. Bagans." I chuckle. "Awe babe that's no fun." He smiles widely. "If I can't you can't." "But I'm a grown man and I'm old enough to drink alcohol legally." He points out to me. I roll my eyes and smile. "I won't get drunk tonight. When I get drunk bad things happen." "Like what?" I question him. "Well I'll probably end up calling you to have video sex." He tells me. "Being naughty." I smile at him. "Only with you." He winks at me. "Well it's not going to happen." "Why not love?" "I want to wait until your actually here with me." I try to deal with him. "Okay." He smiles. He then goes to the kitchen and makes himself a drink. "This is a real drink." He smiles showing me the hard liquor. "You're right." I smile at him. "You have the most beautiful smile." He tells me. "Thank you handsome." "I'm going to come see you soon." "Please do." I smile back. "Oh I will honey. Think I'll see if I can get a place to investigate and come see you on the way." "Sounds good." He then sits back on the couch. He looks to his side then back at me. "They are really hitting it off." He smiles. "Yeah?" "Yeah, sucks that you girls are so far away though." He tells me then sips his drink. "I agree. This distance sucks." "Sure does but we will make it work." He smiles at me. "Yeah we'll figure something out." I smile back. "Now you know who I am I don't want you acting different around me okay." "I won't. I'll just be me and treat you like I have ." I tell him truthfully. "Good because of you do I'll drop you like a bad habit." "Ouch, no pressure or anything." I sigh. "I'm just telling you baby. I really like you and don't want that to happen." "It won't." I promise him. "Good. Where did Hailey go?" He smiles at me. "Leave her be." Aaron tells Zak. "OH HAILEY!!" I call her and search the house as Zak laughs at me. "Leave me alone motherfucker." She giggles from the other side of her closet door. "Do you want a drink?" I smile as I pound on the door. "Yes love." She smiles. I then open the door to see her on the floor. "How's it going?" I play with her. "Thank you." She smiles at me. "Babe leave them be." Zak smiles. "Yeah Harley." Aaron says. "Sorry." I chuckle. We then talk to the boys for an hour then we drink eating candy on the couch.

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