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I wake up with Harley's laying next to me. I hope she remember she me. That's all I ask for. Just remember me. I go in the bathroom and do my thing then turn on the shower. "God, please let her still love me." I get out and get dressed.i do  my hair up all spiky. I lay back in bed with her. I play on Munich phone as I wait for her to wake up. I felt her move then look up at me. "Good morning beautiful." I smile down at her. "Good morning." She smiles at me.  "Do you know who I am?"   "Your my Zachary."  "Okay, let's get dressed." I tell her. She gets up and gets dressed. She came out all cleaned up with her makeup on. She lays back in bed with me. "I love you." She tells me as she's kisses my cheek. "I love you more baby."  "I've been thinking. Before I forget everything I want us to have sex." She tells me. I look at her shocked. "Baby, I don't know about that."  "Please, let me have something to hold on to. I want you to know how much I  love you."  "What about our honeymoon?" I ask her.  "We will still do it then. I just want to know before I lose everything."  "Okay." I give in. Harley and I laid in bed for hours. I look down to see her asleep. I heard the doorbell ring. I get up and go down stairs and open the door. "Hey Zak." Aaron greets me. "Hey Aaron." I feet him back. They come inside. "Where's Harley?"  "She said asleep on the bed." I lead them to outback room. I kiss her cheek then lightly shake her awake. "Zachary?" She looks around a startled.  "Yes baby It's me. You have company." I help her sit up. She then looks a terrible Aaron and Hailey. "Hey sister, how are you feeling?" Hailey asks her.  "I'm okay." Harley answered. "We forgot it in her car."  Aaron tells Hailey. "Shit, I'll go get it." Hailey then walks out. "She looks terriable." Aaron whispers to me.  "Yeah I know. Man I want to say thank you for coming out to see Harley." 

"No problem, you two are like family to me." Aaron tells me seriously. "I think Hailey needs help." He walks out. I follow him to the car. Hailey had a gift basket and stuffed dog with a fire harbor on it's head. There were get well ballons in the car as well. I grab the ballons and follow them inside. They walked I now before me. "ZAK?" Harley called me. "I'm right here love." I SET The ballons down on the floor. "I take it she's doesn't remember us." Aaron sighs. Hailey hands her the stuffed dog. Harley smiled and pet it. "It's a fire dog." She smiled.  "I thought you would like it." Aaron smiles. "Has she eaten?"  "No."  "let's go go out to lunch." Hailey suggested. "Yeah, my treat."  "You don't have to do that." I tell him. "It's the least I can do." Aaron puts his hand on my shoulder. "Can we go to the station?" Harley asks. "Sure, we need to let them know your sick."  "I'm not sick."  "Yes you are." Aaron agrees. "Oh do I have to go back to the hospital?"  "No." I smile at her.  "Come on let's go." Aaron smiles. I help Harley off the bed and put her shoes on. We get outside getting in the car. We sit in the back while Aaron and Hailey sat up front. "Chinese or Mexican?" Aaron asks us. "Chinese." Hailey and I answer. We then pull into a Chinese buffet. "Your going to like this love." I smile at her.  We get out and go in. "Your going to like this love. You can get as much food as you want." I smile at her. We sit at a table then order our drinks. "What would you like?" She asks Harley. Harley looked at her blankly. "Do you have rootbeer?" I ask the lady. "Yes." "She'll have that." I order for her. "Okay." She then walks away. We then get up and go to the buffet. I grab Harley a plate and hand it to her. We then start getting food. Harley followed me and got what I did. "Get what ever you think looks good." I tell her softly. "Oh okay." She sets the plate down then started getting another plate. I grab her old one and bring it to the table. "Zachary!?!" She freaks out. I get up and go over to her. "Why did you leave me?"  "I put the food on the table." I tell her and lead her back. I can't leave her alone or she'll freak out. We sit down and start eating. "You can't leave her alone Zak." Aaron tells me. "Yeah, just figured that out." I eat my noodles. "What are you going to do when we travel?" Aaron asks me concerned. "Well maybe Hailey can watch her." I say as I eat my food. "We will call you everyday." Hailey tells me. "I'm scared guys." I admit. "We know G." Aaron tells me softly. I look over at Harley to see she was eating her food not paying any attention to us. I finish up this plate and go to get another one. "Harley come on. Let's go get some more." I tell her nicely. She gets up and follows me. We get more food then sit back down. I watch Harley get out her phone and text someone. She then set her phone on the table. I felt my phone buzz. I look at her then smile getting out my phone. "I want you to fuck me hard tonight." I read in my head. I smile at her then reply. "Okay babe." I send. We finish up eating then go to the station. 

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