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I open my eyes and look down. Harley was still asleep in my arms holding me tightly. I kiss her head and slip her grip. "Baby." She whines. Is she awake? "Im right here baby girl." I brush her hair back. "Help me." She whines again. She must be having a nightmare. "I am, don't worry love." I kiss her cheek. She gives me a quick smile then relaxes her face. I walk into the bathroom and take a shower. If she's gets any worse I'm calling the police.No she'll leave me. I feel the warm water splash against my body. I feel terrible for what happened to her. I can still hear her high pitched blood curdling screams for help. She needed me and I wasn't back there to help her. She called me to save her but I couldn't. I was at the damn grocery store getting food. I put my head on the wall trying to calm down. Not like I knew where she lived anyway. I couldn't help her. I finish up my shower and get out, wrapping the towel around my waist. I go out to Harley And check on her. She was still sound asleep. I go into the closet and get dressed. I pick all of her clothes up and hang them up. She's going to be living with me. Just like I always dreamed of. I just wish it wasn't under such a bad circumstance. I will take care of her to the best of my ability. I go to the mirror and do my hair. She looks terrible I hope she feels better today. I finish doing my hair then go back out to the bedroom. I give her a sweet kiss then go to the kitchen. What would she like? She'd love pancakes. I go to the cupboard and pull out the pancake mix. I see a bag of chocolate chips next to it. Yes she'd love chocolate chip pancakes. I then grab a pan and start cooking. She's going to be so happy. I finish cooking and grab a cutting board. I place the plates and glass of milk on the tray. I grab her a fork and walk up to the bedroom. I place the food on the nightstand and gently shake her. "Sweetheart, time to wake up." I kiss her cheek. "Love big." I kiss her neck. "Don't hurt me." She sits up quickly. "No one is going to hurt you." I brush her hair back. She then looks around the room. "Are we in Vegas?" She asks me softly. "No, we are in Tennessee. Are you feeling okay?" I ask her concerned. "I think so." Something's not right. "I made you Breakfast." I tell her as I set the tray on her lap. "You made me breakfast?" She smiles. "Waffles." She smiles clapping her hands together. "No pancakes." I correct her. Something is definitely wrong. Maybe she's still tired. She then slowly eats her food. "I love this." "I know." I sit next to her. "Have you had any?" She asks me. "No." I answer. "You have to try this." She gives me a bite.i chew and nod my head. "It's good." I tell her kindly. She then was the rest of her food. I take the tray and help her up. She slowly walks to the bathroom. I give her time to do her thing. I wait patiently for her on the bed. She finally comes out all cleaned up. "Can I see the rest of the house." She ask she me. "How about we wait until your better." "But but um um." She struggles to catch her train of thought. She held her face in her hands upset. "What's wrong?" I get up and go over to her. "I forgot your name. I can't remember." "It's Zak but you call me Zachary." I tell her softly. "That's right." "Put your shoes on we are going to the doctor." I tell her softly. She puts her shoes on then follows me around. I lead her to the car then we get in. "I love you." She tells me. "I love you too baby. Do you remember what happened last night?" "Most of it." "What do you remember?"

"Talking on the phone, my dad being very angry, lots of blood and throwing up."

"That's it??" I question her.

"Yeah." "You don't remember him beating the shit out of you or me coming home?" I ask her. "No." "do you know who I am?" "Zachary." She smiles. "Yes but who am I?" "Umm your my husband because I love you so much." She smiles. "Not yet baby. I'm still your boyfriend." I sigh. She doesn't remember me. I felt my heart shatter into pieces. "I'm so glad I listened to the gypsy lady." She smiles. "What?" What in the world is she talking about? "A gypsy lady told me to create the account on match. She told me a username and I typed it in and you popped up. She told me we were going to get married. Shhh you can't tell anyone. She told me to never tell you." "So you knew the whole time it was me!?!" I ask angrily. She lied to me! She used me!" "No, I thought you were that handsome cowboy." "Okay." I calm down. "Any other secrets you want to tell me?" I continue to drive. "When your gone I pretend your my big body pillow and hug and kiss it." "That's cute." I chuckle. "I hate my home life, I never really liked my parents." She tell she me."I don't like your parents either." I agree with her. "How long have we been dating?" "A year." I answer her then park the car. I get out and help Harley. We walked ever so slowly to the front entrance. "What are we doing again?" She asks me as she takes my hand my hand. At least she remembers she loves me. "We are at the doctors. We are seeing what's wrong with you." I explain. "Will they help me remember?" "No." "that's stupid." She says trying to pick the right words. We enter and I go in and check her in. We then sit in the waiting room and wait. Harley lays her head on my shoulder watching me play on my phone. I then go to photos going to our folder. "Tell me if you remember any of this." I tell her as I flip through. I then get to the end. "You don't remember any of that?" I ask heartbroken. "No, I'm sorry." "Do you know my last name?" "No." "do you know who Hailey is?" "No, never heard of her. Is she your ex?" "No, she's your best friend." "Oh." "Do you know who I am?" I ask her. "Your my Zachary." She hugs me. "Don't worry I won't forget you." "You already have." I hug her back. My poor baby girl. "Harley." The lady calls us. I get up and take her with me. They check her height and weight. We go to a room closing the door. I pick Harley up setting her on the patients table I then sit in a chair across from her. "Zachary please sit with me." Harley looked like she was about to cry. "I'll be right here love." "You promise?" "I promise."

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