With Him

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I wake up cold empty bed. I feel for Zak to see if he was sleeping on his side. Nothing. I open my eyes to see I was alone. I get up and do my routine. I then go to the kitchen to see Zak cooking food. He look a over at me then smiles. "Good morning my little flame." He smiles at me.  "Good morning." I smile at him.  "I'm making breakfast for you." He smiles.  "Great. What are you making?"  "Omelettes." He smiles then puts one on the plate. Hailey and Aaron then walked out. "Good morning you two." Hailey smiles.  "Good morning." I smile.  "Harley I can't believe you." HIley sits down next to me. "What? What did I do?"  "You lost it!"  "No I didn't." I whispered.  "We heard you."   "I didn't lose it."  "Liar."  "In not lieing." I tell her honestly.  "Harley you still had sex. Doesn't matter if he entered or not."  "What ever." I sigh.   Zak places my food in front of me. "Thank you." I smile. I wait until everyone had their food. We then eat our meal. "So what do we have planed for today?" Zak smiles.  "Hailey and I were going to go to the movies." Aaron smiles.  "You two can go." Zak seems unintrested.  "What are you two going to do?" Hailey asks me.  "Oh um i dont know. Its what ever Zak wants to do."  "typical woman answer." Zak chuckles.  "Sorry, im good with anything." i admit as i wash my plate.  "I was thinking stsying here and watching a movie." Zak suggests. "Sounds good to me." i smile.  "Bear why dont we stay home?" Hailey asks.  "Because i want to see the new Star Wars."   "Okay."  "What movie are you two going to watch?" Hailey asks.  "I want to see a comedy." i smile.  "I was thinking a romance." Zak says.  "You have the night all planned out dont you Mr. Bagans?" Hailey giggles.  "You could say that." Zak smirks at her. 

I look at Zak then grin. He sneaks a wink at me. God, thst man is so sexy. I cant believe he's mine. He makes me so happy and makes me feel so good. He's perfect. "Well im getting cleaned up." Hailey puts her plate in the sink. I turn the water on and start scrubbing. Soon everyone puts their plates in the sink for me to clean. I finally finish and sit down on the couch. "I got you a christmas present." Zak sets a small box on my lap.  "Zak, i didnt get you anything yet." i sigh.  "Dont worry about it. Just open it." he smiles. I smile then open my present. I then open the black jewlery box. I saw a beautiful silver cross necklace. "Zachary, its beautiful." i smile as i take it out of the box. "Here let me put it on you." he smiles ear to ear. I hand him the necklace and turn around lifting my hair up. He puts it around me clasping it close. I felt his warm breath on the tenderness of my neck. Met by his soft warm lips and the tickle of his facial hair. "Zachary." i mumble.  "What baby?" he smiles into my neck.  "Thank you."  "Your welcome sweetie." he gently bites my neck. "Mm."   "You like that?" he mumbles then bites me again. "Zak." i whine.  "Gross." Aaron says as he comes out. Zak then pulls away.  "You two are rediculious." Aaron chuckles.  "Hey i just cant get enough of her." Zak kisses my cheek.  "Hailry and i are controlling ourselves." He smiles wider.  "Thats bullshit." Zak laughs.  "Your right." 

Hailey finally comes out all ready.  "Alright lets go." Hailey grabs her keys. They then soon leave. Zak pushes me on the couch and gets on top of me. "Zachary?" i say startled. He then shut me up with a kiss. "Mmmm." i kiss him back. I put my hands on his strong back holding him close to me. He pulls back kissing my neck. "Zak." i sigh. Hes making me feel so good. "I want you so bad." he breaths into my neck. "Zak, i dont know."  "baby, please? Just like last night. I never get to see you." he tries pullin the distance card. "Okay." i sigh. We then rush to the bedroom. 

I lay on Zak's bare shoulder starring into his beautiful sea deep eyes. "Harley, im in love with you." Zak smiles. "Im in love with you too Zachary." i smile back.  "One day your going to be living with me."  "one day." i smile at the beautiful thought. One day im going to be married to the greatest man and hes going to be by my side every minute. "I think we are going to go far." he tells me. "I hope so."  "we will." we lay in bed in each others arms. "When do you think they will be home?" i ask him.  "Not until dark." he replies softly.  "I hope so."  "we should take a shower."  "i agree." we continue to lay on the bed. "I dont want to get up." he chuckles.  "Me either." i laugh.  "Five more minutes." he smiles at me.  "Deal."  i put my hand on the side of his face leaning in. I kiss his soft plump lips making my heart race. We then pull back. "God i love you."  "i love you more." i smile. "Oh i doubt it." he chuckles.  "What do you want for christmas?" i ask.  "You." he kisses my forehead. "Besides me."  "nothing."  "Zachary, just tell me."  "I dont want anything love. I have everything i want." he explains. "I have to get you somehing."  "No."  "yes, you got me something now i have to get you something." "Five minutes is up." he changes the subject.  "Zak." i sigh.  "Come on Har lets get cleaned up." he sits up. I follow him to the bsthroom and take a shower with him. "How come your not singing?"  "beacuse im upset." i tell him and turn my back to him. I felt his arms wrap around me and him kiss my wet neck. "I want you to draw a picture of us." he tells me.  "Thats not special."  "it is to me. Thats what i want."  "okay."

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