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I sit up and look at the lovely woman next to me. She's so perfect. Last night was truly wonderful. It's been two weeks and she still remembers me. She has forgot everything about herself but she still holds on to me. I just love when she calls my name and kisses my lips. Having her here makes me the happiest man alive. I get up and go in the shower. I'm going to marry this woman one day. I finish up and go out to her. I put my shirt on her in case she forgets everything today. I then go back in the bathroom to heat myself dressed. I do my hair then go out to her. I sit on the bed watching her sleep. She then stirs. She opened her eyes then looked around the room. "Good morning beautiful." I smile at her. She turned towards my voice shocked. She looked at me with wide eyes. She scanned me up and down. She then scooted away from me. "Harley don't be scared. It's me , Zak." I scoot to her. "Don't touch me. " she holds her hand up to me. "Baby girl please remember me." I take her hand. She pulls back scared. "I love you please." I beg as tears run down my cheeks. "Baby girl." I hold my face. I cry as she sat there watching me. "I love you." I tell her. I wipe my eyes and look at her. "You don't know who I am?" I ask her. "No, I I don't know anything. Who are you? Who am I?" She asks me.  "Your name is Harley. I'm Zak but you call me Zachary. I'm your boyfriend." I take her hand. "Harley." She nodded.  "Your my what?"  "I'm your boyfriend. We are dating."  "What does that mean?" She asks me. "Means we are together. Means we love each other very much. Means we kiss, hug, and do stuff like that." I explain.  "I don't believe you." She tells me. "You wrote letter to yourself here." I get up and get them. I have them to her. She picks up her folder first. She opens it and looks at it. "I don't know how to read." She sighs putting it down. "I'll read it to you."  I take the letters and read it. "Dear Future me,  if your reading this then I've lost all of my memory. You may wonder why you don't know anything and that's because we have amnesia. Which means we won't remember anything. We won't remember who we are, who we love or what we do. You might be scared and frazzled right now. The world is a blank page for us. This US a new beginning. A scary place to our eyes. I'll tell you about us. Here's all I now right now. Our name is Harley Ann Johnson, we are a firefighter, I'm nineteen years old and I'm hopeless in love with Zachary. Ah Zachary. He's my true happiness. We are in such love. Trust him. He's there to help us out and protect us. Trust him. Remember you'll get through this and we will remember again. Don't push Zachary away. He's the best thing that ever happened to us. Love Harley " I finish reading the letter. "So I wrote that?" She asks me.  "Yes." I nod my head. 

"This one." She picks up my letters holding it out to me. "This one you wrote to me." I tell her.  "Read it."  I open it up and pull the papers out. "My sweetest Zachary," I read. "Oh god my gonna cry again." I wipe my eyes. "Read it!"  "Okay here I go." I then start to read.

 "My sweetest  Zachary,

I love you so much. You are my joy in life. You would make me smile when to wanted to cry., made me laugh and enjoy life. Your the reason why I continue to live instead of die inside. Your my happiness my joy. You took me out of the dark and into the light. Your the reason why I try so hard to be the best I can be. You mean everything to me. One day I'll be your wife and the mother of your kids. You are the most handsome,strong,intelligent, funny, humble, and sexiest man I know." I cry as I read this. "My love for you can not be put into measurements. You are the greasers the man I know. I want you to always remember how much I love you, remember all the good times we had, remember who I was as a person. I want you to know even though I will forget you I will never forget the love you have showed me. You are me hero. Your my demon hunter (who is a big soft teddy bear.). You are so manly and I love it. I love you from your head down to your toes. Every inch of you is perfect. Your my man and I'm so thankful you walked into my life. Please help me through this. Help me love you again, help me remember the love we shared. Zak I love you more than anything. Please help me through this.  Love, Harley." I then put the paper down and wipe my eyes."that was beautiful baby girl." I tell her. "I don't believe I wrote that. Your just trying to get me to date you." She tells me rudely. "Baby we are already dating."  "No, we aren't."  "I have pictures to prove to you we are. Wait you took a video of yourself." I get her phone. I go to her photos and pull up the video. "Here." I scoot closer to her. I then play the video. "Hey Harley, it's me. As you know we have amnesia. When you wake up you won't know anything. Trust Hailey and Zak. They will help you through this. So I have progressing amnesia. I'm slowly losing my memories one day when I wake up I won't remember a single thing. I already forgot my best friend." She looks over at Hailey. Hailey then got in the video. "It's okay I still love you." She hugs Harley. "I'm just so scared when I forget Zak. I love him so much. I'm scared when I forget him I won't love him anymore." I then come over to her and get in her video. "Don't worry everything will be okay." I kiss her cheek. I sit next to her still being in her video. "Don't worry everything will be okay. Trust Zak and Hailey." She says. "Yeah, we will take care of you." I tell the camera. Then kiss Harley on the cheek. "Kiss kiss." Hailey chants. I turn her head and kiss her. Her lips felt so right on mine. I pull back and smile. "You two are so cute." Hailey smiles at us. "Yeah, my future wife." I kiss her cheek again. The video then ended. "So we are dating?" She ask she me. "Yes." I nod my head. "You love me?" She asks crinkling her brows. "With all of my heart." I admit and take her hand. She pulls back holding her hand to her chest. "Love, please don't be like this."  I beg her I then hold my face in my hands. We are over. She doesn't love me anymore. I cry as she watched me. I then felt her hug me. "Please don't cry." She tells me. "You don't love me anymore." I sob. My baby girl is gone. "I'm sorry. I just don't know you or anything." She continued to hug me. "I wish this never happened to you." I shed bitter tears. My baby girl is gone. "I'm sorry." She rubs my back. I finally stop crying and look at her. "I'm sorry." She tells me. "Please trust me love." I take her hand. This time she didn't pull away. She looked at my face then speaks. "Your beautiful when your not crying." She tells me. "Thanks love." I give her a weak smile. Well at least she thinks im attractive. "Let's go feed you." I get off her bed. I hold out my hand to her so I could help her down. She looked at me and tried to get down herself. She gave up and took my hand. I help her down and lead her down the stairs. "What's your name again?" She asks me softly. "Zachary." I answer her. I lead her to the kitchen table. I pull out her chair and she sits down. "How long have we been dating?" She asks me rudely.  "A year, you don't believe me do you?"  "No I don't. Your cute but I don't believe you." I take our phones out of my pocket and hand them to her. "What's this?"  "A phone, turn it on." I tell her as I go to the cupboard nothing. I would make eggs but she doesn't like eggs lately. "Let's go out to eat." I tell her. "What does that mean?" She looks at me. "We are going to go to a restaurant." I then hold my hand out to her. She take s it and I pull her up. I grab my phone and lead her upstairs. I go in our closet keeping her behind me. I give her an out for them go to her drawer grabbing her some underwear. "Alright get dressed I'll be waiting for you." I tell her. She looked at the clothes confused. "You don't know how do you?"  "No." she looks down at the floor. "Okay take my shirt off." She looks at me scared. "I'm not going to do anything love. I've seen you naked plenty of times." I tell her.  "Why?"  "Because we took showers together and had a lot of sex." I explain to her. "Sex?" She looked at me confused.  "I'll explain that to you after breakfast." "Okay." "Take off your shirt love and I'll each you how to get dressed."  I tell her kindled as I pick up her bra. She takes off my shirt then stands there covering herself up. "Don't be scared Love it's okay." I hand her her bra. "What's this?"  "Your bra. It holds your boobs." I tell her. "What do I do?"  "Okay so you put your arm around though here." I show her. She then slides it on. "Now you hook the back." I go behind her and help her. I hooked it for her then kissed her neck. "What was that?" She jumped.  "I kissed you." I tell her softly.  "That felt good." She tells me. I then wrap my arms around her to kiss her again. "What are you doing?" She freaks out. "Trust me love. I'm just hugging you." "Hugging?" She calms down. "Yes love." I hug her again. "I like that." She tells me.  "We are making progress." I let go and get her panties. She hates when I call them that but oh well. "Okay, take the ones you have on off." I tell her. She listens to me and takes them off. I hand them to her. "Okay you step into these like your going to do with pants."  I expalin. She then steps into them. "Good beautiful." I smile at her. "You think I'm beautiful?" She smiles at me. "Of course I do love. Your the most beautiful woman I know." She then walked over to the mirror and looked at herself. "See perfect." I smile at her. She just starred at her reflection. "Okay let's put the rest of your clothes on." I hand her the shirt. "Okay, so you put your arms in first." I tell her. "Okay you see this tag? That means it goes in the back." I show her. She then puts The shirt on. "Okay, now pants." I hand them to her. She then steps into them. "Very good love. Now your makeup." I get out my phone and play her video she took. She watches it and does her makeup like the video says. I give her slip on shoes and we go to the car. "Okay buckle up." We then drive to IHOP. We go in and get a booth. I order her a water then order her chocolate chip pancakes. My phone then started to buzz. I take it out and see it was Hailey. "Hey girl." I answer her. Harley looked at me shocked. "It's your best friend." I tell her. "Hailey?" She asks me. "Yes." I answer Harley. "Sorry, what's up?"  "How's Harley?"  "Well she forgot everything. She forgot me this morning. " i sigh. "I'm so sorry Zak . Does she trust you? Or I sit she scared of you?"  "Kinda both. She still depends on me and is slowly gaining trust back." I tell her as I stare at Harley who was starring at me. "She still loves to hug and kiss though so we are good there. She hasn't let me kiss her on the lips yet though. I think I'm going to wait until she fully trusts me. "  "that's good idea. Baby steps is the best so you don't scare her away."  "Yeah, I know."  "When is the best time for me and Aaron to come over?"  "Next week. Let her fully trust me first I don't want her to be in a room full of strangers and know one to comfort her."  "Sounds good. Can I talk to her?" She's asks me. "Sure." I put the home on speaker. "She wants to talk to you." I set it down on the table. She looked at me not knowing what to do. "Say hello." I smile at her. "Hello?" She finally says. "Hey Harley, I'm Hailey. I'm your best friend." "Hi Hailey."  "How are you feeling?" Hailey asks her. "Good."  "That's good. I'm going to come see you soon. I want you to know Zak loves you very much and wants the best for you. Trust him okay."  "Okay."  We then hang up and eat. "I trust you." She tells me as she stares at her food. "Your still a bit iffy." I eat my eggs. "What's this brown stuff on my food?"  "Chocolate chips. This is your favorite just try it love." I tell her kindly. She picks up the pancakes with her hands to eat it. "No no put it down love."  She then puts it down. I take her plate and cut her food then add syrup on it. "Okay what you are going to do is use your fork and eat like this. I take a bite and show her. "Okay." She nods. I hand her the plate and fork. She then took a bite. Her eyes just lit up with joy. "You like that?" I smile at her. "Yes." She then ate more. "My throat burns." She tells me. "Your thirsty take a drink." I push her the water. She then drinks all of it. "I guess you were really thirsty." I push her my orange juice. "Why is yours a weird color?" "It's orange juice."  She then tries it and spits it out. "Harley." I wipe the table. I couldn't help but laugh. "I guess you don't like it." I chuckle.  "That's nasty." She makes a scrunched up face. "I'm sorry love." We finish up at the restaurant and go home. I teach her the basic things like go to the bathroom and get food. We hang out at the house until dark. "Let's take a shower love." I take her hand leading her to the bathroom. "Take your clothes off." I tell her as I take mine off and start the shower. I take my pants off then look at her. She was starring at me with a smirk on her face. "What?" I smile at her. "Your beautiful."  "Thank you love." I then take my boxers off. I look at Harley to see she was starring at my crotch. "It's all yours." I wink at her. She then looked down at the floor embarrassed. "Take your clothes off love." She then starts undressing. "How come we don't look a like?" She asks me. "What do you mean?"  "We don't have the same parts."  "That's because I'm a man and your a woman." I explain.  "Oh."  "I'll explain sex to you after the shower." I pull her in. I shut the door feeling the water first. "Why do you have drawings on you?"  "Because I wanted to have them on me."  "I like them." She puts her hand on my back to look at me tattoo. I teach her how to clean herself stealing a kiss or two on her neck. I then go behind her and hug her. "I like this."  "Good wait until I kiss you." I bite her neck softly. We finish up in the shower and go to bed. Harley laid in my arms as we slowly fall asleep. She still loves me. 

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