Chapter 2: Settling in

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Y/n's POV

The twelve 'o' clock bells go off, signalling my shift has officially started. I flicked through the cameras and stared at each creepy, weird animatronics.

I jumped up in defense as I heard the phone ring a few times. "Oh it's just a phone call. Eh, I can't be bothered to listen to you. Mute." I whispered. I didn't return to my seat and stumbled out of the door, making my way down the gloomy hallway.

All of the animatronics were still on stage. I silently stepped towards the three main robots. I stared blankly into their soulless, sad eyes. "Hey um, I know this might be weird but I was thinking, do you guys need a friends or anything. You all look kinda sad and I'm here, ok? I said. My hand slapped my face as I just realised I was speaking to a bunch of dumb, lifeless robots.

I turned around and started heading back to the small office. I froze in place, I felt a hand, a human hand, on my shoulder. My body slowly began to face this other human. I met eyes with a handsome looking brunette, and as I do, I realised Freddy wasn't on stage. My legs turned weak and collapsed onto the floor, making me pass out.


I woke up with a major headache and noticed three people surrounding me. "Hey!? Are you alright?" The blonde haired girl asked. I looked around and noticed two boys crouching at my side. One was really tall with red messy hair and the other was shorter with purple hair. "Um." Was all I could say.

"Hey Freddy she's awake!" The red head yelled. I looked up and my eyes met with the same human I saw not so long ago.  I sat up and shuffled backwards, I ended up hitting the wall.

The four just stared at me in confusion. "How did you manage to get in here?" I managed to get out. The brunette glanced at the others and they gave each other a small nod. My tired eyes closed for a couple of seconds and when I opened them I was met with four animatronics.

"Ahhh!" I screamed, shocked at what I saw.

"Hey, we are not going to kill you!" The rabbit said. "Its us, the ones you saw a few seconds ago." I titled my head slightly, giving them a confused look. 

"Don't question it, but we can somehow turn into humans whenever we feel like it." The fox mumbled, turning back into his human form.

"What's your names? And about what I said before, about having a friend to talk to, I mean it. When I saw you on stage you all looked miserable. I didn't think you could talk or anything, it was just my kind side coming out." I explained. "I'm Y/n by the way."

The blonde suddenly jumped over to me in excitement. "I'm Chica! It's so nice to meet you." She greeted, sticking out a hand for me to shake. I gladly shook the hand and turned to the other three.

"I'm Bonnie." The purple haired one said.

"Foxy." The red head grumbled, jumping off stage and heading towards pirate cove.

"And I'm Freddy, don't worry about Foxy. He's a miserable c*nt." I giggled at the brunette.

"I heard that Fazf*ck!" Foxy yelled, slight anger in his tone.

I was suddenly startled at the sound of the 6am bell. "Oh, I must be going now." I said with a frown. "But I'll see you tomorrow night! It was nice meeting y'all!" I said, exiting the building and strolling over to my car.


"What a night!" I whispered, falling on my bed and snuggling into my cushions. I immediately drifted off into a nice sleep.

6 For Gold (Human, Golden Freddy x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now