Chapter 4: His reasons

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The golden animatronic dashed towards me, he looked at my frightened figure and smirked. He lifted me and threw me over his cold shoulder. He quickly turned his head towards the door when he heard footsteps coming nearer and nearer. We somehow, in the space of three seconds, arrived in a room.

It was a dark room, dimly light by a small, dirty lamp placed on top of an old wooden beside table. A red crimson substance covered parts of the grey walls, some of it splattered on the creaky floorboards blanketed by carpet.

Usually, any normal person, would fight against a person who was kidnapping them to try and escape. I didn't. The need to escape never came to me, I have no reason to explain why, it just didn't come in this situation. I haven't made a sound ,other than breathing, since this thing took me. Not even a whimper to show fear. Nothing. I somehow took in this kidnapping calmly.

He laid me down on a fairly big bed in this centre of the room. "You're kinda quiet princess, I wonder why that is?" He questioned. I sat up and looked in his direction.

"Umm..." Was all I managed to say. The golden figure turned around, and when he turned to face me agaim, he was a human. He was like the others, accept he seemed different, like he witnessed something they hadn't.

After a few minutes of staring blankly at him I gathered up my courage to speak. "What's your name? And err... why am I here?" I mentally kicked myself for asking such stupid questions.

"Well princess, I'm Goldie. And you're here because you are mine." Goldie said coldly, a small smirk tugging at lips. He hovered over me awaiting my response. I raised my left brow at his statement.

"What do you mean 'I'm yours'?" I asked trying to keep my cool. His dirty blonde hair fell in front of his face as he pinned me to the bed.

"You are the first girl to work here, you see. So to stop me from ripping the others into shreds, they promised me I could have the first girl for my pleasure. They tried their hardest to protect you and keep you away but I got to you eventually, so now you're mine." He snarled and let me go and walked to a wall to lean on it.

My body once again filled with fear, I didn't know what this man could do to me. "But what about my family and friends? Will I be able to go home? Why would you want to harm the others?" I asked tripping over every word that came out of my mouth.

Goldie sighed and strolled over to me. He sat down on the bed next to me, slouched his shoulders and rested his head in his slender fingers. "Of course you can go home, but I will keep and eye on you. Every time you come to work I will be waiting for you..." He stopped after that.

"And what part of you would want to bring harm to the others?" I asked again since he didn't answer me the first time. Goldie growled then shot up onto his feet.

"That's none of your business!" He yelled. The blonde stomped towards the door. "Come on, I'll take you home." Goldie sighed, becoming gentle once again.

I felt as if this tall being had many sides to him and angering him will bring hell to my life. He was very unpredictable, and only knowing him for a few hours, I think I should have never chosen this job. I can't exactly back out of it because I need the money, desperately. I juts don't know how I'm going to manage being a toy for his pleasure.

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