Chapter 9: Old Friends

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Goldie's POV

I slowly opened my eyes and unraveled my arm from Y/n's waist. Being as quite as possible, I shuffled out of the comfy blankets and I carefully walked towards the bathroom.

The warm water ran down my body as I washed myself. I used f/f smelling shampoo and f/f bodywash. (F/f = favourite fruit))
My instincts told me that Y/n might like these so I bought them when I went shopping after the intense game of chess.

I hopped out of the shower and wrapped a black towel around my waist. The wardrobe door creaked as I slowly opened it. I picked out what I would usually wear, a black waist coat, black jeans, golden tinted long sleeved shirt and formal dress shoes.

I walked towards the small bedside table and picked up my bow tie and top hat. Gently, I sat on the bed and put on my hat, then my black bow.

On the other side of me, I could hear shuffling and felt movement. A hand suddenly grabbed me and a body was pressed up against me. My eyes landed on Y/n, cuddling me in her sleep. 'How cute.'

I shook my head and lifted her hand off of me. "Goldie, where you going?" Y/n asked lazily. I chuckled as she sat up.

"No where, well, somewhere." She raised an eyebrow at my statement.

"Can I come with you?" She asked, getting out of bed. I hesitated at first, but nodded shortly after.

Y/n's POV

I glanced down and noticed I was wearing one of Goldie's shirts, and my panties. "Did you do this?" I questioned, pointing to the clothes around my body.

"Yeah, sleeping in your uniform must be uncomfortable."

"Thanks. Where is my uniform anyway?" I asked, looking around the room. Goldie strides over to me and lifts my chin up with his finger.

"I threw them away." He whispered coldly. My eyes widened and I pushed his hand away from me.

"What?! What else am I going to wear then?!" I yelled.

Goldie sighed, then suddenly disappeared. I blinked a couple of times. "Um..? Goldie?"

I sighed and sat down on the carpeted floor. I began playing with the carpet, as a way to distract myself. A few minutes passed and I heard shuffling in the room.

"Don't mess with the carpet love, it was expensive." Goldie said, kneeling down to my level. I muttered a sorry and the blonde lifted me back onto my feet.

My eyes landed on a pile of clothes on Goldie's desk. They looked very familiar, I thought they were mine.

"Y/n dear, I went to your flat and brought you something to wear." He stated, handing me a pair of blue jeans, pink and purple shirt and undergarments.

"Thanks, you're the best!" I ran into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Quickly, I changed and got a wash. I dashed out of the bathroom and gave Goldie his shirt back.

"Where are we going then?" I asked, rocking back and forth on my heels.

"To see an old friend." Goldie sighed, grabbing a bundle of silver keys from his drawer. He took my hand in his, which I blushed crazily at. 'Oh God, why blush? Why do you have to embarrass me?' I thought.

I strolled up the wooden stairs with Goldie and exited the back room, my hand still intertwined with his. Goldie poked his head out of the back room door, then looked back at me and nodded.

"Coast is clear." He added. I giggled at his silliness as he pretended to be an assassin , sneaking around the Pizzera. I followed him and we ended up in front of a huge metal door. Goldie pushed it open, to reveal the sun gleaming onto the earth below it. 'Something I haven't seen in a few days.'

Goldie lead me into the car park and pushed me towards a shiny golden lamboghini. I stood there, completely dumbfounded.

"This doesn't happen to be yours, does it?" I mumbled. He chuckled in response and pressed the button in the car key. He swiftly opened the left car door for me. I smiled sweetly and hopped in. Goldie jumped into the drivers seat and started up the engine.


We arrived at a dark part of the town. Goldie pulled into a warehouse car park and turned off the engine. He hopped out as I slowly pushed the car door open.

The dirty blonde haired male walked towards the old building, with me following behind. He slyly wrapped an arm around my waist and gently tugged me closer to him.

We wondered into the place after going through the entrance. Inside was dark and gloomy. Unknown liquids dripped off the ceiling and some dribbled down the walls. The floors were cracked and covered in dust.

Footsteps, other than ours, could be heard. A light snicker echoed throughout the building and Goldie stopped.

"Goldieee! Long time no see!" A male emerged from the darkness. His clothing was dirty and ripped in places. He has dirty blonde hair, like Goldie's, only longer. He had cuts in various places and mucky white bandages wrapped around his wrists. This sketchy male had gold rabbit ears coming out of his blonde locks. One ear was half ripped, while the other was torn in places.

He was like Goldie, with the animal ears and all, except Goldie was bear like his Freddy.

"Hey buddy! Why don't me, you and your lovely lady friend join me for some tea." The male asked, throwing an arm around Goldie's shoulder. I moved away from Goldie's grasp and quietly walked next to him.

"So tell me, how long has it been, pal." The man asked, emphasising the last word.

"Quite a while, SpringTrap."

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