Chapter 12: Flood of old memories.

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Third person POV

Realisation hit Y/n in the face. "Goldie!" She says as she pushed herself away from his embrace. "How long has it been since I've been at my flat?"

Goldie shrugged. "A couple days, my dear. Why would you ask?" Y/n panicked and grabbed the males arm.

"F/N!" She yelled, her e/c orbs wide as the sun. "She's probably freaking out! She hasn't heard or seen me in days!!!" The young female squealed. A wind of realisation smacked the blonde in the face.

"Oh." Goldie mumbled. "Do you want to see her, love?" He asked sweetly. Y/n nodded her head quickly. She looked down and realised she was still in yesterday's clothes.

"Do I have anymore clothes to wear?" She asked sheepishly. Goldie nodded and grabbed one of his old checkered shirts and black jeans. The female examined his old clothing and sighed. 'How old are these?' She thought to myself.

"I had them when I was a teenager, they don't fit anymore but I still kept them." He stated. 'How in the world development he know what I was thinking?!' Y/n wondered. Goldie smirked and shook his head playfully. "You don't need to worry over such things, my dear."

The younger being quickly stripped herself of the outfit Goldie retrieved for her a day ago and carefully dressed herself in his old clothing. The blonde male admired about how cute Y/n looked in his old attire. He shook his head to clear his mind of his dirty wonders as Y/n buttoned up the black and yellow checkered shirt.


Y/n's POV

"Here we are, my sweet." Goldie cooed. I smiled and gave him one last hug before I entered my shared apartment. The silent male waved as I closed the door and with that, he disappeared into thin air.

"I seriously need to ask him how he does that." I muttered to myself. Quietly, I untied the laces on my sneakers and pulled them off. I stretched out my toes and turned around to be faced with a very angry, but relieved and upset, F/n.

She dashed towards me and squeezed me into a hug. I tightly wrapped my arms around her and buried my head into her shoulder. "Oh my Gosh I thought I had lost you!" She cried.

I gently patted her back. "I'm sorry f/n, I just got caught up with work and ended up crashing there." I assured, giggling in the process. Surprisingly, she believed my weak lie and giggled with me.

"Falling asleep at work is not the best option." She said, releasing me. "So, let's have a girly night!"

I victory jumped and grabbed the pizza menu from the set of drawers near the door. "Girls night it is!" I stated in the happiest tone.

Meanwhile - Goldie's POV

I paced across my carpeted floor and the only thought lingering in my mind, was Y/n. 'How could I fall for a simple mortal.'



My stupid self has fallen for a beautiful, young lady. The way she smiles, her cute laugh, soft skin, her h/l h/c locks. Being an immortal like my self, an almost (what some might say) demon, does know simple humans wouldn't be in love with such a monster.

"I'm just a mess!" I yelled, yanking on my hair and dropping to my knees. Tears streamed from my soulless eyes and dripped onto the blood stained carpet.

All the memories came flooding back. The way my 5 year old younger self, followed the purple man, only to let him lead me to my death. After I was stuffed into that horrible suit, I snapped. I abused my brother and friends, brutally hurting them and shouting 'we wouldn't be in this mess if Freddy hadn't have told me to come with him'.

I started hurting them when I could fully control my suit, that was at the age of 7. Gradually, I grew up and found myself getting more antisocial and depressed everyday. At the point where each of us stuffed children reached the age of 13, we found out we could turn into humans, and figured out we couldn't die, which made us immortal.

When my 15th birthday came along, the four other broken teens promised me a friend, that would be a girl, if one ever became a night guard. I carried on living in the basement of Freddy's, wishing one of them dummies would come down and comfort me instead. But no, I became a monster, all because of that purple bitch.

Isolation made me hungrier for blood, which I oddly, I don't know why I would want such a thing. But, I went on a rampage and befriended humans, brought them to my room then brutally murdered their scared self. I stopped when I realised how much of a cold blooded killer I was turning into.

The day finally came and a female night guard showed up. Mainly, I wanted to spill my problems to her and let her comfort my sad self. Instead, I slowly befriend her, then found myself beginning to like her, and I still haven't told her about my past, and my abilities. Y/n, the girl I love, the girl I've fallen for, only if she felt the same...

The memories faded away and I collapsed onto the ground. A heavy sigh escaped from my lips. 'I need to see her.'

12am - Y/n's POV

My f/h/c friend had fallen asleep on the sofa after our crazy girl session. We danced, sang, ate pizza and downed a whole lot of alcoholic beverages. I was completely drunk and decided not the turn up for work today.

Attempting to be quiet, my drunken self stumbling up the stairs and barged into my almost pitch black room. I collapsed onto my soft bed and wrapped myself in my blankets. I tossed and turned but never felt sleep wash over me.

I froze in fear as I felt a light tap on my shoulder. Freaking out, I jolted up and got ready to slap whoever touched me. To my relief, it was Goldie. I wanted to question why he was here, and how he got into my room for starters. "Hey mister G." I slurred.

Goldie looked deep into my eyes and grabbed a hold of my cold hand. His thumb caressed it gently as he sat himself on my bed. "Y/n, I need to ask you a serious question." He said, obvious he was actually being serious.

My eyes widened and I swallowed, scared of what was going to come next. I looked into his dark eyes and tightened my grip on his palm. He bit his lip then raised his head.

"Wil you runaway with me Y/n? Let's get away from everything, just me and you."


1143 frickin words

I will see ya in the next chapter

I am needed by the kittacorns on pineapple planet to save them from floating sunglasses.

-Adios Bitchios 😂

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