Chapter 15: To good to be true

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(Y/n)'s POV

"I'm going to fly the plane for a bit, babe." He said, standing up. I blushed at the nickname and nodded. I drank the last of the wine in my cup and set the glass down.

I pondered over to the bedroom and opened the small door. It wasn't a very big room, only the width of the plane with a double bed in the middle and built in oak cupboards to keep your stuff in. I unzip a (f/c) suitcase with my initials on and find a set of pyjamas, clothes and underwear nearly folded and packed in it.

"Huh, never knew he could fold, and he has a good fashion taste I must say." I pointed out, obviously to myself. I picked up the pj's and stripped myself from the dress I was wearing. Gently, I folded that back up and placed it into the luggage bag. I put on the grey long sleeved pyjama top and slipped on the white bottoms.

I glanced at the bed. 'Screw it.' I thought then pushed the case off of the bed then climbed in. Sleep soon took over me and I slept peacefully on the cosy bed.


I stirred as I felt a person prodding my cheek, telling me to wake up. "Noooo." I groaned.

"(Y/n) we're here darling." Goldie said, still poking me. Lazily, I pushed his hand away from me and rolled over. "Come on love, we're at the airport, we need to go."

I ignored his comment and snuggled into the bed. A light sigh came from him, then he whipped the covers off of the bed and scooped me into his strong arms. Still tired as ever, I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the morning light.

Carefully he dropped me onto a chair and picked up our luggage. He handed them to someone standing at the plane door and walked back over to me. "Can I have a piggy back ride?" I asked him, giving the best puppy dog eyes look to him. He rolled his dark eyes and nodded.

"Get on my lazy princess." He spun around and I balanced myself on the seat after I stood on. I climbed on his back, wrapped my legs around his waist then nuzzled my head into his neck. He stepped off of the plane and trotted down the stairs outside the door.

I looked up and saw a very familiar golden Lamborghini. 'I... never mind... I won't question it.'

A man in fancy uniform opened the passenger door for Goldie, then he helped me off the blonde's back. I hopped into the car and got myself comfortable. My lover followed shortly after that after sharing a few words with the -what could be- an airport guard or officer of some sort.

Goldie's POV

I started up the engine and drove out of the airport and towards the western part of the country we were in. I directed my gaze over to (Y/n) for a second, and of course, the girl had fallen asleep. Gently, I placed my hand on her thigh and stroked it, using one had to steer.

We soon arrived at the place we will be staying at, and I pulled into the car park. Two men came and carried out luggage to where our room is, I thanked them for it as they can see I have a sleeping girl to attend to.

I slipped my arms under (Y/n) and lifted her out of the car. I closed the door with my foot and locket it behind me. Quietly, I made my way up the endless set of stairs until I reached the very top of the building. I unlocked the door and kicked the suitcases in before entering myself.

Being as quiet as possible, I lied my sweet girlfriend onto the white sofa. She was sleeping soundlessly, looking as cute as ever. I tucked a loose strand of her (h/c) hair behind her ear and kissed her forehead. "Goodnight, princess."

(Y/n)'s POV - Morning time, 08:47am

I rubbed the sleep from my (e/c) eyes and sat up on the sofa? I looked around and saw Goldie cooking breakfast in the kitchen?

"Goldie? Where are we?" I asked, my voice still sounding tired. He put the spatula he was using down and walked over to me. He slumped down on the sofa next to me and smiled.

"We're in a pent house, in Paris."

I squealed. "What?! Really?" He nodded and moved over to me. He kissed my cheek and leaned towards my ear.

"It has a swimming pool, cinema room, 5 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a game room, a computer room, art room and everything you can possibly dream of." He informed. I smiled and kissed his cold lips.

The kiss turned heated and after a while I pulled away. I layed back on the sofa and watched him stand up.

He turned to me and smiled. "Breakfast isn't gonna make itself."


Updating days: Friday or Saturday or Sunday.

-Sweet Nightmares :p

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