Chapter 7: Trail and Error

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Y/n's POV

I slowly opened my e/c eyes and glanced around my room. My body immediately jolted up and I sent my gaze darting around the room. I wasn't in my room. I started to panic.

My hand then made contact with my forehead. I facepalmed do to my stupidity. Noticing that I was in Goldie's room, I sat up on his comfy bed.

"Goldie?" I asked, waiting a response. Nothing. A sigh escaped from my lips and fell back into the pillows.

I fluttered my eyelids open to reveal Goldie, prodding me. "Ok, can you stop that." I lazily said, sitting up. He chuckled and placed a silver tray on my lap. I glanced down and saw a plate with bacon, eggs, toast and a cup of orange juice on it.

"Breakfast is served m'lady." He bowed and sat next to me on the bed. I giggled in response and happily dug into my morning meal.

I finished up and gently set the knife and fork beside the plate. "Thanks Goldie. That's was the best meal I've ever eaten."

"You're welcome. I had to get up early to make that, love." He stated, shuffling closer to me. The blonde leaned in and kissed my cheek softly. I blushed and raised my hand to my red cheek. My hand felt that place for a moment.

I snapped back into reality when Goldie spoke again. "I'm going to jump in the shower, and get dressed, since I'm still in my pj's." I looked at him and noticed he was in a pair of black boxers and was wearing a white vest.

"D-did y-ou sleep with... um... with me?" I stuttered.

"Haha, no love. I slept on the floor." He chuckled and entered the small bathroom. I sighed in relief, although sleeping with Goldie doesn't seem like a bad thing. 'Shut it Y/n!' I mentally slapped myself and lifted body from the bed.

I realised I was still in my work clothes so I didn't have to get dressed, plus I had a packet of gum in my pocket, meaning I didn't have to get a wash, so maybe, just maybe I could visit the others. Obviously, I would have to sneak out. But, where in the world was I, for starters.

My eyes landed on a door in the corner of the room. Quietly, I stepped over to it and pulled it open. To my luck, it was unlocked. When the door revealed what was behind it, I saw a set of old wooden stairs straight in front of me.

'Maybe this is the cellar of freddy Fazbears?' I thought. I trotted up the stairs, hoping I wouldn't make them creak as I went up.

When I made it to the top, there was another door. Without a sound, I took the handle in my grasp and pushed it down. The door opened slightly and I slipped out. I closed the door behind me and turned around.

'So it is the underground floor of Freddys.'

I instantly recognized the room I was in. I was in the back room, where all the spare freddy heads were kept. The area was quite dark so I had to make sure I didn't trip over anything.

The door to the back room was already slightly open so I just went through. I spotted Freddy and Bonnie sitting on the stage, talking about something.

I walked over to them. "Hi guys!" I said, catching their attention.

"Y/n!" Bonnie yelled, standing up, then pulling me into a hug. I hugged back. The purple haired male then pulled away and looked into my e/c orbs. "You're back?"

"Hehe, yeah I'm back. Hey Freddy." I waved at the brunette and flashed him a smile.

Freddys eyes widened. "How did you-"

I cut him off. "I sneaked out while Goldie was in the shower. I missed you guys so I thought I would pay you a friendly visit." I said excitedly.

"Y/n!?" A female voice yelled. "Oh my God I can't believe it! You're here!?" Chica ran over to me and crushed me in a hug.

"Hi Chica!"

"Since you're here, and it's Saturday, how about we use our day off to play some games or something." Chica asks, smiling. I looked at the others for a response. The two males were staring at me, signalling that I could decide.

"Sure, why not?" I stated. The excited girl grabbed my hand and dragged me towards a table.

"Come on guys!" She yelled at the others. Freddy and Bonnie trotted over to the table and sat in front of me. Chica pulled out a few games from a cupboard at the end of the white table. "How about monopoly?"


"Ha! I win." I yelled, standing up from my seat and doing a victory jump.

"Rematch anyon-" Chica was interrupted by a laughter. It came from the shadows in the corner of the room. I looked at the others who had fear in their pale faces.

"Well, well, well. Did my dear Y/n think she can get away that easily?" I knew it was Goldie. He emerged from the darkness with his hands behind his back and his dirty blonde bangs covering his eyes.

"No I was jus-" He hushed me before I could continue.

"Don't give me your petty excuses." He growled. The others stood from their chairs and retreated to the stage, away from the threatening figure.

"I'm sorry Goldie, I jus-"

"WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?" His voice boomed. He grabbed my wrist and yanked me towards the back room.

Sneakily, I glanced back at the others and gave them a sorrowful wave. I mouthed 'bye' to them as I was forcefully been dragged away by Goldie.

He pulled me into the back room, swung open the cellar door and dragged me down the stairs. Using his anger, he, again, swung open his room door and pushed me in.

Goldie reached into his pocket and pulled out a key. He used the silver object to lock the door. He stuffed it back into his trouser pocket.

"Now Y/n, you have disobeyed me by visiting them." He stated with pure anger in his usually gentle voice.

"But you never set any rules!" I argued back. Big mistake.

Goldie slammed me onto the bed and hovered over me. He took my wrists and pinned them above my head. "Now, here are the rules. No leaving under any circumstances." He spat. I growled in return.

He didn't like that. Goldie showed me and evil grin, then returned to his cold, angry state.

"Bad girls get punished if they break the rules."


The things I do for you guys

1113 words!!! 1113 freakin' words!!!!!

Well, I'm guessing you guys know what coming next, huh?

-Sweet Nightmares

*Grins evily, then walks into the shadows to write the next chapter.*

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