Chapter 6: Love?

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Goldie noticed this. "Did you get the wrong idea love? When I said pleasure I meant games and fun, that sort of pleasure, pleasure as in happiness." He chuckled. Goldie then sat on the carpeted floor with his legs crossed and the games stacked up in front of him.

"What do you wanna play first?"


"Have you got chess." I asked shyly. Goldie stopped for a moment and thought. He slowly nodded his head and got up from his position to go to the wardrobe. The blonde flung the wardrobe door open and dug into the huge pile of clothes, boxes, and whatever else that he had chucked into it. 

He pulled out a worn out box and lifted up to his mouth. Using a big puff of air, he blew off the dust. The grey mist flew off of the game box into the air in the opposite way.

Goldie smiled at me, not like the mischievous grin I would usually receive, it was a warm smile. This small action seemed to send butterflies flying around inside of me. 'Was I getting feelings for Goldie?' I asked my self. 'No definitely not'

The blonde walked over to me and sat on the cold carpet. He placed the old game box on the ground and sat, once again, with his legs criss-crossed like a child. Goldie lifted the box and held up by its sides, turned it vertical, then shook it until all the game pieces came tumbling out.

"You wanna set it up love, or shall I?" He asked putting on his infamous grin.

I sighed softly and knew exactly what to say. "How about we both do it?" I replied, returning the grin. He smiled in satisfaction and nodded his head, showing agreement.

---Time-Skip--- cos I cant be bothered explaining how to set up chess. :)

Goldie's POV

During the time we were setting up chess, I kept 'accidentally' brushing my hand up against Y/n's. Every time it happened I could see a faint blush appear on her cheeks. She did try to hide it but failed miserably so I'm guessing she hoped I didn't notice. Well at least I know she could feel the same. Never mind. Anyway on with the game.

"Your turn first love~" I cooed. She gave me a slight smile and moved a piece. Her beautiful e/c eyes locked with mine fro at least a few seconds, signalling Y/n was waiting for me to take my turn. Butterflies shot threw me when we locked eyes, to be honest it felt good.

'I think I'm in love.'

'Jeez Goldie, a cold hearted, soulless freak like you can't love.' I kept telling my self.

Y/n's POV

Hours had passed and this chess game had lasted forever. To my luck I was winning! I slightly leaned in towards Goldie and went to grab one of my pieces and move it.

As I leaned in, he did to. My heart felt like it stopped and my cheeks burned up. "G-goldie? W-hat are y-yo-..."

"Shh... don't speak... just... go with it." He whispers, his eyes looking into mine. He leaned closer and so did I. Our lips were inches away and I don't think either of us were going to decided to stop.

I felt the softness of his lips touch mine.

Butterflies sprinted around my body and I felt fireworks set off in me. I actually kissed him. WOW!

After a few seconds he pulled back and re opened his eyes. "You're lips taste nice." He stated. I giggled in response. Goldie then pushed the chess board away, knocking the pieces onto the floor. He crawled over to me, picked me up, stumbled over to his bed, sat down on the end, then placed me onto his lap.

"That... That was a nice kiss." Goldie said playing with a few strands of my h/c hair.

"It was a very nice first kiss." My gaze dropped down to hands which were fiddling with the bottom of Goldie's shirt. He then moved his hand and lifted my chin to make me look at him.

"First kiss?" He asked with a shocked expressed on his face. I nodded and sighed. He sighed as well. "Well, at least you enjoyed it." Goldie said playfully and he lightly poked my stomach. I  giggled again and locked my gaze with his.

"You look tired. Why not have a nap?"

"That would be a good idea, that chess game was stressful." I giggled, resting my head on his chest. He stroked my hair lightly and kissed the top of my head, of course, I blushed from his gentle actions.

Goldie used his strength to pick me up and place me on his soft bed. He tucked me into his fluffy bed and rested the blankets over my small figure. "There, get some rest dear." He whispered, kissing my forehead and walking off to go clean the mess.

'Goldie can be a gentlemen, and then other times he can be an a**' I thought to my self as I drifted off into a deep sleep on my crushes comfy bed.

6 For Gold (Human, Golden Freddy x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now