Chapter 19: Walking down in a white gown

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A/N: Okies my peeps, all the wedding stuff is up there :)

Goldie's POV

I woke up to Y/n shaking me while she sat on top of my waist. "Good morning Goldie." She greeted leaving a small kiss on my cheek.

"Morning." I said, barely even awake.

"Baby my tummy hurts." She whined rolling off of me and onto the bed.

'Its not her period because I would be able to smell the blood, probably from all that junk food last night.' I thought.

I chuckled and wrapped and arm around her waist. "Be from all them sweets yesterday, I'll go get you some paracetamol."

She thanked me as I dragged the covers off of my body and strolled out of our room.

I flicked on the light in the kitchen since it wasn't very bright outside, reminding me of how I first met Y/n.

Smiling to myself, I reached into a cabinet and pulled out the medication box. "So if the plan is going to work, I'm gonna have to use these." I muttered to myself, examing the box of pills.

Swiftly, I popped out two sleeping tablets and one paracetamol then dropped them into a glass. I half filled it with water and carried it back to Y/n.

"Here love." I placed the cup down and watched her drink it.

"What did you put in here babe?" She asked, her eyes becoming droopy.

"Two paracetamol and one ibuprofen." I lied to her, walking over to the closet and picking out today's outfit.

She nodded sleepily and layed back down. I began putting on some black jeans as I watched her drift off.

I slipped on a white button up long sleeved shirt and rolled up the sleeves a bit. I quickly put the buttons through their assigned holes and stepped over to my sleeping fiance.

"Cutie~ you'll be so happy when you wake up again." I kissed her forehead and stroked her cheek gently.

---Time-Skip--- (1 Day later)

Y/n's POV

I woke up to a sound of a familiar woman's voice. "Y/n, wake up honey." I felt her shake my shoulder slightly as I stirred. "Y/n come on!"

A bit dazed, I shot up in bed and looked around my familiar surroundings. "Mum?"

She looked at me and smiled. "Hi baby." My sweet mother wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me into a hug. "My god I've missed you, you just disappeared for four months and I was worried sick. Y/n where were you? I called and texted you but you didn't answer."

"I'm sorry mum, I lost my phone."

"Then to get a knock on my door at three in the morning was a shocker."

I pulled out of my mum's grasp and looked at her confused. She took a heavy sigh and smiled again. "That boyfriend of yours dropped you off saying todays the big day."

"Big day?" I asked, now extremely confused.

"Oh my Y/n, it's your wedding day!" She got off of my bed and walked over to the wardrobe. She pulled out a beautiful wedding gown, bundle of flowers and vail.

"But how? Me and Goldie didn't even plan the wedding..." I mumbled.

"Your amazing lover boy sent out invitations last week and told me this morning before he walked back to his car that today is the day and that I need to get you ready and what not."

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