Chapter 27-- Soleis

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I ride home on my motorcycle, thoughts of this date whirling in my head. Did she like me? Is she weirded out by me? Did I push her too much with all of that?

As I walk in the door, Pixie rushes up to me.

"Soleis, I have an emergency, but it's nonexistent. I just wanted you home to interrogate you about where you were. So. . . Where exactly were you?"

I blush slightly. "A book store."

She narrows her eyes. "With whom?"

"This girl I just. . . Know."

"How do you know her?" Her eyes bore into mine.

"Um. . . She may or may not kinda sorta be my. . ." I looked down and mumbled. "Soulmate."

Pixie's eyes widened and she squealed. "You met your soulmate? And didn't tell me?"

I blushed darkly and she walked up to me, putting a hand on my shoulder. "I'm so sorry that I got in the way of true love. If you want, you can call her back and tell her that it was nothing. I can personally apologise to her if you want."

I looked up at her. "No, you don't have to do that. She seemed ready to go anyway. She was probably sick of me at that point." I walked towards my room. "I'll just text her and tell her what happened, and reschedule something."

I closed my door behind me and flopped onto my bed. I pulled out my phone and texted Aries,

'Hey, sorry. Pix was being weird.'

I closed my phone and rummaged in my purse for a second, pulling out my sketch pad. I ran my fingers over the drawing of the bird, relishing the fact that Aries touched it.

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