Chapter 30-- Aries

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I woke up with my headphones still in my ear. My stomach growls. I'm starving because I forgot to eat dinner last night. Whoops. That's what I get for watching Netflix for 3 hours.

I rolled out of bed and stumbled to the kitchen. I grabbed a bagel and sit on the tiny kitchen counter eating it.

I love bagels. They are the best food, I'm not kidding. I register at the back of my mind that this is an odd conversation to have with myself but I dismiss it. I would eat bagels for every meal if I could. Well. . . That and ramen. I wonder if Soleis likes bagels. Maybe we could go to a bagel place together! I think that exists. . .

Soleis! I have another date with her tonight! That snaps me out of my bagel thoughts and I stuff the remaining piece  into my mouth.

What am I supposed to wear? I used up my only "cute" outfit yesterday. I pull on a random t-shirt and trousers and grab my keys.

It's time to go shopping.

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