Chapter 15--- Soleis

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I walked down the street, towards the coffee shop. When I was about halfway there, I texted Raymond to see where he was.

'Hey, are you on your way?'

'Yeah. I'm already here. You have something specific you want?'

'Yes, please. Get me a number 7 with a shot of espresso and two sugars.'

'Got it. See you here. '

'See ya. '

I walked a little faster, knowing that Raymond would be waiting for me. I got there in five minutes and walked inside. I spotted Raymond at the counter, picking up our coffees, and I walked over to him. 

"Hey," I said, tapping his shoulder. He turned around and smiled at the sight of me. 

"Hey. Here's your coffee." I took it from his hand and sipped it, my body slightly melting from the sudden intake of caffeine.

Raymond noticed my reaction and smiled crookedly. I blushed darkly and turned away.

"I like coffee, okay." He laughed and hugged me to his side. 

"So do I." I blushed darker and walked out of his grasp, uncomfortable for some odd reason. I rushed over to a table and sat down, Raymond following me and sitting across from me.

I sipped my coffee to hide my blush, and Raymond just watched me, this really cute look on his face. The butterflies that were swarming in my stomach decided to storm, and I blushed even harder. His phone dinged and he took it out of his pocket to see what was there. He looked up at me. 

"I need to make a call, I'll be right back." I nodded. 

"Go ahead." He stood up and walked outside, and I heard the first small snippet of his call as he walked out the door. 

"Hey, babe. What's up?"

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