All of the Lights

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Chapter One

I think by the time I was thirteen I had wanted to move out of my parents' house. I didn't like them. The only reason I stayed was because of my older sister, Bianca. She made my home a home. She made my family a family. Once she left for college, everything started to tear apart. Mom and dad would fight constantly, and I would be the innocent by-stander. As much as I wanted to stay out of their arguments, my mother or father would bring me into it, making me choose sides. I hated them for it. It was unfair. I tried to keep quiet, but would only get yelled at for doing so. When I expressed my opinion, I'd also get yelled at. It was a lose-lose situation. I kept telling myself, one more day. One more day and I'll run away and leave this life for good, but I knew I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't have anywhere to go, I'd have nothing to eat and absolutely no money.

My life was taking a turn for the worse until Bianca introduced me to her friend, Rob Henneries. Rob was a famous actor who lived in Beverly Hills. He was twenty years old at the time. He was a tall, muscular man with a personality that anyone could get along with. He and I clicked at once, and soon I was visiting him on the weekends. He brought me a sense of peace. I knew with him, everything would be ok. Once I turned 16, he offered to have me move in with him. He knew I hated where I was. I was ecstatic and of course said yes. Thankfully, my parents trusted Rob with all of their hearts and let me go. We all knew that he wouldn't try anything funny. He was too old for me, and he had an honest heart. Besides, things between Rob and I weren't like that. It was a strictly brother-sister relationship, nothing romantic. I'm not sure how Bianca happened to run into him and get to know him, but I'm glad she did.

Now, I am nineteen years old and Rob is twenty-six. Without Rob, I would be nowhere. I would be no one. I wouldn't be the huge success I am today...

"Still sleeping?" Rob opened the door to my room and walked in. He sat down on the edge of my bed. I rolled over and pulled the covers over my face.

"C'mon, sleepy-head. I've got a friend coming over in an hour. It's Sam Bernard, and he really wants to meet you." Once the name Sam Bernard left Rob's mouth I propped myself up.

"Sam Bernard?" I shrieked. Sam Bernard had been my celebrity crush for awhile. He was in a well-known alternative band called Undirected, and was the amazing lead vocalist. Not to mention he was my age and extremely attractive.

"Someone has a little crush on Sam?" Rob smirked. "No surprise that he somewhat likes you as well. Just no pulling anything funny, kid. The whole world's watching you."

"Sam Bernard likes me? Come on. You're joking! You just want to make me look like a fool in front of him, huh?" I elbowed him in the stomach.

"No, no, I'm serious! He's really wanted to meet you. Keeps telling me that he thinks you're gorgeous. I've been hesitant on letting him come over because... You're my little sister, dude. I don't want any boys all up on you. Gross." He made a fake gagging noise to show his disgust. 

"Aww, Robby. That's so sweet, but I'm nineteen years old. I think I can handle myself."

"Yeah, but it's my responsibility to make sure you can. I'm not afraid to break any of my friendships just to keep you..." He trailed off, not sure of what word to use.

"A virgin?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Yeah, yeah, that... But I was trying to think of a... more sanitary way of saying it." Rob shuddered. "But seriously, take it slow. Ok?" He patted my foot and started to stand up.

I smiled at him and watched him leave my room, shutting the door behind him. Once he was gone, I flung myself out of bed and got ready for the day ahead of me. Clothes were being thrown everywhere. I think I tried on at least thirty different outfits. After exhausting all of my cute clothes options, I gave up. I pulled on a pair of leggings and a funky sweatshirt that some brand had sent me. You don't need to dress up for a dude, Riley... Act casual. When I walked downstairs, Rob was laying on the couch texting. He looked up from his phone when I entered the room.

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