Chapter Ten

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As the night continued, I felt like myself. I was laughing and having a fantastic time with good friends. Part of me even forgot about how much I missed Sam.

I still can't believe I miss him. Don't fall too deep, Riles. Don't be desperate.

And with that, I forced a happy smile on my face when we passed the paparazzi


Chapter Ten

As the weeks went on, I started to miss Sam more and more. I also started to develop deeper feelings for him. We would FaceTime and text every chance we could. At one point, Cody started texting me, telling me to stop texting Sam because I was distracting him from an interview. Ha!

Finally, Sam was on his way home. He was spending the night in Nevada, playing one more concert, and then coming back to California. I was so excited to see him. I had to be patient, though.

Two more days. Just two more days. This is going to suck when I go on tour... Our schedules are going to get so busy.

"Riley!" A familiar voice yelled from outside. Rob wasn't home, so it couldn't have been him. I walked over to the window and peeked outside. It was Cody.

What the...?

I ran downstairs and opened the door, letting him inside. He engulfed me in a hug.

"What are you doing here? How'd you get pass the gate?" I laughed, hugging him back.

"We came home early, so I'm kidnapping you. And Sam told me the code." Cody winked, pulling me towards his car.

"But how'd you get home early?" I was so confused.

"Stop asking questions, and come with me before Rob gets back!" Cody laughed. He continued to pull me towards the car.

"Wait, but... What?" I couldn't register what was happening in my brain correctly. This all was overwhelming and confusing.

"Rob is going to be back at 7pm. It's 2pm. If we leave now, we can have you back before 7... Therefore, you won't get sass from Rob about hanging with us." Cody explained. He hopped into the drivers side of the car.

"How do you know all of this?" I buckled up and shut the passengers side of the car.

"I just do." He smirked. "Oh, and Sam doesn't know you're coming. I decided I should surprise him."

"What? Cody!"

"It'll be fine! He's been whining about you the whole tour. 'Ugh, I miss Riley!' 'When are we going home?' 'I want to see Riley!' The kid is a lovesick puppy." Cody mocked Sam jokingly.

"Why hasn't Sam told me you guys were here early?" I questioned. Cody began to drive towards their house.

"Because he wanted to surprise you. I'm beating him to it, though."

"You're such a dick." I joked and lightly hit his arm. He looked at me and stuck his tongue out.

"I think you meant to call me an amazing friend." He gave me a smug look.

"Whatever floats your boat, kiddo." I laughed and turned up the radio. Cody and I sang obnoxiously to 'Mirrors' by Justin Timberlake, having a fun time.

"So how was your tour?" I laughed at Cody as he pinched his nose and waved his hand, imitating a scuba diver.

"It was awesome. Man, I love this life." Cody responded.

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