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C h a p t e r   F o u r

Throw me to the wolves and I'll return leading the pack.

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Early morning wind spiraled the surrounding air, causing the leaves in the trees to sway and brush against each other, creating a rustling noise. The temperature continued to drop from the incoming winter that rushed towards us at blinding speed, Colorado received the same temperatures but this was to a different degree; luckily Mom bought winter clothes when she heard of the move, knowing before I had known, my old ones forgotten at the old house.

The morning light brightened the area, giving it a bluish glow that drenched the objects making up the outside of the school, the area favored a winter wonderland that you would see in movies —minus the snow. I stood outside the car leaned against its door, my arms crossed as I gaze up at the tall building that will soon become my new school.

The school had three entrances, stone columns holding up another set of columns, the reason for the building's tall structures, its red bricks structuring the rest of the school; windows stacked upon each other among the wall. On top of the school's entrance, white letters presented words that read;

Home To The Wolves

"Oooh my goodness, this place is so beautiful," Mom exclaimed as she exited the car.

I scoff, momentarily shooting a glance her way before shaking my head. "School isn't supposed to be beautiful, Mom, it's a hell hole and always will be." I rebuked, the sound of the passenger door closing.

She crosses the short distance between us, wrapping her arm around my shoulder the second she was close, pulling me to her side. "Awh, honey, school can't be that bad."

Giving her a look, the action only causes her to laugh. My eyes reach heavenward as I return my attention back to the building, irritation swimming through my veins. It was clear that I didn't want to be here but that didn't stop them from bringing me either way, eager for me to start school. I couldn't even get a day to adjust to the move, all the information brought down on me not even less than forty-eight hours ago.

Scanning the open windows, the rooms seem to be occupied with heads popping up into every-so-often, on the second level my eyes suddenly collide with brown ones that belonged to a boy that looked down from the window of the classroom.

It was hard to make out his features from the distance but his eyes stood out the most, almost glowing as they stared back into mine, holding me captive; despite the brown color they glowed almost hazel from the shift in the clouds that brought rays from the sun to slant against his face. Electricity zipped down the length of my spine that caused me to shiver, goosebumps rising to attention on my arms under my coat; the frigid atmosphere not being the only reason for it. The connection was broken when the sound of keys jiggling rings through the air, bringing me back to look over at Dad as he comes to stand beside us, papers in his hands.


I nod once and Mom squeezes my shoulder, pulling me forward as we walk in sync, up the stairs. My eyes linger on the spot the boy sat to find his figure gone. Shaking my head, I let it go, not sure if I would see him again, the imprint of his eyes burning in my mind. Once we make it to the doors, Dad holds it open for us to walk inside, passing under his arm, a blast of cool air hits us in the face almost instantly.

"Isn't it cold enough outside? Jesus." I comment, shivering and rubbing at my arms.

The halls were empty, considering we arrived a couple of days after the other students started back classes. There was nothing but a hand full of students that lingered in the halls, their gazes soon falling upon my form when the doors behind us shut with a loud thud. Ignoring their curious looks, I turn my attention back to the interior of the school — the walls reaching high and curving into a point, lockers lining up and down the length.

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